
159 lines
4.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-01-07 21:18:30 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import struct
import sys
import time
from io import RawIOBase
from typing import Callable, Collection, Optional
from libscrc import modbus
from .constants import ACTION_READ, POSSIBLE_MARKER
from .lib.feasycom_ble import BTLEUart
from .solar_types import DATA_BATTERY_STATE, HISTORICAL_DATA, DataItem
from .util import log
def write(fh, data):
bdata = bytes(data)
crc = modbus(bdata)
bcrc = bytes([crc & 0xFF, (crc & 0xFF00) >> 8])
fh.write(data + bcrc)
def construct_request(address, words=1, action=ACTION_READ, marker=0xFF):
assert marker in POSSIBLE_MARKER, f"marker should be one of {POSSIBLE_MARKER}"
return struct.pack("!BBHH", marker, action, address, words)
def parse(data: bytes, items: Collection[DataItem], offset: int = 0) -> dict:
pos = offset
res = {}
for i in items:
res[] = i.transform(struct.unpack_from(i.st_format, data, offset=pos)[0])
pos += i.st_size
return res
def parse_battery_state(data: bytes) -> dict:
return parse(data, DATA_BATTERY_STATE)
def parse_historical_entry(data: bytes) -> dict:
res = parse(data, HISTORICAL_DATA[:10])
res_datalen = sum([x.st_size for x in HISTORICAL_DATA[:10]])
if len(data) > res_datalen:
res.update(parse(data, HISTORICAL_DATA[10:], offset=res_datalen))
return res
def parse_packet(data):
tag, operation, size = struct.unpack_from("BBB", data)
_unpacked = struct.unpack_from(f"<{size}BH", data, offset=3)
crc = _unpacked[-1]
payload = _unpacked[:-1]
calculated_crc = modbus(bytes([tag, operation, size, *payload]))
if crc != calculated_crc:
e = ValueError(f"CRC missmatch: expected {crc:04X}, got {calculated_crc:04X}.")
e.tag = tag
e.operation = operation
e.size = size
e.payload = payload
e.crc = crc
e.calculated_crc = calculated_crc
raise e
return payload
def discardUntil(fh: RawIOBase, byte: int, timeout=10) -> Optional[int]:
assert byte >= 0 and byte < 256, f"byte: Expected 8bit unsigned int, got {byte}"
def expand(b: Optional[bytes]):
if b is None:
return b
return b[0]
start = time.time()
discarded = 0
read_byte = expand(
while read_byte != byte:
if read_byte is not None:
if not discarded:
log("Discarding", end="")
discarded += 1
print(f" {read_byte:02X}", end="")
if time.time() - start > timeout:
read_byte = None
read_byte = expand(
if discarded:
return read_byte
def readMemory(fh: RawIOBase, address: int, words: int = 1) -> Optional[bytes]:
# log(f"Reading {words} words from 0x{address:04X}")
request = construct_request(address, words=words)
# log("Request:", request)
write(fh, request)
tag = discardUntil(fh, 0xFF)
if tag is None:
return None
header =
if header and len(header) == 2:
operation, size = header
data =
_crc =
if data and _crc:
crc = struct.unpack_from("<H", _crc)[0]
except struct.error:
log(f"readMemory: CRC error; read {len(_crc)} bytes (2 expected)")
return None
calculated_crc = modbus(bytes([tag, operation, size, *data]))
if crc == calculated_crc:
return data
log(f"readMemory: CRC error; {crc:04X} != {calculated_crc:04X}")
log("data or crc is falsely", header, data, _crc)
return None
def try_read_parse(
dev: BTLEUart,
address: int,
words: int = 1,
parser: Optional[Callable] = None,
) -> Optional[dict]:
while attempts:
attempts -= 1
res = readMemory(dev, address, words)
if res:
if parser:
return parser(res)
except struct.error as e:
log("0x0100 Unpack error:", len(res), res)
log("Flushed from read buffer; ",
log(f"No data read, expected {words*2} bytes (attempts left: {attempts})")
return None