mirror of
synced 2025-01-27 02:16:11 +00:00
For episodes
854 lines
31 KiB
854 lines
31 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from ntpath import dirname
import api
import emby as mb
import embydb_functions as embydb
import _kodi_tvshows
from _common import Items, catch_except
from utils import window, settings, language as lang, urllib_path
log = logging.getLogger("EMBY."+__name__)
class TVShows(Items):
def __init__(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog=None):
self.embycursor = embycursor
self.emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(self.embycursor)
self.kodicursor = kodicursor
self.kodi_db = _kodi_tvshows.KodiTVShows(self.kodicursor)
self.pdialog = pdialog
self.new_time = int(settings('newvideotime'))*1000
def _get_func(self, item_type, action):
if item_type == "Series":
actions = {
'added': self.add_shows,
'update': self.add_update,
'userdata': self.updateUserdata,
'remove': self.remove
elif item_type == "Season":
actions = {
'added': self.add_seasons,
'update': self.add_updateSeason,
'remove': self.remove
elif item_type == "Episode":
actions = {
'added': self.add_episodes,
'update': self.add_updateEpisode,
'userdata': self.updateUserdata,
'remove': self.remove
log.info("Unsupported item_type: %s", item_type)
actions = {}
return actions.get(action)
def compare_all(self):
# Pull the list of movies and boxsets in Kodi
import emby as mb
pdialog = self.pdialog
views = self.emby_db.getView_byType('tvshows')
views += self.emby_db.getView_byType('mixed')
log.info("Media folders: %s", views)
# Pull the list of tvshows and episodes in Kodi
all_koditvshows = dict(self.emby_db.get_checksum('Series'))
except ValueError:
all_koditvshows = {}
log.info("all_koditvshows = %s", all_koditvshows)
all_kodiepisodes = dict(self.emby_db.get_checksum('Episode'))
except ValueError:
all_kodiepisodes = {}
all_embytvshowsIds = set()
all_embyepisodesIds = set()
updatelist = []
# TODO: Review once series pooling is explicitely returned in api
for view in views:
if self.should_stop():
return False
# Get items per view
viewId = view['id']
viewName = view['name']
if pdialog:
message="%s %s..." % (lang(33029), viewName))
all_embytvshows = self.emby.getShows(viewId, basic=True, dialog=pdialog)
for embytvshow in all_embytvshows['Items']:
if self.should_stop():
return False
API = api.API(embytvshow)
itemid = embytvshow['Id']
if all_koditvshows.get(itemid) != API.get_checksum():
# Only update if movie is not in Kodi or checksum is different
log.info("TVShows to update for %s: %s", viewName, updatelist)
embytvshows = (items['Items'] for items in mb.get_item_list(updatelist, True))
self.total = len(updatelist)
del updatelist[:]
if pdialog:
pdialog.update(heading="Processing %s / %s items" % (viewName, self.total))
self.count = 0
for embytvshow in embytvshows:
# Process individual show
if self.should_stop():
return False
itemid = embytvshow['Id']
title = embytvshow['Name']
self.add_update(embytvshow, view)
self.count += 1
# Get all episodes in view
if pdialog:
message="%s %s..." % (lang(33030), viewName))
all_embyepisodes = self.emby.getEpisodes(viewId, basic=True, dialog=pdialog)
for embyepisode in all_embyepisodes['Items']:
if self.should_stop():
return False
API = api.API(embyepisode)
itemid = embyepisode['Id']
if "SeriesId" in embyepisode:
if all_kodiepisodes.get(itemid) != API.get_checksum():
# Only update if movie is not in Kodi or checksum is different
log.info("Episodes to update for %s: %s", viewName, updatelist)
embyepisodes = self.emby.getFullItems(updatelist)
self.total = len(updatelist)
del updatelist[:]
self.count = 0
for episode in embyepisodes:
# Process individual episode
if self.should_stop():
return False
self.title = "%s - %s" % (episode.get('SeriesName', "Unknown"), episode['Name'])
self.count += 1
log.info("all_embytvshowsIds = %s ", all_embytvshowsIds)
for koditvshow in all_koditvshows:
if koditvshow not in all_embytvshowsIds:
log.info("TVShows compare finished.")
for kodiepisode in all_kodiepisodes:
if kodiepisode not in all_embyepisodesIds:
log.info("Episodes compare finished.")
return True
def add_shows(self, items, total=None, view=None):
for item in self.added(items, total):
if self.add_update(item, view):
# Add episodes
for all_episodes in mb.get_items(item['Id'], "Episode"):
def add_seasons(self, items, total=None, view=None):
update = True if not self.total else False
for item in self.added(items, total, update):
self.title = "%s - %s" % (item.get('SeriesName', "Unknown"), self.title)
if self.add_updateSeason(item):
# Add episodes
for all_episodes in mb.get_items(item['Id'], "Episode"):
def add_episodes(self, items, total=None, view=None):
update = True if not self.total else False
for item in self.added(items, total, update):
self.title = "%s - %s" % (item.get('SeriesName', "Unknown"), self.title)
if self.add_updateEpisode(item):
def add_update(self, item, view=None):
# Process single tvshow
kodicursor = self.kodicursor
emby = self.emby
emby_db = self.emby_db
artwork = self.artwork
API = api.API(item)
# If the show is empty, try to remove it.
if settings('syncEmptyShows') == "false" and not item.get('RecursiveItemCount'):
log.info("Skipping empty show: %s", item.get('Name', item['Id']))
return self.remove(item['Id'])
# If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update
# If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
update_item = True
force_episodes = False
itemid = item['Id']
emby_dbitem = emby_db.getItem_byId(itemid)
if view is None:
# Get view tag from emby
viewtag, viewid = emby_db.getView_embyId(itemid)
log.debug("View tag found: %s", viewtag)
viewtag = view['name']
viewid = view['id']
# fileId information
checksum = API.get_checksum()
userdata = API.get_userdata()
# item details
genres = item['Genres']
title = item['Name']
plot = API.get_overview()
rating = item.get('CommunityRating')
votecount = item.get('VoteCount')
premieredate = API.get_premiere_date()
tvdb = API.get_provider('Tvdb')
sorttitle = item['SortName']
mpaa = API.get_mpaa()
genre = " / ".join(genres)
studios = API.get_studios()
studio = " / ".join(studios)
playurl = API.get_file_path()
if self.direct_path:
# Direct paths is set the Kodi way
if "\\" in playurl:
# Local path
path = "%s\\" % playurl
toplevelpath = "%s\\" % dirname(dirname(path))
# Network path
path = "%s/" % playurl
toplevelpath = "%s/" % dirname(dirname(path))
if not self.path_validation(path):
return False
window('emby_pathverified', value="true")
# Set plugin path
toplevelpath = "plugin://plugin.video.emby.tvshows/"
path = "%s%s/" % (toplevelpath, itemid)
showid = emby_dbitem[0]
pathid = emby_dbitem[2]
log.info("showid: %s pathid: %s", showid, pathid)
except TypeError:
update_item = False
showid = None
log.debug("showid: %s not found", itemid)
if self.emby_db.get_view_grouped_series(viewid) and tvdb:
# search kodi db for same provider id
query = "SELECT idShow FROM tvshow_view WHERE uniqueid_value = ?"
kodicursor.execute(query, (tvdb,))
temps_showid = kodicursor.fetchall()
except TypeError: pass
for temp_showid in temps_showid:
emby_other = emby_db.getItem_byKodiId(temp_showid[0], "tvshow")
if emby_other and viewid == emby_other[2]:
log.info("Applying series pooling for: %s %s", itemid, title)
emby_other_item = emby_db.getItem_byId(emby_other[0])
showid = emby_other_item[0]
pathid = self.kodi_db.add_path(path)
emby_db.addReference(itemid, showid, "Series", "tvshow", pathid=pathid,
checksum=checksum, mediafolderid=viewid)
showid = self.kodi_db.create_entry()
# Verification the item is still in Kodi
if self.kodi_db.get_tvshow(showid) is None:
# item is not found, let's recreate it.
update_item = False
log.info("showid: %s missing from Kodi, repairing the entry", showid)
# Force re-add episodes after the show is re-created.
force_episodes = True
if update_item:
log.info("UPDATE tvshow itemid: %s - Title: %s", itemid, title)
# update ratings
ratingid = self.kodi_db.get_ratingid("tvshow", showid)
self.kodi_db.update_ratings(showid, "tvshow", "default", rating, votecount,ratingid)
# update uniqueid
uniqueid = self.kodi_db.get_uniqueid("tvshow", showid)
self.kodi_db.update_uniqueid(showid, "tvshow", tvdb, "unknown", uniqueid)
# Update the tvshow entry
self.kodi_db.update_tvshow(title, plot, uniqueid, premieredate, genre, title,
uniqueid, mpaa, studio, sorttitle, showid)
# Update the checksum in emby table
emby_db.updateReference(itemid, checksum)
##### OR ADD THE TVSHOW #####
log.info("ADD tvshow itemid: %s - Title: %s", itemid, title)
# add ratings
ratingid = self.kodi_db.create_entry_rating()
self.kodi_db.add_ratings(ratingid, showid, "tvshow", "default", rating, votecount)
# add uniqueid
uniqueid = self.kodi_db.create_entry_uniqueid()
self.kodi_db.add_uniqueid(uniqueid, showid, "tvshow", tvdb, "unknown")
# Add top path
toppathid = self.kodi_db.add_path(toplevelpath)
self.kodi_db.update_path(toppathid, toplevelpath, "tvshows", "metadata.local")
# Add path
pathid = self.kodi_db.add_path(path)
# Create the tvshow entry
self.kodi_db.add_tvshow(showid, title, plot, uniqueid, premieredate, genre,
title, uniqueid, mpaa, studio, sorttitle)
# Create the reference in emby table
emby_db.addReference(itemid, showid, "Series", "tvshow", pathid=pathid,
checksum=checksum, mediafolderid=viewid)
# Link the path
self.kodi_db.link_tvshow(showid, pathid)
# Update the path
self.kodi_db.update_path(pathid, path, None, None)
# Process cast
people = artwork.get_people_artwork(item['People'])
self.kodi_db.add_people(showid, people, "tvshow")
# Process genres
self.kodi_db.add_genres(showid, genres, "tvshow")
# Process artwork
artwork.add_artwork(artwork.get_all_artwork(item), showid, "tvshow", kodicursor)
# Process studios
self.kodi_db.add_studios(showid, studios, "tvshow")
# Process tags: view, emby tags
tags = [viewtag]
if userdata['Favorite']:
tags.append("Favorite tvshows")
self.kodi_db.add_tags(showid, tags, "tvshow")
# Process seasons
all_seasons = emby.getSeasons(itemid)
for season in all_seasons['Items']:
log.info("found season: %s", season)
self.add_updateSeason(season, showid=showid)
# Finally, refresh the all season entry
seasonid = self.kodi_db.get_season(showid, -1)
# Process artwork
artwork.add_artwork(artwork.get_all_artwork(item), seasonid, "season", kodicursor)
if force_episodes:
# We needed to recreate the show entry. Re-add episodes now.
log.info("Repairing episodes for showid: %s %s", showid, title)
all_episodes = emby.getEpisodesbyShow(itemid)
self.add_episodes(all_episodes['Items'], None)
return True
def add_updateSeason(self, item, showid=None):
kodicursor = self.kodicursor
emby_db = self.emby_db
artwork = self.artwork
seasonnum = item.get('IndexNumber', 1)
if showid is None:
seriesId = item['SeriesId']
showid = emby_db.getItem_byId(seriesId)[0]
except KeyError:
except TypeError:
# Show is missing, update show instead.
show = self.emby.getItem(seriesId)
seasonid = self.kodi_db.get_season(showid, seasonnum, item['Name'])
if item['LocationType'] != "Virtual":
# Create the reference in emby table
emby_db.addReference(item['Id'], seasonid, "Season", "season", parentid=showid)
# Process artwork
artwork.add_artwork(artwork.get_all_artwork(item), seasonid, "season", kodicursor)
log.info("Processed seasonid: %s index: %s", item['Id'], seasonnum)
return True
def add_updateEpisode(self, item):
# Process single episode
kodicursor = self.kodicursor
emby_db = self.emby_db
artwork = self.artwork
API = api.API(item)
if item.get('LocationType') == "Virtual": # TODO: Filter via api instead
log.info("Skipping virtual episode: %s", item['Name'])
# If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update
# If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
update_item = True
itemid = item['Id']
emby_dbitem = emby_db.getItem_byId(itemid)
episodeid = emby_dbitem[0]
fileid = emby_dbitem[1]
pathid = emby_dbitem[2]
log.info("episodeid: %s fileid: %s pathid: %s", episodeid, fileid, pathid)
except TypeError:
update_item = False
log.debug("episodeid: %s not found", itemid)
# episodeid
episodeid = self.kodi_db.create_entry_episode()
# Verification the item is still in Kodi
if self.kodi_db.get_episode(episodeid) is None:
# item is not found, let's recreate it.
update_item = False
log.info("episodeid: %s missing from Kodi, repairing the entry", episodeid)
# fileId information
checksum = API.get_checksum()
dateadded = API.get_date_created()
userdata = API.get_userdata()
playcount = userdata['PlayCount']
dateplayed = userdata['LastPlayedDate']
# item details
people = API.get_people()
writer = " / ".join(people['Writer'])
director = " / ".join(people['Director'])
title = item['Name']
plot = API.get_overview()
rating = item.get('CommunityRating')
runtime = API.get_runtime()
premieredate = API.get_premiere_date()
votecount = item.get('VoteCount')
tvdb = API.get_provider('Tvdb')
# episode details
seriesId = item['SeriesId']
except KeyError:
# Missing seriesId, skip
log.error("Skipping: %s. SeriesId is missing.", itemid)
return False
season = item.get('ParentIndexNumber')
episode = item.get('IndexNumber', -1)
if season is None:
if item.get('AbsoluteEpisodeNumber'):
# Anime scenario
season = 1
episode = item['AbsoluteEpisodeNumber']
season = -1 if "Specials" not in item['Path'] else 0
# Specials ordering within season
if item.get('AirsAfterSeasonNumber'):
airsBeforeSeason = item['AirsAfterSeasonNumber']
airsBeforeEpisode = 4096 # Kodi default number for afterseason ordering
airsBeforeSeason = item.get('AirsBeforeSeasonNumber')
airsBeforeEpisode = item.get('AirsBeforeEpisodeNumber')
# Append multi episodes to title
if item.get('IndexNumberEnd'):
title = "| %02d | %s" % (item['IndexNumberEnd'], title)
# Get season id
show = emby_db.getItem_byId(seriesId)
showid = show[0]
except TypeError:
# Show is missing from database
show = self.emby.getItem(seriesId)
show = emby_db.getItem_byId(seriesId)
showid = show[0]
except TypeError:
log.error("Skipping: %s. Unable to add series: %s", itemid, seriesId)
return False
seasonid = self.kodi_db.get_season(showid, season)
playurl = API.get_file_path()
if "\\" in playurl:
# Local path
filename = playurl.rsplit("\\", 1)[1]
else: # Network share
filename = playurl.rsplit("/", 1)[1]
if self.direct_path:
# Direct paths is set the Kodi way
if not self.path_validation(playurl):
return False
path = playurl.replace(filename, "")
window('emby_pathverified', value="true")
# Set plugin path and media flags using real filename
path = "plugin://plugin.video.emby.tvshows/%s/" % seriesId
params = {
'filename': filename.encode('utf-8'),
'id': itemid,
'dbid': episodeid,
'mode': "play"
filename = urllib_path(path, params)
if update_item:
log.info("UPDATE episode itemid: %s - Title: %s", itemid, title)
# update ratings
ratingid = self.kodi_db.get_ratingid("episode", episodeid)
self.kodi_db.update_ratings(episodeid, "episode", "default", rating, votecount, ratingid)
# update uniqueid
uniqueid = self.kodi_db.get_uniqueid("episode", episodeid)
self.kodi_db.update_uniqueid(episodeid, "episode", tvdb, "tvdb", uniqueid)
# Update the episode entry
self.kodi_db.update_episode(title, plot, uniqueid, writer, premieredate, runtime,
director, season, episode, title, airsBeforeSeason,
airsBeforeEpisode, seasonid, showid, episodeid)
# Update the checksum in emby table
emby_db.updateReference(itemid, checksum)
# Update parentid reference
emby_db.updateParentId(itemid, seasonid)
##### OR ADD THE EPISODE #####
log.info("ADD episode itemid: %s - Title: %s", itemid, title)
# add ratings
ratingid = self.kodi_db.create_entry_rating()
self.kodi_db.add_ratings(ratingid, episodeid, "episode", "default", rating, votecount)
# add uniqueid
uniqueid = self.kodi_db.create_entry_uniqueid()
self.kodi_db.add_uniqueid(uniqueid, episodeid, "episode", tvdb, "tvdb")
# Add path
pathid = self.kodi_db.add_path(path)
# Add the file
fileid = self.kodi_db.add_file(filename, pathid)
# Create the episode entry
self.kodi_db.add_episode(episodeid, fileid, title, plot, uniqueid, writer,
premieredate, runtime, director, season, episode, title,
showid, airsBeforeSeason, airsBeforeEpisode, seasonid)
# Create the reference in emby table
emby_db.addReference(itemid, episodeid, "Episode", "episode", fileid, pathid,
seasonid, checksum)
# Update the path
self.kodi_db.update_path(pathid, path, None, None)
# Update the file
self.kodi_db.update_file(fileid, filename, pathid, dateadded)
# Process cast
people = artwork.get_people_artwork(item['People'])
self.kodi_db.add_people(episodeid, people, "episode")
# Process artwork
artworks = artwork.get_all_artwork(item)
artwork.add_update_art(artworks['Primary'], episodeid, "episode", "thumb", kodicursor)
# Process stream details
streams = API.get_media_streams()
self.kodi_db.add_streams(fileid, streams, runtime)
# Process playstates
resume = API.adjust_resume(userdata['Resume'])
total = round(float(runtime), 6)
self.kodi_db.add_playstate(fileid, resume, total, playcount, dateplayed)
if not self.direct_path and resume:
# Create additional entry for widgets. This is only required for plugin/episode.
temppathid = self.kodi_db.get_path("plugin://plugin.video.emby.tvshows/")
tempfileid = self.kodi_db.add_file(filename, temppathid)
self.kodi_db.update_file(tempfileid, filename, temppathid, dateadded)
self.kodi_db.add_playstate(tempfileid, resume, total, playcount, dateplayed)
return True
def updateUserdata(self, item):
# This updates: Favorite, LastPlayedDate, Playcount, PlaybackPositionTicks
# Poster with progress bar
emby_db = self.emby_db
API = api.API(item)
# Get emby information
itemid = item['Id']
checksum = API.get_checksum()
userdata = API.get_userdata()
runtime = API.get_runtime()
dateadded = API.get_date_created()
# Get Kodi information
emby_dbitem = emby_db.getItem_byId(itemid)
kodiid = emby_dbitem[0]
fileid = emby_dbitem[1]
mediatype = emby_dbitem[4]
log.info("Update playstate for %s: %s fileid: %s", mediatype, item['Name'], fileid)
except TypeError:
# Process favorite tags
if mediatype == "tvshow":
if userdata['Favorite']:
self.kodi_db.get_tag(kodiid, "Favorite tvshows", "tvshow")
self.kodi_db.remove_tag(kodiid, "Favorite tvshows", "tvshow")
elif mediatype == "episode":
# Process playstates
playcount = userdata['PlayCount']
dateplayed = userdata['LastPlayedDate']
resume = API.adjust_resume(userdata['Resume'])
total = round(float(runtime), 6)
log.debug("%s New resume point: %s", itemid, resume)
self.kodi_db.add_playstate(fileid, resume, total, playcount, dateplayed)
if not self.direct_path and not resume:
# Make sure there's no other bookmarks created by widget.
filename = self.kodi_db.get_filename(fileid)
self.kodi_db.remove_file("plugin://plugin.video.emby.tvshows/", filename)
if not self.direct_path and resume:
# Create additional entry for widgets. This is only required for plugin/episode.
filename = self.kodi_db.get_filename(fileid)
temppathid = self.kodi_db.get_path("plugin://plugin.video.emby.tvshows/")
tempfileid = self.kodi_db.add_file(filename, temppathid)
self.kodi_db.update_file(tempfileid, filename, temppathid, dateadded)
self.kodi_db.add_playstate(tempfileid, resume, total, playcount, dateplayed)
emby_db.updateReference(itemid, checksum)
def remove(self, itemid):
# Remove showid, fileid, pathid, emby reference
emby_db = self.emby_db
kodicursor = self.kodicursor
emby_dbitem = emby_db.getItem_byId(itemid)
kodiid = emby_dbitem[0]
fileid = emby_dbitem[1]
parentid = emby_dbitem[3]
mediatype = emby_dbitem[4]
log.info("Removing %s kodiid: %s fileid: %s", mediatype, kodiid, fileid)
except TypeError:
##### PROCESS ITEM #####
# Remove the emby reference
##### IF EPISODE #####
if mediatype == "episode":
# Delete kodi episode and file, verify season and tvshow
self.removeEpisode(kodiid, fileid)
# Season verification
season = emby_db.getItem_byKodiId(parentid, "season")
showid = season[1]
except TypeError:
season_episodes = emby_db.getItem_byParentId(parentid, "episode")
if not season_episodes:
# Show verification
show = emby_db.getItem_byKodiId(showid, "tvshow")
query = ' '.join((
"SELECT totalCount",
"FROM tvshowcounts",
"WHERE idShow = ?"
kodicursor.execute(query, (showid,))
result = kodicursor.fetchone()
if result and result[0] is None:
# There's no episodes left, delete show and any possible remaining seasons
seasons = emby_db.getItem_byParentId(showid, "season")
for season in seasons:
# Delete emby season entries
emby_db.removeItems_byParentId(showid, "season")
##### IF TVSHOW #####
elif mediatype == "tvshow":
# Remove episodes, seasons, tvshow
seasons = emby_db.getItem_byParentId(kodiid, "season")
for season in seasons:
seasonid = season[1]
season_episodes = emby_db.getItem_byParentId(seasonid, "episode")
for episode in season_episodes:
self.removeEpisode(episode[1], episode[2])
# Remove emby episodes
emby_db.removeItems_byParentId(seasonid, "episode")
# Remove emby seasons
emby_db.removeItems_byParentId(kodiid, "season")
# Remove tvshow
##### IF SEASON #####
elif mediatype == "season":
# Remove episodes, season, verify tvshow
season_episodes = emby_db.getItem_byParentId(kodiid, "episode")
for episode in season_episodes:
self.removeEpisode(episode[1], episode[2])
# Remove emby episodes
emby_db.removeItems_byParentId(kodiid, "episode")
# Remove season
# Show verification
seasons = emby_db.getItem_byParentId(parentid, "season")
if not seasons:
# There's no seasons, delete the show
emby_db.removeItem_byKodiId(parentid, "tvshow")
log.info("Deleted %s: %s from kodi database", mediatype, itemid)
def removeShow(self, kodiid):
kodicursor = self.kodicursor
self.artwork.delete_artwork(kodiid, "tvshow", kodicursor)
log.debug("Removed tvshow: %s", kodiid)
def removeSeason(self, kodiid):
kodicursor = self.kodicursor
self.artwork.delete_artwork(kodiid, "season", kodicursor)
log.debug("Removed season: %s", kodiid)
def removeEpisode(self, kodiid, fileid):
kodicursor = self.kodicursor
self.artwork.delete_artwork(kodiid, "episode", kodicursor)
self.kodi_db.remove_episode(kodiid, fileid)
log.debug("Removed episode: %s", kodiid)
def add_tvshow(self, item, view):
# The only way to keep things together is to drill down, like in the webclient.
# If series pooling is true, they will share the showid, extra tvshow entries
# will be added to emby.db due to server events.