
434 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import struct
import sys
import time
from io import RawIOBase
from typing import Callable, Collection, Optional, cast
from bluepy import btle
from libscrc import modbus
from feasycom_ble import BTLEUart
MAC = "DC:0D:30:9C:61:BA"
# write_service = "0000ffd0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
# read_service = "0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
POSSIBLE_MARKER = (0x01, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0xFF)
# get(255, 12, 2)
# "ff 03 00 0c 00 02"
CMD_GET_1 = b"\xff\x03\x00\x0c\x00\x02"
# > ff 03 04 20 20 20 20
# get(255, 12, 8)
# ff 03 00 0c 00 08
CMD_GET_MODEL = b"\xff\x03\x00\x0c\x00\x08"
# > ff 03 10 20 20 20 20 4d 4c 32 34 32 30 20 20 20 20 20 20
# Device SKU: ML2420
# get(255, 20, 4)
# ff 03 00 14 00 04
CMD_GET_VERSION = b"\xff\x03\x00\x14\x00\x04"
# > ff 03 08 00 04 02 00 02 00 00 03
# CC ?? 11 22 33 ?? 44 55 66
# Version: 4.2.0
# get(255, 24, 3)
# ff 03 00 18 00 03
CMD_GET_SERIAL = b"\xff\x03\x00\x18\x00\x03"
# > ff 03 06 3c 13 02 67 00 01
# CC 11 22 33 33 ?? ??
# SN: 60-19-0615
# get(255, 256, 7)
# ff 03 01 00 00 07
CMD_GET_BATTERY_STATE = b"\xff\x03\x01\x00\x00\x07"
# > ff 03 0e 00 48 00 7e 00 1d 0e 0d 00 7e 00 1c 00 03
# CC 11 11 22 22 33 33 44 55 66 66 77 77 88 88
# 1: Battery charge: 72 %
# 2: Battery voltage: 12.6 V
# 3: Battery current: 0.29 A
# 4: Internal temperature?
# 5: External temperature probe for battery signet 8bit: 13 degC
# 6: Load voltage: 12.6 V
# 7: Load current: 0.28 A
# 8: Load power: 3 W
# get(255, 263, 4)
# ff 03 01 07 00 04
CMD_GET_PANEL_STATUS = b"\xff\x03\x01\x07\x00\x04"
# > ff 03 08 00 c8 00 14 00 04 00 01
# CC 11 11 22 22 33 33 ?? ??
# 1: Panel voltage: 20.0 V
# 2: Panel current: 0.20 A
# 3: Panel power: 4 W
# Charging status?
# set(255, 266, 1 or 0)
# ff 06 01 0a 00 01
CMD_ENABLE_LOAD = b"\xff\x06\x01\x0a\x00\x01"
CMD_DISABLE_LOAD = b"\xff\x06\x01\x0a\x00\x00"
# get(255, 267, 21)
# ff 03 01 0b 00 15
CMD_GET_LOAD_PARAMETERS = b"\xff\x03\x01\x0b\x00\x15"
# > ff 03 2a 00 7c 00 7f 00 51 00 20 00 0a 00 03 00 00 00 00 00
# > 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# > 00 00 00 00 00
# get(255, 288, 3)
# ff 03 01 20 00 03
CMD_GET_2 = b"\xff\x03\x01\x20\x00\x03"
# > ff 03 06 80 02 00 00 00 00
# CC 11 22 33 33 33 33
# 1: boolean flag?: 1
# 2: ?: 2
# 3: ?: 0
# get(255, 57345, 33)
# ff 03 e0 01 00 21
CMD_GET_BATTERY_PARAMETERS = b"\xff\x03\xe0\x01\x00\x21"
# > ff 03 42 07 d0 00 c8 ff 0c 00 02 00 a0 00 9b 00 92 00 90 00
# > 8a 00 84 00 7e 00 78 00 6f 00 6a 64 32 00 05 00 78 00 78 00
# > 1e 00 03 00 41 00 a3 00 4b 00 a3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# > 0f 00 05 00 05 00 04 01 00
# 33 * uint16
# get(1, 61440, 10)
# 01 03 f0 00 00 0a
CMD_GET_HISTORICAL_TODAY = b"\x01\x03\xf0\x00\x00\x0a"
CMD_GET_HISTORICAL_YESTERDAY = b"\x01\x03\xf0\x01\x00\x0a"
CMD_GET_HISTORICAL_D2 = b"\x01\x03\xf0\x02\x00\x0a"
CMD_GET_HISTORICAL_D3 = b"\x01\x03\xf0\x03\x00\x0a"
# ,- battery_min_voltage
# | ,- battery_max_voltage
# | | ,- ?1 max charge %?
# | | | ,- ?2
# | | | | ,- charge_max_power
# | | | | | ,- discharge_max_power
# | | | | | | ,- charge_amp_hour
# | | | | | | | ,- discharge_amp_hour
# | | | | | | | | ,- production_power
# | | | | | | | | | ,- consumption_power
# _|___ _|___ _|___ _|___ _|___ _|___ _|___ _|___ _|___ _|___
# > 01 03 14 00 7c 00 7f 00 51 00 20 00 0a 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# > 01 03 14 00 7c 00 7f 00 53 00 20 00 0a 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# battery_min_voltage = 12.4 V
# battery_max_voltage = 12.7 V
# ?1 = 83 % ?
# ?2 =
# charge_max_power = 10 W
# discharge_max_power = 3 W
# charge_amp_hour = 0 Ah
# discharge_amp_hour = 0 Ah
# production_power = 0 Wh
# consumption_power = 0 Wh
# ff 78 00 00 00 01
CMD_ = b"\xff\x78\x00\x00\x00\x01"
# CMD_GET_BATTERY_STATE = b'\xff\x03\x01\x00\x00\x07'
# > ff 03 0e 00 48 00 7e 00 1d 0e 0d 00 7e 00 1c 00 03
# CC 11 11 22 22 33 33 44 55 66 66 77 77 88 88
# 1: Battery charge: 72 %
# 2: Battery voltage: 12.6 V
# 3: Battery current: 0.29 A
# 4: Internal temperature?
# 5: External temperature probe for battery signed 8bit: 13 degC
# 6: Load voltage: 12.6 V
# 7: Load current: 0.28 A
# 8: Load power: 3 W
# CMD_GET_PANEL_STATUS = b'\xff\x03\x01\x07\x00\x04'
# > ff 03 08 00 c8 00 14 00 04 00 01
# CC 11 11 22 22 33 33 ?? ??
# > ff 03 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# 1: Panel voltage: 20.0 V
# 2: Panel current: 0.20 A
# 3: Panel power: 4 W
# ?: load_enabled
# Only factor of 1000
SI_PREFIXES_SMALL = "mµnpfazy"
def humanize_number(data, unit: str = ""):
counter = 0
while data >= 1000:
data /= 1000
counter += 1
if counter >= len(SI_PREFIXES_LARGE):
while data < 1:
data *= 1000
counter -= 1
if abs(counter) >= len(SI_PREFIXES_SMALL):
if not counter:
prefix = ""
elif counter > 0:
prefix = SI_PREFIXES_LARGE[counter - 1]
elif counter < 0:
prefix = SI_PREFIXES_SMALL[abs(counter) - 1]
return f"{data:.3g} {prefix}{unit}"
class DataItem:
name: str
st_format: str
unit: Optional[str]
transformation: Optional[Callable]
def __init__(
name: str,
st_format: str,
unit: Optional[str] = None,
transform: Optional[Callable] = None,
): = name
self.st_format = st_format
self.unit = unit
self.transformation = transform
if self.st_format[0] not in "@=<>!":
self.st_format = "!" + self.st_format
def st_size(self) -> int:
return struct.calcsize(self.st_format)
def transform(self, data):
if self.transformation is None:
return data
return self.transformation(data)
def parse_temperature(bin):
if bin & 0x80:
return (bin & 0x7F) * -1
return bin & 0x7F
DataItem("battery_charge", "H", "%"),
DataItem("battery_voltage", "H", "V", lambda n: n / 10),
DataItem("battery_current", "H", "A", lambda n: n / 100),
DataItem("internal_temperature", "B", "°C", parse_temperature),
DataItem("battery_temperature", "B", "°C", parse_temperature),
DataItem("load_voltage", "H", "V", lambda n: n / 10),
DataItem("load_current", "H", "A", lambda n: n / 100),
DataItem("load_power", "H", "W"),
DataItem("panel_voltage", "H", "V", lambda n: n / 10),
DataItem("panel_current", "H", "A", lambda n: n / 100),
DataItem("panel_power", "H", "W"),
DataItem("load_enabled", "x?", transform=bool),
def parse(data: bytes, items: Collection[DataItem], offset: int = 0) -> dict:
pos = offset
res = {}
for i in items:
res[] = i.transform(struct.unpack_from(i.st_format, data, offset=pos)[0])
pos += i.st_size
return res
def parse_battery_state(data: bytes) -> dict:
return parse(data, DATA_BATTERY_STATE)
DataItem("battery_voltage_min", "H", "V", lambda n: n / 10),
DataItem("battery_voltage_max", "H", "V", lambda n: n / 10),
DataItem("charge_max_current", "H", "A", lambda n: n / 100),
DataItem("_discharge_max_current?", "H", "A", lambda n: n / 100),
DataItem("charge_max_power", "H", "W"),
DataItem("discharge_max_power", "H", "W"),
DataItem("charge_amp_hour", "H", "Ah"),
DataItem("discharge_amp_hour", "H", "Ah"),
DataItem("production_power", "H", "Wh"),
DataItem("consumption_power", "H", "Wh"),
DataItem("run_days", "H"),
DataItem("discharge_count", "H"),
DataItem("full_charge_count", "H"),
DataItem("total_charge_amp_hours", "L", "Ah"),
DataItem("total_discharge_amp_hours", "L", "Ah"),
DataItem("total_production_power", "L", "Wh"),
DataItem("total_consumption_power", "L", "Wh"),
def parse_historical_entry(data: bytes) -> dict:
res = parse(data, HISTORICAL_DATA[:10])
res_datalen = sum([x.st_size for x in HISTORICAL_DATA[:10]])
if len(data) > res_datalen:
res.update(parse(data, HISTORICAL_DATA[10:], offset=res_datalen))
return res
def write(fh, data):
bdata = bytes(data)
crc = modbus(bdata)
bcrc = bytes([crc & 0xFF, (crc & 0xFF00) >> 8])
fh.write(data + bcrc)
def construct_request(address, words=1, action=ACTION_READ, marker=0xFF):
assert marker in POSSIBLE_MARKER, f"marker should be one of {POSSIBLE_MARKER}"
return struct.pack("!BBHH", marker, action, address, words)
def log(*message: object):
print(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(" "), *message)
def parse_packet(data):
tag, operation, size = struct.unpack_from("BBB", data)
_unpacked = struct.unpack_from(f"<{size}BH", data, offset=3)
crc = _unpacked[-1]
payload = _unpacked[:-1]
calculated_crc = modbus(bytes([tag, operation, size, *payload]))
if crc != calculated_crc:
e = ValueError(f"CRC missmatch: expected {crc:04X}, got {calculated_crc:04X}.")
e.tag = tag
e.operation = operation
e.size = size
e.payload = payload
e.crc = crc
e.calculated_crc = calculated_crc
raise e
return payload
def readMemory(fh: RawIOBase, address: int, words: int = 1):
# log(f"Reading {words} words from 0x{address:04X}")
write(fh, construct_request(address, words=words))
header =
if header and len(header) == 3:
tag, operation, size = header
data =
_crc =
if data and _crc:
crc = struct.unpack_from("<H", _crc)[0]
calculated_crc = modbus(bytes([tag, operation, size, *data]))
if crc == calculated_crc:
return data
class Periodical:
prev: float
interval: float
def __init__(self, interval: float, start: Optional[float] = None):
self.prev = time.time() - interval if start is None else start
self.interval = interval
def __call__(self, now: Optional[float] = None) -> bool:
if now is None:
now = time.time()
if (now - self.prev) >= self.interval:
skipped, overshoot = divmod(now - self.prev, self.interval)
skipped -= 1
if skipped:
log("Skipped:", skipped, overshoot, now - self.prev, self.interval)
self.prev = now - overshoot
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
per_voltages = Periodical(interval=15)
per_current_hist = Periodical(interval=60)
while True:
with BTLEUart(MAC, timeout=10) as dev:
# write(dev, construct_request(0, 32))
# Memory dump
# for address in range(0, 0x10000, 16):
# log(f"Reading 0x{address:04X}...")
# write(wd, construct_request(address, 16))
days = 7
res = readMemory(dev, 0x010B, 21)
if res:
d = parse_historical_entry(res)
days = cast(int, d.get("run_days", 7))
for i in range(days):
res = readMemory(dev, 0xF000 + i, 10)
if res:
d = parse_historical_entry(res)
log({i: d})
while True:
now = time.time()
if per_voltages(now):
res = readMemory(dev, 0x0100, 11)
if res:
d = parse_battery_state(res)
except struct.error as e:
log("0x0100 Unpack error:", len(res), res)
log("Flushed from read buffer; ",
if per_current_hist(now):
res = readMemory(dev, 0x010B, 21)
if res:
d = parse_historical_entry(res)
except struct.error as e:
log("0x010B Unpack error:", len(res), res)
log("Flushed from read buffer; ",
# print(".")
# if STATUS.get('load_enabled'):
# write(wd, CMD_DISABLE_LOAD)
# else:
# write(wd, CMD_ENABLE_LOAD)
except btle.BTLEDisconnectError:
log("ERROR: Disconnected")
except KeyboardInterrupt: