mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 18:15:43 +00:00
603 lines
19 KiB
603 lines
19 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import collections
import logging
import requests
import os
import urllib
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcvfs
import clientinfo
import downloadutils
import read_embyserver as embyserver
from utils import window, settings, language as lang, urllib_path, create_id
log = logging.getLogger("EMBY."+__name__)
class PlayUtils():
play_session_id = None
method = "DirectPlay"
force_transcode = False
def __init__(self, item, listitem, **kwargs):
self.info = kwargs
self.item = item
self.listitem = listitem
self.clientInfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo()
self.emby = embyserver.Read_EmbyServer()
self.server = window('emby_server%s' % window('emby_currUser'))
self.play_session_id = str(create_id()).replace("-", "")
def get_play_url(self, force_transcode=False):
''' New style to retrieve the best playback method based on sending
the profile to the server. Based on capabilities the correct path is returned,
including livestreams that need to be opened by the server
self.force_transcode = force_transcode
info = self.get_playback_info()
url = False if info == False else None
if info:
url = info['Path'].encode('utf-8')
window('emby_%s.play.json' % url, {
'playmethod': self.method,
'playsession_id': self.play_session_id,
'mediasource_id': info.get('Id') or self.item['Id']
if self.method == "DirectPlay":
# Log filename, used by other addons eg subtitles which require the file name
window('embyfilename', value=url)
log.info("playback info: %s", info)
log.info("play method: %s play url: %s", self.method, url)
return url
def _is_media_selection(self):
if self.item['MediaType'] != 'Video':
log.debug("MediaType not video detected.")
return False
elif self.item['Type'] == 'TvChannel':
log.debug("TvChannel detected.")
return False
elif len(self.item['MediaSources']) == 1 and self.item['MediaSources'][0]['Type'] == 'Placeholder':
log.debug("Placeholder detected.")
return False
elif 'SourceType' in self.item and self.item['SourceType'] != 'Library':
log.debug("SourceType not library detected.")
return False
return True
def get_playback_info(self):
# Get the playback info for the current item
info = self.emby.get_playback_info(self.item['Id'], self.get_device_profile())
media_sources = info['MediaSources']
# Select the mediasource
if not media_sources:
log.error('No media sources found: %s', info)
selected_source = media_sources[0]
if 'MediaSourceId' in self.info:
for source in media_sources:
if source['Id'] == self.info['MediaSourceId']:
selected_source = source
elif not self._is_media_selection():
log.info("Special media type detected. Skip source selection.")
elif len(media_sources) > 1:
# Offer choices
sources = []
for source in media_sources:
sources.append(source.get('Name', "na"))
resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().select("Select the source", sources)
if resp > -1:
selected_source = media_sources[resp]
log.info("No media source selected.")
return False
return self.get_optimal_source(selected_source)
def get_optimal_source(self, source):
''' Because we posted our deviceprofile to the server, only streams will be
returned that can actually be played by this client so no need to check bitrates etc.
if (not self.force_transcode and (self.is_h265(source) or self.is_strm(source) or
(source['SupportsDirectPlay'] and settings('playFromStream') == "false" and self.is_file_exists(source)))):
# Do nothing, path is updated with our verification if applies.
source['Path'] = self.get_http_path(source, self.force_transcode or source['SupportsDirectStream'] == False)
log.debug('get source: %s', source)
return source
def is_file_exists(self, source):
path = self.get_direct_path(source)
if xbmcvfs.exists(path) or ":" not in path:
log.info("Path exists or assumed linux or web.")
self.method = "DirectPlay"
source['Path'] = path
return True
log.info("Failed to find file.")
return False
def is_strm(self, source):
if source['Container'] == "strm":
log.info('Strm detected.')
self.method = "DirectPlay"
source['Path'] = self.get_direct_path(source)
return True
return False
def is_h265(self, source):
if source['MediaStreams']:
force_transcode = False
for stream in source['MediaStreams']:
if self._is_h265(stream) or self._is_high10(stream):
force_transcode = True
if force_transcode:
source['Path'] = self.get_http_path(source, True)
return True
return False
def _is_h265(cls, stream):
if stream['Type'] == "Video" and stream['Codec'] in ("hevc", "h265"):
if settings('transcode_h265') == "true":
log.info("Force transcode h265/hevc detected.")
return True
return False
def _is_high10(cls, stream):
if stream.get('Profile') == "High 10":
if settings('transcodeHi10P') == "true":
log.info("Force transcode hi10p detected.")
return True
return False
def get_direct_path(self, source):
path = source['Path']
if 'VideoType' in source:
if source['VideoType'] == "Dvd":
path = "%s/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO" % path
elif source['VideoType'] == "BluRay":
path = "%s/BDMV/index.bdmv" % path
# Assign network protocol
if path.startswith('\\\\'):
path = path.replace('\\\\', "smb://")
path = path.replace('\\', "/")
if "://" in path:
# Protocol needs to be lowercase, otherwise weird things happen.
protocol = path.split('://')[0]
path = path.replace(protocol, protocol.lower())
return path
def get_http_path(self, source, transcode=False):
if transcode and settings('ignoreTranscode') and source['MediaStreams']:
# Specified by user should not be transcoded.
ignore_codecs = settings('ignoreTranscode').split(',')
for stream in source['MediaStreams']:
if stream['Type'] == "Video" and stream['Codec'] in ignore_codecs:
log.info("Ignoring transcode for: %s", stream['Codec'])
transcode = False
url = self.get_transcode_url(source) if transcode else self.get_direct_url(source)
url += "&MediaSourceId=%s" % source['Id']
url += "&PlaySessionId=%s" % self.play_session_id
url += "&api_key=%s" % downloadutils.DownloadUtils().get_token()
return url
def get_direct_url(self, source):
self.method = "DirectStream"
if self.item['Type'] == "Audio":
url = "%s/emby/Audio/%s/stream.%s?static=true" % (self.server, self.item['Id'], self.item['MediaSources'][0]['Container'])
url = "%s/emby/Videos/%s/stream?static=true" % (self.server, self.item['Id'])
# Append external subtitles
if settings('enableExternalSubs') == "true":
self.set_external_subs(source, url)
return url
def get_transcode_url(self, source):
self.method = "Transcode"
item_id = self.item['Id']
url = urllib_path("%s/emby/Videos/%s/master.m3u8" % (self.server, item_id), {
'VideoCodec': "h264",
'AudioCodec': "ac3",
'MaxAudioChannels': 6,
'deviceId': self.clientInfo.get_device_id(),
'VideoBitrate': self.get_bitrate() * 1000
# Limit to 8 bit if user selected transcode Hi10P
if settings('transcodeHi10P') == "true":
url += "&MaxVideoBitDepth=8"
# Adjust the video resolution
url += "&maxWidth=%s&maxHeight=%s" % (self.get_resolution())
# Select audio and subtitles
url += self.get_audio_subs(source)
return url
def set_external_subs(self, source, play_url):
subs = []
mapping = {}
item_id = self.item['Id']
streams = source['MediaStreams']
if not source['MediaStreams']:
log.info("No media streams found.")
temp = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.emby/temp/").decode('utf-8')
''' Since Emby returns all possible tracks together, sort them.
IsTextSubtitleStream if true, is available to download from server.
kodi_index = 0
for stream in streams:
if stream['Type'] == "Subtitle" and stream['IsExternal'] and stream['IsTextSubtitleStream']:
index = stream['Index']
url = self.server + stream['DeliveryUrl']
if 'Language' in stream:
filename = "Stream.%s.%s" % (stream['Language'].encode('utf-8'), stream['Codec'])
subs.append(self._download_external_subs(url, temp, filename))
except Exception as error:
# Map external subtitles for player.py
mapping[kodi_index] = index
kodi_index += 1
window('emby_%s.indexMapping.json' % play_url, value=mapping)
def _download_external_subs(cls, src, dst, filename):
if not xbmcvfs.exists(dst):
path = os.path.join(dst, filename)
response = requests.get(src, stream=True)
except Exception as e:
response.encoding = 'utf-8'
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
del response
return path
def get_audio_subs(self, source):
''' For transcoding only
Present the list of audio/subs to select from, before playback starts.
Returns part of the url to append.
prefs = ""
streams = source['MediaStreams']
audio_streams = collections.OrderedDict()
subs_streams = collections.OrderedDict()
if streams:
''' Since Emby returns all possible tracks together, sort them.
IsTextSubtitleStream if true, is available to download from server.
for stream in streams:
index = stream['Index']
stream_type = stream['Type']
if stream_type == "Audio":
codec = stream['Codec']
channel = stream.get('ChannelLayout', "")
if 'Language' in stream:
track = "%s - %s - %s %s" % (index, stream['Language'], codec, channel)
track = "%s - %s %s" % (index, codec, channel)
audio_streams[track] = index
elif stream_type == "Subtitle":
if 'Language' in stream:
track = "%s - %s" % (index, stream['Language'])
track = "%s - %s" % (index, stream['Codec'])
if stream['IsDefault']:
track = "%s - Default" % track
if stream['IsForced']:
track = "%s - Forced" % track
subs_streams[track] = index
dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
skip_dialog = int(settings('skipDialogTranscode') or 0)
audio_selected = None
if self.info.get('AudioStreamIndex'):
audio_selected = self.info['AudioStreamIndex']
elif skip_dialog in (0, 1):
if len(audio_streams) > 1:
selection = list(audio_streams.keys())
resp = dialog.select(lang(33013), selection)
audio_selected = audio_streams[selection[resp]] if resp else source['DefaultAudioStreamIndex']
else: # Only one choice
audio_selected = audio_streams[next(iter(audio_streams))]
audio_selected = source['DefaultAudioStreamIndex']
prefs += "&AudioStreamIndex=%s" % audio_selected
prefs += "&AudioBitrate=384000" if streams[audio_selected].get('Channels', 0) > 2 else "&AudioBitrate=192000"
if self.info.get('SubtitleStreamIndex'):
index = self.info['SubtitleStreamIndex']
if index:
server_settings = self.emby.get_server_transcoding_settings()
if server_settings['EnableSubtitleExtraction'] and streams[index]['SupportsExternalStream']:
self._get_subtitles(source, index)
prefs += "&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % index
elif (skip_dialog in (0, 2) and len(subs_streams) > 1):
selection = list(['No subtitles']) + list(subs_streams.keys())
resp = dialog.select(lang(33014), selection)
if resp:
index = subs_streams[selection[resp]] if resp > -1 else sources.get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex')
if index is not None:
server_settings = self.emby.get_server_transcoding_settings()
if server_settings['EnableSubtitleExtraction'] and streams[index]['SupportsExternalStream']:
self._get_subtitles(source, index)
prefs += "&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % index
return prefs
def _get_subtitles(self, source, index):
url = [("%s/Videos/%s/%s/Subtitles/%s/Stream.srt"
% (self.server, self.item['Id'], source['Id'], index))]
log.info("Set up subtitles: %s %s", index, url)
def get_bitrate(self):
''' Get the addon video quality
Max bit rate supported by server: 2147483 (max signed 32bit integer)
bitrate = {
'0': 664,
'1': 996,
'2': 1320,
'3': 2000,
'4': 3200,
'5': 4700,
'6': 6200,
'7': 7700,
'8': 9200,
'9': 10700,
'10': 12200,
'11': 13700,
'12': 15200,
'13': 16700,
'14': 18200,
'15': 20000,
'16': 25000,
'17': 30000,
'18': 35000,
'16': 40000,
'17': 100000,
'18': 1000000
return bitrate.get(settings('videoBitrate'), 2147483)
def get_device_profile(self):
return {
"Name": "Kodi",
"MaxStreamingBitrate": self.get_bitrate() * 1000,
"MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate": 1280000,
"TimelineOffsetSeconds": 5,
"Identification": {
"ModelName": "Kodi",
"Headers": [
"Name": "User-Agent",
"Value": "Kodi",
"Match": 2
"TranscodingProfiles": [
"Container": "mp3",
"AudioCodec": "mp3",
"Type": 0
"Container": "ts",
"AudioCodec": "aac",
"VideoCodec": "h264",
"Type": 1
"Container": "jpeg",
"Type": 2
"DirectPlayProfiles": [
"Container": "",
"Type": 0
"Container": "",
"Type": 1
"Container": "",
"Type": 2
"ResponseProfiles": [],
"ContainerProfiles": [],
"CodecProfiles": [],
"SubtitleProfiles": [
"Format": "srt",
"Method": 2
"Format": "sub",
"Method": 2
"Format": "srt",
"Method": 1
"Format": "ass",
"Method": 1,
"DidlMode": ""
"Format": "ssa",
"Method": 1,
"DidlMode": ""
"Format": "smi",
"Method": 1,
"DidlMode": ""
"Format": "dvdsub",
"Method": 1,
"DidlMode": ""
"Format": "pgs",
"Method": 1,
"DidlMode": ""
"Format": "pgssub",
"Method": 1,
"DidlMode": ""
"Format": "sub",
"Method": 1,
"DidlMode": ""
def get_resolution(self):
window = xbmcgui.Window()
return window.getWidth(), window.getHeight()