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angelblue05 dc7cfd54c3 Music and parentid changes
Verify for artists on albums without musicbrainzid with same name
2018-09-13 02:08:30 -05:00

197 lines
7.2 KiB

create_artist = """ SELECT coalesce(max(idArtist), 1)
FROM artist
create_album = """ SELECT coalesce(max(idAlbum), 0)
FROM album
create_song = """ SELECT coalesce(max(idSong), 0)
FROM song
create_genre = """ SELECT coalesce(max(idGenre), 0)
FROM genre
get_artist = """ SELECT idArtist, strArtist
FROM artist
WHERE strMusicBrainzArtistID = ?
get_artist_obj = [ "{ArtistId}","{Name}","{UniqueId}"
get_artist_by_name = """ SELECT idArtist
FROM artist
WHERE strArtist = ?
get_artist_by_id = """ SELECT *
FROM artist
WHERE idArtist = ?
get_artist_by_id_obj = [ "{ArtistId}"
get_album_by_id = """ SELECT *
FROM album
WHERE idAlbum = ?
get_album_by_id_obj = [ "{AlbumId}"
get_song_by_id = """ SELECT *
FROM song
WHERE idSong = ?
get_song_by_id_obj = [ "{SongId}"
get_album = """ SELECT idAlbum
FROM album
WHERE strMusicBrainzAlbumID = ?
get_album_obj = [ "{AlbumId}","{Title}","{UniqueId}","{Artists}","album"
get_album_by_name = """ SELECT idAlbum, strArtists
FROM album
WHERE strAlbum = ?
get_album_artist = """ SELECT strArtists
FROM album
WHERE idAlbum = ?
get_album_artist_obj = [ "{AlbumId}","{strAlbumArtists}"
get_genre = """ SELECT idGenre
FROM genre
WHERE strGenre = ?
get_total_episodes = """ SELECT totalCount
FROM tvshowcounts
WHERE idShow = ?
add_artist = """ INSERT INTO artist(idArtist, strArtist, strMusicBrainzArtistID)
VALUES (?, ?, ?)
add_album = """ INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strAlbum, strMusicBrainzAlbumID, strReleaseType)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
add_single = """ INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strGenres, iYear, strReleaseType)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
add_single_obj = [ "{AlbumId}","{Genre}","{Year}","single"
add_song = """ INSERT INTO song(idSong, idAlbum, idPath, strArtists, strGenres, strTitle, iTrack,
iDuration, iYear, strFileName, strMusicBrainzTrackID, iTimesPlayed, lastplayed,
rating, comment, dateAdded)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_song_obj = [ "{SongId}","{AlbumId}","{PathId}","{Artists}","{Genre}","{Title}","{Index}",
add_genre = """ INSERT INTO genre(idGenre, strGenre)
VALUES (?, ?)
add_genres_obj = [ "{AlbumId}","{Genres}","album"
update_path = """ UPDATE path
SET strPath = ?
WHERE idPath = ?
update_path_obj = [ "{Path}","{PathId}"
update_role = """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO role(idRole, strRole)
VALUES (?, ?)
update_role_obj = [ 1,"Composer"
update_artist_name = """ UPDATE artist
SET strArtist = ?
WHERE idArtist = ?
update_artist_name_obj = [ "{Name}","{ArtistId}"
update_artist = """ UPDATE artist
SET strGenres = ?, strBiography = ?, strImage = ?, strFanart = ?, lastScraped = ?
WHERE idArtist = ?
update_link = """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO album_artist(idArtist, idAlbum, strArtist)
VALUES (?, ?, ?)
update_link_obj = [ "{ArtistId}","{AlbumId}","{Name}"
update_discography = """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO discography(idArtist, strAlbum, strYear)
VALUES (?, ?, ?)
update_discography_obj = [ "{ArtistId}","{Title}","{Year}"
update_album = """ UPDATE album
SET strArtists = ?, iYear = ?, strGenres = ?, strReview = ?, strImage = ?,
iUserrating = ?, lastScraped = ?, strReleaseType = ?
WHERE idAlbum = ?
update_album_obj = [ "{Artists}","{Year}","{Genre}","{Bio}","{Thumb}","{Rating}","{LastScraped}",
update_album_artist = """ UPDATE album
SET strArtists = ?
WHERE idAlbum = ?
update_song = """ UPDATE song
SET idAlbum = ?, strArtists = ?, strGenres = ?, strTitle = ?, iTrack = ?,
iDuration = ?, iYear = ?, strFilename = ?, iTimesPlayed = ?, lastplayed = ?,
rating = ?, comment = ?, dateAdded = ?
WHERE idSong = ?
update_song_obj = [ "{AlbumId}","{Artists}","{Genre}","{Title}","{Index}","{Runtime}","{Year}",
update_song_artist = """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO song_artist(idArtist, idSong, idRole, iOrder, strArtist)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
update_song_artist_obj = [ "{ArtistId}","{SongId}",1,"{Index}","{Name}"
update_song_album = """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO albuminfosong(idAlbumInfoSong, idAlbumInfo, iTrack,
strTitle, iDuration)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
update_song_album_obj = [ "{SongId}","{AlbumId}","{Index}","{Title}","{Runtime}"
update_song_rating = """ UPDATE song
SET iTimesPlayed = ?, lastplayed = ?, rating = ?
WHERE idSong = ?
update_song_rating_obj = [ "{PlayCount}","{DatePlayed}","{Rating}","{KodiId}"
update_genre_album = """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO album_genre(idGenre, idAlbum)
VALUES (?, ?)
update_genre_song = """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO song_genre(idGenre, idSong)
VALUES (?, ?)
update_genre_song_obj = [ "{SongId}","{Genres}","song"
delete_genres_album = """ DELETE FROM album_genre
WHERE idAlbum = ?
delete_genres_song = """ DELETE FROM song_genre
WHERE idSong = ?
delete_artist = """ DELETE FROM artist
WHERE idArtist = ?
delete_album = """ DELETE FROM album
WHERE idAlbum = ?
delete_song = """ DELETE FROM song
WHERE idSong = ?