mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 01:18:10 +00:00
904 lines
33 KiB
904 lines
33 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import os
from six import iteritems
from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlencode
from kodi_six import xbmc, xbmcvfs, xbmcgui, xbmcplugin, xbmcaddon
import client
from database import reset, get_sync, Database, jellyfin_db, get_credentials
from objects import Objects, Actions
from downloader import TheVoid
from helper import translate, event, settings, window, dialog, api, JSONRPC
from helper.utils import JsonDebugPrinter
from helper import LazyLogger
LOG = LazyLogger(__name__)
ADDON_BASE_URL = sys.argv[0]
PROCESS_HANDLE = int(sys.argv[1])
QUERY_STRING = sys.argv[2]
except IndexError:
class Events(object):
def __init__(self):
''' Parse the parameters. Reroute to our service.py
where user is fully identified already.
base_url = ADDON_BASE_URL
params = dict(parse_qsl(path[1:]))
except Exception:
params = {}
mode = params.get('mode')
server = params.get('server')
if server == 'None':
server = None
LOG.info("path: %s params: %s", path, JsonDebugPrinter(params))
if '/extrafanart' in base_url:
jellyfin_path = path[1:]
jellyfin_id = params.get('id')
get_fanart(jellyfin_id, jellyfin_path, server)
elif '/Extras' in base_url or '/VideoFiles' in base_url:
jellyfin_path = path[1:]
jellyfin_id = params.get('id')
get_video_extras(jellyfin_id, jellyfin_path, server)
elif mode == 'play':
item = TheVoid('GetItem', {'Id': params['id'], 'ServerId': server}).get()
item["resumePlayback"] = sys.argv[3].split(":")[1] == "true"
Actions(server).play(item, params.get('dbid'), params.get('transcode') == 'true', playlist=params.get('playlist') == 'true')
elif mode == 'playlist':
event('PlayPlaylist', {'Id': params['id'], 'ServerId': server})
elif mode == 'deviceid':
elif mode == 'reset':
elif mode == 'delete':
elif mode == 'refreshboxsets':
event('SyncLibrary', {'Id': "Boxsets:Refresh"})
elif mode == 'nextepisodes':
get_next_episodes(params['id'], params['limit'])
elif mode == 'browse':
browse(params.get('type'), params.get('id'), params.get('folder'), server)
elif mode == 'synclib':
event('SyncLibrary', {'Id': params.get('id')})
elif mode == 'updatelib':
event('SyncLibrary', {'Id': params.get('id'), 'Update': True})
elif mode == 'repairlib':
event('RepairLibrary', {'Id': params.get('id')})
elif mode == 'removelib':
event('RemoveLibrary', {'Id': params.get('id')})
elif mode == 'repairlibs':
elif mode == 'updatelibs':
elif mode == 'removelibs':
elif mode == 'addlibs':
elif mode == 'addserver':
elif mode == 'login':
event('ServerConnect', {'Id': server})
elif mode == 'removeserver':
event('RemoveServer', {'Id': server})
elif mode == 'settings':
elif mode == 'adduser':
elif mode == 'updatepassword':
elif mode == 'thememedia':
elif mode == 'managelibs':
elif mode == 'backup':
elif mode == 'restartservice':
window('jellyfin.restart.bool', True)
def listing():
''' Display all jellyfin nodes and dynamic entries when appropriate.
total = int(window('Jellyfin.nodes.total') or 0)
sync = get_sync()
whitelist = [x.replace('Mixed:', "") for x in sync['Whitelist']]
servers = get_credentials()['Servers'][1:]
for i in range(total):
window_prop = "Jellyfin.nodes.%s" % i
path = window('%s.index' % window_prop)
if not path:
path = window('%s.content' % window_prop) or window('%s.path' % window_prop)
label = window('%s.title' % window_prop)
node = window('%s.type' % window_prop)
artwork = window('%s.artwork' % window_prop)
view_id = window('%s.id' % window_prop)
context = []
if view_id and node in ('movies', 'tvshows', 'musicvideos', 'music', 'mixed') and view_id not in whitelist:
label = "%s %s" % (label, translate(33166))
context.append((translate(33123), "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=synclib&id=%s)" % view_id))
if view_id and node in ('movies', 'tvshows', 'musicvideos', 'music') and view_id in whitelist:
context.append((translate(33136), "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=updatelib&id=%s)" % view_id))
context.append((translate(33132), "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=repairlib&id=%s)" % view_id))
context.append((translate(33133), "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=removelib&id=%s)" % view_id))
LOG.debug("--[ listing/%s/%s ] %s", node, label, path)
if path:
directory(label, path, artwork=artwork, context=context)
for server in servers:
context = []
if server.get('ManualAddress'):
context.append((translate(33141), "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=removeserver&server=%s)" % server['Id']))
if 'AccessToken' not in server:
directory("%s (%s)" % (server['Name'], translate(30539)), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=login&server=%s" % server['Id'], False, context=context)
directory(server['Name'], "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=browse&server=%s" % server['Id'], context=context)
directory(translate(33194), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=managelibs", True)
directory(translate(33134), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=addserver", False)
directory(translate(33054), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=adduser", False)
directory(translate(5), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=settings", False)
directory(translate(33161), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=updatepassword", False)
directory(translate(33058), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=reset", False)
directory(translate(33180), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=restartservice", False)
if settings('backupPath'):
directory(translate(33092), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=backup", False)
xbmcplugin.setContent(PROCESS_HANDLE, 'files')
def directory(label, path, folder=True, artwork=None, fanart=None, context=None):
''' Add directory listitem. context should be a list of tuples [(label, action)*]
li = dir_listitem(label, path, artwork, fanart)
if context:
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(PROCESS_HANDLE, path, li, folder)
return li
def dir_listitem(label, path, artwork=None, fanart=None):
''' Gets the icon paths for default node listings
li = xbmcgui.ListItem(label, path=path)
"thumb": artwork or "special://home/addons/plugin.video.jellyfin/resources/icon.png",
"fanart": fanart or "special://home/addons/plugin.video.jellyfin/resources/fanart.png",
"landscape": artwork or fanart or "special://home/addons/plugin.video.jellyfin/resources/fanart.png",
return li
def manage_libraries():
directory(translate(33098), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=refreshboxsets", False)
directory(translate(33154), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=addlibs", False)
directory(translate(33139), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=updatelibs", False)
directory(translate(33140), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=repairlibs", False)
directory(translate(33184), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=removelibs", False)
directory(translate(33060), "plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=thememedia", False)
xbmcplugin.setContent(PROCESS_HANDLE, 'files')
def browse(media, view_id=None, folder=None, server_id=None):
''' Browse content dynamically.
LOG.info("--[ v:%s/%s ] %s", view_id, media, folder)
if not window('jellyfin_online.bool') and server_id is None:
monitor = xbmc.Monitor()
for i in range(300):
if window('jellyfin_online.bool'):
elif monitor.waitForAbort(0.1):
LOG.error("Default server is not online.")
folder = folder.lower() if folder else None
if folder is None and media in ('homevideos', 'movies', 'books', 'audiobooks'):
return browse_subfolders(media, view_id, server_id)
if folder and folder == 'firstletter':
return browse_letters(media, view_id, server_id)
if view_id:
view = TheVoid('GetItem', {'ServerId': server_id, 'Id': view_id}).get()
xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(PROCESS_HANDLE, view['Name'])
content_type = "files"
if media in ('tvshows', 'seasons', 'episodes', 'movies', 'musicvideos', 'songs', 'albums'):
content_type = media
elif media in ('homevideos', 'photos'):
content_type = "images"
elif media in ('books', 'audiobooks'):
content_type = "videos"
elif media == 'music':
content_type = "artists"
if folder == 'recentlyadded':
listing = TheVoid('RecentlyAdded', {'Id': view_id, 'ServerId': server_id}).get()
elif folder == 'genres':
listing = TheVoid('Genres', {'Id': view_id, 'ServerId': server_id}).get()
elif media == 'livetv':
listing = TheVoid('LiveTV', {'Id': view_id, 'ServerId': server_id}).get()
elif folder == 'unwatched':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Filters': ['IsUnplayed']}).get()
elif folder == 'favorite':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Filters': ['IsFavorite']}).get()
elif folder == 'inprogress':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Filters': ['IsResumable']}).get()
elif folder == 'boxsets':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Media': get_media_type('boxsets'), 'Recursive': True}).get()
elif folder == 'random':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Media': get_media_type(content_type), 'Sort': "Random", 'Limit': 25, 'Recursive': True}).get()
elif (folder or "").startswith('firstletter-'):
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Media': get_media_type(content_type), 'Params': {'NameStartsWith': folder.split('-')[1]}}).get()
elif (folder or "").startswith('genres-'):
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Media': get_media_type(content_type), 'Params': {'GenreIds': folder.split('-')[1]}}).get()
elif folder == 'favepisodes':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Media': get_media_type(content_type), 'ServerId': server_id, 'Limit': 25, 'Filters': ['IsFavorite']}).get()
elif folder and media == 'playlists':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': folder, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Recursive': False, 'Sort': 'None'}).get()
elif media == 'homevideos':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': folder or view_id, 'Media': get_media_type(content_type), 'ServerId': server_id, 'Recursive': False}).get()
elif media == 'movies':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': folder or view_id, 'Media': get_media_type(content_type), 'ServerId': server_id, 'Recursive': True}).get()
elif media in ('boxset', 'library'):
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': folder or view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Recursive': True}).get()
elif media == 'episodes':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': folder or view_id, 'Media': get_media_type(content_type), 'ServerId': server_id, 'Recursive': True}).get()
elif media == 'boxsets':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': folder or view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Recursive': False, 'Filters': ["Boxsets"]}).get()
elif media == 'tvshows':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': folder or view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Recursive': True, 'Media': get_media_type(content_type)}).get()
elif media == 'seasons':
listing = TheVoid('BrowseSeason', {'Id': folder, 'ServerId': server_id}).get()
elif media != 'files':
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': folder or view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Recursive': False, 'Media': get_media_type(content_type)}).get()
listing = TheVoid('Browse', {'Id': folder or view_id, 'ServerId': server_id, 'Recursive': False}).get()
if listing:
actions = Actions(server_id)
list_li = []
listing = listing if type(listing) == list else listing.get('Items', [])
for item in listing:
li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
li.setProperty('jellyfinid', item['Id'])
li.setProperty('jellyfinserver', server_id)
actions.set_listitem(item, li)
if item.get('IsFolder'):
params = {
'id': view_id or item['Id'],
'mode': "browse",
'type': get_folder_type(item, media) or media,
'folder': item['Id'],
'server': server_id
path = "%s?%s" % ("plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/", urlencode(params))
context = []
if item['Type'] in ('Series', 'Season', 'Playlist'):
context.append(("Play", "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=playlist&id=%s&server=%s)" % (item['Id'], server_id)))
if item['UserData']['Played']:
context.append((translate(16104), "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=unwatched&id=%s&server=%s)" % (item['Id'], server_id)))
context.append((translate(16103), "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=watched&id=%s&server=%s)" % (item['Id'], server_id)))
list_li.append((path, li, True))
elif item['Type'] == 'Genre':
params = {
'id': view_id or item['Id'],
'mode': "browse",
'type': get_folder_type(item, media) or media,
'folder': 'genres-%s' % item['Id'],
'server': server_id
path = "%s?%s" % ("plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/", urlencode(params))
list_li.append((path, li, True))
if item['Type'] not in ('Photo', 'PhotoAlbum'):
params = {
'id': item['Id'],
'mode': "play",
'server': server_id
path = "%s?%s" % ("plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/", urlencode(params))
li.setProperty('path', path)
context = [(translate(13412), "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=playlist&id=%s&server=%s)" % (item['Id'], server_id))]
if item['UserData']['Played']:
context.append((translate(16104), "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=unwatched&id=%s&server=%s)" % (item['Id'], server_id)))
context.append((translate(16103), "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/?mode=watched&id=%s&server=%s)" % (item['Id'], server_id)))
list_li.append((li.getProperty('path'), li, False))
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PROCESS_HANDLE, list_li, len(list_li))
if content_type == 'images':
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(PROCESS_HANDLE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_TITLE)
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(PROCESS_HANDLE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE)
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(PROCESS_HANDLE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_RATING)
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(PROCESS_HANDLE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_RUNTIME)
xbmcplugin.setContent(PROCESS_HANDLE, content_type)
def browse_subfolders(media, view_id, server_id=None):
''' Display submenus for jellyfin views.
from views import DYNNODES
view = TheVoid('GetItem', {'ServerId': server_id, 'Id': view_id}).get()
xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(PROCESS_HANDLE, view['Name'])
nodes = DYNNODES[media]
for node in nodes:
params = {
'id': view_id,
'mode': "browse",
'type': media,
'folder': view_id if node[0] == 'all' else node[0],
'server': server_id
path = "%s?%s" % ("plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/", urlencode(params))
directory(node[1] or view['Name'], path)
xbmcplugin.setContent(PROCESS_HANDLE, 'files')
def browse_letters(media, view_id, server_id=None):
''' Display letters as options.
view = TheVoid('GetItem', {'ServerId': server_id, 'Id': view_id}).get()
xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(PROCESS_HANDLE, view['Name'])
for node in letters:
params = {
'id': view_id,
'mode': "browse",
'type': media,
'folder': 'firstletter-%s' % node,
'server': server_id
path = "%s?%s" % ("plugin://plugin.video.jellyfin/", urlencode(params))
directory(node, path)
xbmcplugin.setContent(PROCESS_HANDLE, 'files')
def get_folder_type(item, content_type=None):
media = item['Type']
if media == 'Series':
return "seasons"
elif media == 'Season':
return "episodes"
elif media == 'BoxSet':
return "boxset"
elif media == 'MusicArtist':
return "albums"
elif media == 'MusicAlbum':
return "songs"
elif media == 'CollectionFolder':
return item.get('CollectionType', 'library')
elif media == 'Folder' and content_type == 'music':
return "albums"
def get_media_type(media):
if media == 'movies':
return "Movie,BoxSet"
elif media == 'homevideos':
return "Video,Folder,PhotoAlbum,Photo"
elif media == 'episodes':
return "Episode"
elif media == 'boxsets':
return "BoxSet"
elif media == 'tvshows':
return "Series"
elif media == 'music':
return "MusicArtist,MusicAlbum,Audio"
def get_fanart(item_id, path, server_id=None):
''' Get extra fanart for listitems. This is called by skinhelper.
Images are stored locally, due to the Kodi caching system.
if not item_id and 'plugin.video.jellyfin' in path:
item_id = path.split('/')[-2]
if not item_id:
LOG.info("[ extra fanart ] %s", item_id)
objects = Objects()
list_li = []
directory = xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/jellyfin/%s/" % item_id)
server = TheVoid('GetServerAddress', {'ServerId': server_id}).get()
if not xbmcvfs.exists(directory):
item = TheVoid('GetItem', {'ServerId': server_id, 'Id': item_id}).get()
obj = objects.map(item, 'Artwork')
backdrops = api.API(item, server).get_all_artwork(obj)
tags = obj['BackdropTags']
for index, backdrop in enumerate(backdrops):
tag = tags[index]
fanart = os.path.join(directory, "fanart%s.jpg" % tag)
li = xbmcgui.ListItem(tag, path=fanart)
xbmcvfs.copy(backdrop, fanart)
list_li.append((fanart, li, False))
LOG.debug("cached backdrop found")
dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(directory)
for file in files:
fanart = os.path.join(directory, file)
li = xbmcgui.ListItem(file, path=fanart)
list_li.append((fanart, li, False))
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PROCESS_HANDLE, list_li, len(list_li))
def get_video_extras(item_id, path, server_id=None):
''' Returns the video files for the item as plugin listing, can be used
to browse actual files or video extras, etc.
if not item_id and 'plugin.video.jellyfin' in path:
item_id = path.split('/')[-2]
if not item_id:
TheVoid('GetItem', {'ServerId': server_id, 'Id': item_id}).get()
# TODO: Investigate the void (issue #228)
def getVideoFiles(jellyfinId,jellyfinPath):
#returns the video files for the item as plugin listing, can be used for browsing the actual files or videoextras etc.
jellyfin = jellyfinserver.Read_JellyfinServer()
if not jellyfinId:
if "plugin.video.jellyfin" in jellyfinPath:
jellyfinId = jellyfinPath.split("/")[-2]
if jellyfinId:
item = jellyfin.getItem(jellyfinId)
putils = playutils.PlayUtils(item)
if putils.isDirectPlay():
#only proceed if we can access the files directly. TODO: copy local on the fly if accessed outside
filelocation = putils.directPlay()
if not filelocation.endswith("/"):
filelocation = filelocation.rpartition("/")[0]
dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(filelocation)
for file in files:
file = filelocation + file
li = xbmcgui.ListItem(file, path=file)
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=PROCESS_HANDLE, url=file, listitem=li)
for dir in dirs:
dir = filelocation + dir
li = xbmcgui.ListItem(dir, path=dir)
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=PROCESS_HANDLE, url=dir, listitem=li, isFolder=True)
def get_next_episodes(item_id, limit):
''' Only for synced content.
with Database('jellyfin') as jellyfindb:
db = jellyfin_db.JellyfinDatabase(jellyfindb.cursor)
library = db.get_view_name(item_id)
if not library:
result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetTVShows').execute({
'sort': {'order': "descending", 'method': "lastplayed"},
'filter': {
'and': [
{'operator': "true", 'field': "inprogress", 'value': ""},
{'operator': "is", 'field': "tag", 'value': "%s" % library}
'properties': ['title', 'studio', 'mpaa', 'file', 'art']
items = result['result']['tvshows']
except (KeyError, TypeError):
list_li = []
for item in items:
if settings('ignoreSpecialsNextEpisodes.bool'):
params = {
'tvshowid': item['tvshowid'],
'sort': {'method': "episode"},
'filter': {
'and': [
{'operator': "lessthan", 'field': "playcount", 'value': "1"},
{'operator': "greaterthan", 'field': "season", 'value': "0"}
'properties': [
"title", "playcount", "season", "episode", "showtitle",
"plot", "file", "rating", "resume", "tvshowid", "art",
"streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "writer",
"dateadded", "lastplayed"
'limits': {"end": 1}
params = {
'tvshowid': item['tvshowid'],
'sort': {'method': "episode"},
'filter': {'operator': "lessthan", 'field': "playcount", 'value': "1"},
'properties': [
"title", "playcount", "season", "episode", "showtitle",
"plot", "file", "rating", "resume", "tvshowid", "art",
"streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "writer",
"dateadded", "lastplayed"
'limits': {"end": 1}
result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes').execute(params)
episodes = result['result']['episodes']
except (KeyError, TypeError):
for episode in episodes:
li = create_listitem(episode)
list_li.append((episode['file'], li))
if len(list_li) == limit:
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PROCESS_HANDLE, list_li, len(list_li))
xbmcplugin.setContent(PROCESS_HANDLE, 'episodes')
def create_listitem(item):
''' Listitem based on jsonrpc items.
title = item['title']
label2 = ""
li = xbmcgui.ListItem(title)
li.setProperty('IsPlayable', "true")
metadata = {
'Title': title,
'duration': str(item['runtime'] / 60),
'Plot': item['plot'],
'Playcount': item['playcount']
if "showtitle" in item:
metadata['TVshowTitle'] = item['showtitle']
label2 = item['showtitle']
if "episodeid" in item:
# Listitem of episode
metadata['mediatype'] = "episode"
metadata['dbid'] = item['episodeid']
# TODO: Review once Krypton is RC - probably no longer needed if there's dbid
if "episode" in item:
episode = item['episode']
metadata['Episode'] = episode
if "season" in item:
season = item['season']
metadata['Season'] = season
if season and episode:
episodeno = "s%.2de%.2d" % (season, episode)
li.setProperty('episodeno', episodeno)
label2 = "%s - %s" % (label2, episodeno) if label2 else episodeno
if "firstaired" in item:
metadata['Premiered'] = item['firstaired']
if "rating" in item:
metadata['Rating'] = str(round(float(item['rating']), 1))
if "director" in item:
metadata['Director'] = " / ".join(item['director'])
if "writer" in item:
metadata['Writer'] = " / ".join(item['writer'])
if "cast" in item:
cast = []
castandrole = []
for person in item['cast']:
name = person['name']
castandrole.append((name, person['role']))
metadata['Cast'] = cast
metadata['CastAndRole'] = castandrole
li.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels=metadata)
li.setProperty('resumetime', str(item['resume']['position']))
li.setProperty('totaltime', str(item['resume']['total']))
li.setProperty('dbid', str(item['episodeid']))
li.setProperty('fanart_image', item['art'].get('tvshow.fanart', ''))
for key, value in iteritems(item['streamdetails']):
for stream in value:
li.addStreamInfo(key, stream)
return li
def add_user():
''' Add or remove users from the default server session.
if not window('jellyfin_online.bool'):
session = TheVoid('GetSession', {}).get()
users = TheVoid('GetUsers', {'IsDisabled': False, 'IsHidden': False}).get()
current = session[0]['AdditionalUsers']
result = dialog("select", translate(33061), [translate(33062), translate(33063)] if current else [translate(33062)])
if result < 0:
if not result: # Add user
eligible = [x for x in users if x['Id'] not in [current_user['UserId'] for current_user in current]]
resp = dialog("select", translate(33064), [x['Name'] for x in eligible])
if resp < 0:
user = eligible[resp]
event('AddUser', {'Id': user['Id'], 'Add': True})
else: # Remove user
resp = dialog("select", translate(33064), [x['UserName'] for x in current])
if resp < 0:
user = current[resp]
event('AddUser', {'Id': user['UserId'], 'Add': False})
def get_themes():
''' Add theme media locally, via strm. This is only for tv tunes.
If another script is used, adjust this code.
from helper.utils import normalize_string
from helper.playutils import PlayUtils
from helper.xmls import tvtunes_nfo
library = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.jellyfin/library")
play = settings('useDirectPaths') == "1"
if not xbmcvfs.exists(library + '/'):
if xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon(script.tvtunes)'):
tvtunes = xbmcaddon.Addon(id="script.tvtunes")
tvtunes.setSetting('custom_path_enable', "true")
tvtunes.setSetting('custom_path', library)
LOG.info("TV Tunes custom path is enabled and set.")
dialog("ok", "{jellyfin}", translate(33152))
with Database('jellyfin') as jellyfindb:
all_views = jellyfin_db.JellyfinDatabase(jellyfindb.cursor).get_views()
views = [x[0] for x in all_views if x[2] in ('movies', 'tvshows', 'mixed')]
items = {}
server = TheVoid('GetServerAddress', {'ServerId': None}).get()
token = TheVoid('GetToken', {'ServerId': None}).get()
for view in views:
result = TheVoid('GetThemes', {'Type': "Video", 'Id': view}).get()
for item in result['Items']:
folder = normalize_string(item['Name'])
items[item['Id']] = folder
result = TheVoid('GetThemes', {'Type': "Song", 'Id': view}).get()
for item in result['Items']:
folder = normalize_string(item['Name'])
items[item['Id']] = folder
for item in items:
nfo_path = os.path.join(library, items[item])
nfo_file = os.path.join(nfo_path, "tvtunes.nfo")
if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_path):
themes = TheVoid('GetTheme', {'Id': item}).get()
paths = []
for theme in themes['ThemeVideosResult']['Items'] + themes['ThemeSongsResult']['Items']:
putils = PlayUtils(theme, False, None, server, token)
if play:
tvtunes_nfo(nfo_file, paths)
dialog("notification", heading="{jellyfin}", message=translate(33153), icon="{jellyfin}", time=1000, sound=False)
def delete_item():
''' Delete keymap action.
import context
def backup():
''' Jellyfin backup.
from helper.utils import delete_folder, copytree
path = settings('backupPath')
folder_name = "Kodi%s.%s" % (xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[:2], xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.Date(dd-mm-yy)'))
folder_name = dialog("input", heading=translate(33089), defaultt=folder_name)
if not folder_name:
backup = os.path.join(path, folder_name)
if xbmcvfs.exists(backup + '/'):
if not dialog("yesno", "{jellyfin}", translate(33090)):
return backup()
addon_data = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.jellyfin")
destination_data = os.path.join(backup, "addon_data", "plugin.video.jellyfin")
destination_databases = os.path.join(backup, "Database")
if not xbmcvfs.mkdirs(path) or not xbmcvfs.mkdirs(destination_databases):
LOG.info("Unable to create all directories")
dialog("notification", heading="{jellyfin}", icon="{jellyfin}", message=translate(33165), sound=False)
copytree(addon_data, destination_data)
databases = Objects().objects
db = xbmc.translatePath(databases['jellyfin'])
xbmcvfs.copy(db, os.path.join(destination_databases, db.rsplit('\\', 1)[1]))
LOG.info("copied jellyfin.db")
db = xbmc.translatePath(databases['video'])
filename = db.rsplit('\\', 1)[1]
xbmcvfs.copy(db, os.path.join(destination_databases, filename))
LOG.info("copied %s", filename)
if settings('enableMusic.bool'):
db = xbmc.translatePath(databases['music'])
filename = db.rsplit('\\', 1)[1]
xbmcvfs.copy(db, os.path.join(destination_databases, filename))
LOG.info("copied %s", filename)
LOG.info("backup completed")
dialog("ok", "{jellyfin}", "%s %s" % (translate(33091), backup))