
1003 lines
48 KiB

# LibrarySync
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcvfs
import json
import sqlite3
import inspect
import threading
import urllib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time
import urllib2
import os
from API import API
import Utils as utils
from DownloadUtils import DownloadUtils
from ReadEmbyDB import ReadEmbyDB
from ReadKodiDB import ReadKodiDB
from WriteKodiDB import WriteKodiDB
addondir = xbmc.translatePath(xbmcaddon.Addon(id='').getAddonInfo('profile'))
dataPath = os.path.join(addondir,"library")
movieLibrary = os.path.join(dataPath,'movies')
tvLibrary = os.path.join(dataPath,'tvshows')
class LibrarySync():
def syncDatabase(self):
#set some variable to check if this is the first run
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
startupDone = WINDOW.getProperty("startup") == "done"
syncInstallRunDone = addon.getSetting("SyncInstallRunDone") == "true"
WINDOW.setProperty("SyncDatabaseRunning", "true")
if(WINDOW.getProperty("SyncDatabaseShouldStop") == "true"):
utils.logMsg("Sync Database", "Can not start SyncDatabaseShouldStop=True", 0)
return True
completed = True
# sync movies
if(syncInstallRunDone == False): # on first install run do a full sync with model progress dialog
completed = completed and self.TvShowsSync(True, True)
completed = completed and self.MoviesSync(True, True)
completed = completed and self.MusicVideosSync(True, True)
elif(startupDone == False): # on first run after startup do a inc then a full sync
self.TvShowsSync(False, False)
self.MoviesSync(False, False)
self.MusicVideosSync(False, False)
self.TvShowsSync(True, False)
self.MoviesSync(True, False)
self.MusicVideosSync(True, False)
else: # on scheduled sync do a full sync
self.TvShowsSync(True, False)
self.MoviesSync(True, False)
self.MusicVideosSync(True, False)
# set the install done setting
if(syncInstallRunDone == False and completed):
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='') #force a new instance of the addon
addon.setSetting("SyncInstallRunDone", "true")
# set prop to show we have run for the first time
WINDOW.setProperty("startup", "done")
WINDOW.setProperty("SyncDatabaseRunning", "false")
return True
def MoviesSync(self, fullsync, installFirstRun, itemList = []):
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
pDialog = None
startedSync =
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
dbSyncIndication = addon.getSetting("dbSyncIndication")
if(installFirstRun or dbSyncIndication == "Dialog Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
elif(dbSyncIndication == "BG Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.create('Sync DB', 'Sync DB')
totalItemsAdded = 0
totalItemsUpdated = 0
totalItemsDeleted = 0
allEmbyMovieIds = list()
views = ReadEmbyDB().getCollections("movies")
viewCount = len(views)
viewCurrent = 1
progressTitle = ""
for view in views:
#process new movies
allMB3Movies = ReadEmbyDB().getMovies(id = view.get('id'), fullinfo=True, fullSync = fullsync, itemList = itemList)
allKodiIds = set(ReadKodiDB().getKodiMoviesIds(True))
return False
if(allMB3Movies == None):
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing " + view.get('title') + " " + str(viewCurrent) + " of " + str(viewCount)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(allMB3Movies) + 1
count = 1
for item in allMB3Movies:
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
item['Tag'] = []
if item["Id"] not in allKodiIds:
totalItemsAdded += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Adding Movie: " + str(count))
count += 1
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing " + view.get('title') + " " + str(viewCurrent) + " of " + str(viewCount)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle, "")
total = len(allMB3Movies) + 1
count = 1
#process updates
allKodiMovies = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovies(True)
for item in allMB3Movies:
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
item['Tag'] = []
if allKodiMovies != None:
kodimovie = allKodiMovies.get(item["Id"], None)
kodimovie = None
userData = API().getUserData(item)
WINDOW.setProperty("EmbyUserKey" + userData.get("Key"), item.get('Id') + ";;" + item.get("Type"))
if(kodimovie != None):
#WriteKodiDB().updateMovieToKodiLibrary(item, kodimovie)
updated = WriteKodiDB().updateMovieToKodiLibrary_Batched(item, kodimovie)
totalItemsUpdated += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Movie: " + str(count))
count += 1
viewCurrent += 1
# process box sets - TODO cope with movies removed from a set
if fullsync and addon.getSetting("syncMovieBoxSets") == "true":
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : BoxSets"
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Movie: " + str(count))
utils.logMsg("Sync Movies", "BoxSet Sync Started", 1)
boxsets = ReadEmbyDB().getBoxSets()
if(pDialog != None):
total = len(boxsets) + 1
count = 1
for boxset in boxsets:
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating BoxSet: " + str(count) + " of " + str(total))
count += 1
return False
boxsetMovies = ReadEmbyDB().getMoviesInBoxSet(boxset["Id"])
for boxsetMovie in boxsetMovies:
return False
utils.logMsg("Sync Movies", "BoxSet Sync Finished", 1)
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Removing Deleted Items"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle, "")
return False
# process any deletes only at fullsync
if fullsync:
allKodiIds = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMoviesIds(True)
allEmbyMovieIds = set(allEmbyMovieIds)
for kodiId in allKodiIds:
if not kodiId in allEmbyMovieIds:
totalItemsDeleted += 1
return False
# display notification if set up
notificationString = ""
if(totalItemsAdded > 0):
notificationString += "Added:" + str(totalItemsAdded) + " "
if(totalItemsUpdated > 0):
notificationString += "Updated:" + str(totalItemsUpdated) + " "
if(totalItemsDeleted > 0):
notificationString += "Deleted:" + str(totalItemsDeleted) + " "
timeTaken = - startedSync
timeTakenString = str(int(timeTaken.seconds / 60)) + ":" + str(timeTaken.seconds % 60)
utils.logMsg("Sync Movies", "Finished " + timeTakenString + " " + notificationString, 0)
if(dbSyncIndication == "Notify OnChange" and notificationString != ""):
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Movie Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
elif(dbSyncIndication == "Notify OnFinish"):
if(notificationString == ""):
notificationString = "Done"
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Movie Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
if(pDialog != None):
return True
def TvShowsSync(self, fullsync, installFirstRun, itemList = []):
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
pDialog = None
startedSync =
dbSyncIndication = addon.getSetting("dbSyncIndication")
if(installFirstRun or dbSyncIndication == "Dialog Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
elif(dbSyncIndication == "BG Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.create('Sync DB', 'Sync DB')
totalItemsAdded = 0
totalItemsUpdated = 0
totalItemsDeleted = 0
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing Episodes"
# incremental sync --> new episodes only
if not fullsync:
latestMBEpisodes = ReadEmbyDB().getLatestEpisodes(fullinfo = True, itemList = itemList)
utils.logMsg("Sync TV", "Inc Sync Started on : " + str(len(latestMBEpisodes)) + " : " + str(itemList), 1)
if latestMBEpisodes != None:
allKodiTvShowsIds = set(ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShowsIds(True))
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(latestMBEpisodes) + 1
count = 1
# process new episodes
for episode in latestMBEpisodes:
if episode["SeriesId"] in allKodiTvShowsIds:
#only process tvshows that already exist in the db at incremental updates
allKodiTVShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(False)
kodishow = allKodiTVShows.get(episode["SeriesId"],None)
kodiEpisodes = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(kodishow["tvshowid"],True,True)
return False
#we have to compare the lists somehow
comparestring1 = str(episode.get("ParentIndexNumber")) + "-" + str(episode.get("IndexNumber"))
matchFound = False
if kodiEpisodes != None:
KodiItem = kodiEpisodes.get(comparestring1, None)
if(KodiItem != None):
matchFound = True
progressAction = "Checking"
if not matchFound:
#no match so we have to create it
print "creating episode in incremental sync!"
progressAction = "Adding"
totalItemsAdded += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, progressAction + " Episode: " + str(count))
count += 1
#process updates
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing Episodes"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(latestMBEpisodes) + 1
count = 1
for episode in latestMBEpisodes:
if episode["SeriesId"] in allKodiTvShowsIds:
#only process tvshows that already exist in the db at incremental updates
allKodiTVShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(False)
kodishow = allKodiTVShows.get(episode["SeriesId"],None)
kodiEpisodes = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(kodishow["tvshowid"],True,True)
return False
userData = API().getUserData(episode)
WINDOW.setProperty("EmbyUserKey" + userData.get("Key"), episode.get('Id') + ";;" + episode.get("Type"))
#we have to compare the lists somehow
comparestring1 = str(episode.get("ParentIndexNumber")) + "-" + str(episode.get("IndexNumber"))
if kodiEpisodes != None:
KodiItem = kodiEpisodes.get(comparestring1, None)
if(KodiItem != None):
WriteKodiDB().updateEpisodeToKodiLibrary(episode, KodiItem)
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Episode: " + str(count))
count += 1
# full sync --> Tv shows and Episodes
if fullsync:
allTVShows = list()
allMB3EpisodeIds = list() #for use with deletions
allKodiEpisodeIds = [] # for use with deletions
tvShowData = ReadEmbyDB().getTVShows(True,True)
allKodiIds = set(ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShowsIds(True))
return False
if (tvShowData == None):
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing TV Shows"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(tvShowData) + 1
count = 1
for item in tvShowData:
if item.get('IsFolder'):
progMessage = "Processing"
if item["Id"] not in allKodiIds:
totalItemsAdded += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Adding Tv Show: " + str(count))
count += 1
#process episodes first before updating tvshows
allEpisodes = list()
showTotal = len(allTVShows)
showCurrent = 1
# do episode adds
for tvshow in allTVShows:
episodeData = ReadEmbyDB().getEpisodes(tvshow,True)
allKodiTVShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(False)
if allKodiTVShows != None:
kodishow = allKodiTVShows.get(tvshow,None)
if kodishow != None:
kodiEpisodes = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(kodishow["tvshowid"],True,True)
kodiEpisodes = None
kodiEpisodes = None
if episodeData != None:
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing Tv Show " + str(showCurrent) + " of " + str(showTotal)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(episodeData) + 1
count = 0
#we have to compare the lists somehow
# TODO --> instead of matching by season and episode number we can use the uniqueid
for item in episodeData:
comparestring1 = str(item.get("ParentIndexNumber")) + "-" + str(item.get("IndexNumber"))
matchFound = False
if kodiEpisodes != None:
KodiItem = kodiEpisodes.get(comparestring1, None)
if(KodiItem != None):
matchFound = True
progressAction = "Checking"
if not matchFound:
#double check the item it might me added delayed by the Kodi scanner
if ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodeByMbItem(item["Id"],tvshow) == None:
#no match so we have to create it
progressAction = "Adding"
totalItemsAdded += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, progressAction + " Episode: " + str(count))
count += 1
showCurrent += 1
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing TV Shows"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle, "")
total = len(allTVShows) + 1
count = 1
#process updates at TV Show level
allKodiTVShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(True)
for item in tvShowData:
if item.get('IsFolder'):
if allKodiTVShows != None:
kodishow = allKodiTVShows.get(item["Id"],None)
kodishow = None
if(kodishow != None):
updated = WriteKodiDB().updateTVShowToKodiLibrary(item,kodishow)
totalItemsUpdated += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Tv Show: " + str(count))
count += 1
# do episode updates
showCurrent = 1
for tvshow in allTVShows:
episodeData = ReadEmbyDB().getEpisodes(tvshow,True)
kodiEpisodes = None
allKodiTVShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(False)
if allKodiTVShows != None:
kodishow = allKodiTVShows.get(tvshow,None)
if kodishow != None:
kodiEpisodes = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(kodishow["tvshowid"],True,True)
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing Tv Show " + str(showCurrent) + " of " + str(showTotal)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(episodeData) + 1
count = 0
#we have to compare the lists somehow
for item in episodeData:
#add episodeId to the list of all episodes for use later on the deletes
comparestring1 = str(item.get("ParentIndexNumber")) + "-" + str(item.get("IndexNumber"))
matchFound = False
userData = API().getUserData(item)
WINDOW.setProperty("EmbyUserKey" + userData.get("Key"), item.get('Id') + ";;" + item.get("Type"))
if kodiEpisodes != None:
KodiItem = kodiEpisodes.get(comparestring1, None)
if(KodiItem != None):
updated = WriteKodiDB().updateEpisodeToKodiLibrary(item, KodiItem)
totalItemsUpdated += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Episode: " + str(count))
count += 1
#add all kodi episodes to a list with episodes for use later on to delete episodes
#the mediabrowser ID is set as uniqueID in the NFO... for some reason this has key 'unknown' in the json response
if kodishow != None:
show = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(kodishow["tvshowid"],False,False)
if show != None:
for episode in show:
dict = {'episodeid': str(episode["uniqueid"]["unknown"]),'tvshowid': tvshow}
showCurrent += 1
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Removing Deleted Items"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
return False
# process any deletes only at fullsync
allMB3EpisodeIds = set(allMB3EpisodeIds)
for episode in allKodiEpisodeIds:
if episode.get('episodeid') not in allMB3EpisodeIds:
WINDOW.setProperty("embyid" + str(episode.get('episodeid')),"deleted")
totalItemsDeleted += 1
if fullsync:
allKodiShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShowsIds(True)
allMB3TVShows = set(allTVShows)
for show in allKodiShows:
if not show in allMB3TVShows:
totalItemsDeleted += 1
return False
# display notification if set up
notificationString = ""
if(totalItemsAdded > 0):
notificationString += "Added:" + str(totalItemsAdded) + " "
if(totalItemsUpdated > 0):
notificationString += "Updated:" + str(totalItemsUpdated) + " "
if(totalItemsDeleted > 0):
notificationString += "Deleted:" + str(totalItemsDeleted) + " "
timeTaken = - startedSync
timeTakenString = str(int(timeTaken.seconds / 60)) + ":" + str(timeTaken.seconds % 60)
utils.logMsg("Sync Episodes", "Finished " + timeTakenString + " " + notificationString, 0)
if(dbSyncIndication == "Notify OnChange" and notificationString != ""):
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Episode Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
elif(dbSyncIndication == "Notify OnFinish"):
if(notificationString == ""):
notificationString = "Done"
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Episode Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
if(pDialog != None):
return True
def MusicVideosSync(self, fullsync, installFirstRun):
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
pDialog = None
dbSyncIndication = addon.getSetting("dbSyncIndication")
if(installFirstRun or dbSyncIndication == "Dialog Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
elif(dbSyncIndication == "BG Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.create('Sync DB', 'Sync DB')
allEmbyMusicVideoIds = list()
progressTitle = ""
#process new musicvideos
allMB3MusicVideos = ReadEmbyDB().getMusicVideos(True, fullsync)
allKodiIds = set(ReadKodiDB().getKodiMusicVideoIds(True))
return False
if(allMB3MusicVideos == None):
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing Musicvideos"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(allMB3MusicVideos) + 1
count = 1
for item in allMB3MusicVideos:
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
if item["Id"] not in allKodiIds:
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Adding Musicvideo: " + str(count))
count += 1
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing musicvideos"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle, "")
total = len(allMB3MusicVideos) + 1
count = 1
#process updates
allKodiMusicVideos = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMusicVideos(True)
for item in allMB3MusicVideos:
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
if allKodiMusicVideos != None:
kodimusicvideo = allKodiMusicVideos.get(item["Id"], None)
kodimusicvideo = None
if(kodimusicvideo != None):
WriteKodiDB().updateMusicVideoToKodiLibrary_Batched(item, kodimusicvideo)
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating MusicVideo: " + str(count))
count += 1
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Removing Deleted Items"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle, "")
return False
# process any deletes only at fullsync
if fullsync:
allKodiIds = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMusicVideoIds(True)
allEmbyMusicVideoIds = set(allEmbyMusicVideoIds)
for kodiId in allKodiIds:
if not kodiId in allEmbyMusicVideoIds:
return False
if(pDialog != None):
return True
def updatePlayCounts(self):
#update all playcounts from MB3 to Kodi library
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
pDialog = None
startedSync =
processMovies = True
processTvShows = True
if(WINDOW.getProperty("SyncDatabaseShouldStop") == "true"):
utils.logMsg("Sync PlayCount", "Can not start SyncDatabaseShouldStop=True", 0)
return True
if(WINDOW.getProperty("updatePlayCounts_Running") == "true"):
utils.logMsg("Sync PlayCount", "updatePlayCounts Already Running", 0)
return False
WINDOW.setProperty("updatePlayCounts_Running", "true")
playCountSyncIndication = addon.getSetting("playCountSyncIndication")
playCountSyncFirstRun = addon.getSetting("SyncFirstCountsRunDone")
if(playCountSyncFirstRun != "true" or playCountSyncIndication == "Dialog Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
elif(playCountSyncIndication == "BG Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.create('Sync PlayCounts', 'Sync PlayCounts')
totalCountsUpdated = 0
totalPositionsUpdated = 0
#process movies
if processMovies:
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.update(0, "Processing Movies", "")
views = ReadEmbyDB().getCollections("movies")
viewCount = len(views)
viewCurrent = 1
for view in views:
allMB3Movies = ReadEmbyDB().getMovies(view.get('id'), fullinfo = False, fullSync = True)
allKodiMovies = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovies(False)
return False
if(allMB3Movies != None and allKodiMovies != None):
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync PlayCounts: Processing " + view.get('title') + " " + str(viewCurrent) + " of " + str(viewCount)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
totalCount = len(allMB3Movies) + 1
count = 1
for item in allMB3Movies:
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
kodiItem = allKodiMovies.get(item["Id"], None)
userData = API().getUserData(item)
timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(item)
WINDOW.setProperty("EmbyUserKey" + userData.get("Key"), item.get('Id') + ";;" + item.get("Type"))
if kodiItem != None:
kodiresume = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
if kodiresume != resume:
totalPositionsUpdated += 1
updated = WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"playcount",int(userData.get("PlayCount")), "movie")
updated |= WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"lastplayed",userData.get("LastPlayedDate"), "movie")
totalCountsUpdated += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(totalCount)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Movie: " + str(count))
count += 1
viewCurrent += 1
#process Tv shows
if processTvShows:
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.update(0, "Processing TV Episodes", "")
tvshowData = ReadEmbyDB().getTVShows(fullinfo = False, fullSync = True)
return False
if (tvshowData != None):
showTotal = len(tvshowData)
showCurrent = 1
for item in tvshowData:
episodeData = ReadEmbyDB().getEpisodes(item["Id"], False)
allKodiTVShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(False)
kodishow = allKodiTVShows.get(item["Id"],None)
if kodishow != None:
kodiEpisodes = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(kodishow["tvshowid"],False,True)
kodiEpisodes = None
if (episodeData != None):
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync PlayCounts: Processing TV Show " + str(showCurrent) + " of " + str(showTotal)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
totalCount = len(episodeData) + 1
count = 1
for episode in episodeData:
kodiItem = None
comparestring1 = str(episode.get("ParentIndexNumber")) + "-" + str(episode.get("IndexNumber"))
matchFound = False
if kodiEpisodes != None:
kodiItem = kodiEpisodes.get(comparestring1, None)
timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(episode)
WINDOW.setProperty("EmbyUserKey" + userData.get("Key"), episode.get('Id') + ";;" + episode.get("Type"))
if kodiItem != None:
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
WINDOW.setProperty("episodeid" + str(kodiItem['episodeid']), episode.get('Name') + ";;" + episode.get('Id'))
kodiresume = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
if kodiresume != resume:
totalPositionsUpdated += 1
updated = WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"playcount",int(userData.get("PlayCount")),"episode")
updated |= WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"lastplayed",userData.get("LastPlayedDate"), "episode")
totalCountsUpdated += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(totalCount)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Episode: " + str(count))
count += 1
showCurrent += 1
if(playCountSyncFirstRun != "true"):
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
addon.setSetting("SyncFirstCountsRunDone", "true")
# display notification if set up
notificationString = ""
if(totalPositionsUpdated > 0):
notificationString += "Pos:" + str(totalPositionsUpdated) + " "
if(totalCountsUpdated > 0):
notificationString += "Counts:" + str(totalCountsUpdated) + " "
timeTaken = - startedSync
timeTakenString = str(int(timeTaken.seconds / 60)) + ":" + str(timeTaken.seconds % 60)
utils.logMsg("Sync PlayCount", "Finished " + timeTakenString + " " + notificationString, 0)
if(playCountSyncIndication == "Notify OnChange" and notificationString != ""):
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(PlayCount Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
elif(playCountSyncIndication == "Notify OnFinish"):
if(notificationString == ""):
notificationString = "Done"
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(PlayCount Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
WINDOW.setProperty("updatePlayCounts_Running", "false")
if(pDialog != None):
return True
def updatePlayCount(self,itemID,type):
#update playcount of the itemID from MB3 to Kodi library
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
#process movie
if type=='Movie':
MB3Movie = ReadEmbyDB().getItem(itemID)
kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovie(itemID)
return False
if(MB3Movie == None):
return False
if(kodiItem == None):
return False
timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MB3Movie)
if kodiItem != None:
kodiresume = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
if kodiresume != resume:
#write property forced will refresh the item in the list so playcount change is immediately visible
WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"lastplayed",userData.get("LastPlayedDate"), "movie")
return False
#process episode
elif type=='Episode':
return False
MB3Episode = ReadEmbyDB().getItem(itemID)
kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodeByMbItem(MB3Episode["Id"], MB3Episode["SeriesId"])
if (MB3Episode != None):
timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MB3Episode)
if kodiItem != None:
kodiresume = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
if kodiresume != resume:
#write property forced will refresh the item in the list so playcount change is immediately visible
WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"lastplayed",userData.get("LastPlayedDate"), "episode")
return False
return True
def ShouldStop(self, prog):
if(prog != None and type(prog) == xbmcgui.DialogProgress):
if(prog.iscanceled() == True):
return True
if(xbmc.Player().isPlaying() or xbmc.abortRequested):
return True
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
if(WINDOW.getProperty("SyncDatabaseShouldStop") == "true"):
return True
return False