mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 18:15:43 +00:00
450 lines
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450 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import logging
import requests
import os
import shutil
import sys
from datetime import timedelta
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcplugin
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcvfs
import api
import artwork
import downloadutils
import playutils as putils
import playlist
import read_embyserver as embyserver
import shutil
import embydb_functions as embydb
from database import DatabaseConn
from dialogs import resume
from utils import window, settings, language as lang, JSONRPC
log = logging.getLogger("EMBY."+__name__)
KODI_V = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[:2])
class PlaybackUtils(object):
def __init__(self, item=None, item_id=None):
self.artwork = artwork.Artwork()
self.emby = embyserver.Read_EmbyServer()
self.item = item or self.emby.getItem(item_id)
self.API = api.API(self.item)
self.server = window('emby_server%s' % window('emby_currUser'))
self.stack = []
if self.item['Type'] == "Audio":
self.playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_MUSIC)
self.playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
def _detect_widgets(self):
kodi_version = xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')
if KODI_V == 18:
return False
elif kodi_version and "Git:" in kodi_version and kodi_version.split('Git:')[1].split("-")[0] in ('20171119', 'a9a7a20'):
#TODO: To be reviewed once Leia is out.
log.info("Build does not require workaround for widgets?")
return False
if not xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsMedia'):
log.info("Not Window.IsMedia")
if self.item['Type'] == "Audio" and not xbmc.getCondVisibility('Integer.IsGreater(Playlist.Length(music),1)'):
log.info("Audio and not playlist")
if not xbmc.getCondVisibility('Integer.IsGreater(Playlist.Length(video),1)'):
log.info("Not video playlist")
if (not xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsMedia') and
((self.item['Type'] == "Audio" and not xbmc.getCondVisibility('Integer.IsGreater(Playlist.Length(music),1)')) or
not xbmc.getCondVisibility('Integer.IsGreater(Playlist.Length(video),1)'))):
return True
return False
def play(self, item_id, dbid=None, force_transcode=False):
listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
log.info("Play called %s: %s", item_id, self.item['Name'])
resume = window('emby.resume')
window('emby.resume', clear=True)
play_url = putils.PlayUtils(self.item, listitem).get_play_url(force_transcode)
if not play_url:
if play_url == False: # User backed-out of menu
return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False, listitem)
if self.item['Type'] != "Audio":
''' Detect the seektime for video type content.
Verify the default video action set in Kodi for accurate resume behavior.
if self.get_play_action() == "Resume":
resume = "true"
if force_transcode:
seektime = self.API.get_userdata()['Resume']
if seektime and resume != "true":
resume = self.resume_dialog(seektime)
if resume is None:
return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False, listitem)
elif not resume:
seektime = 0
seektime = self.API.adjust_resume(self.API.get_userdata()['Resume']) if resume == "true" else 0
if force_transcode:
log.info("Clear the playlist.")
self.set_playlist(play_url, item_id, listitem, seektime, dbid)
''' To get everything to work together, play the first item in the stack with setResolvedUrl,
add the rest to the regular playlist.
index = max(self.playlist.getposition(), 0) + 1 # Can return -1
force_play = False
''' Krypton 17.6 broke StartOffset. Seems to be working in Leia.
For now, set up using StartPercent and adjust a bit to compensate.
TODO: Once Leia is fully supported, move back to StartOffset.
if seektime:
seektime_percent = ((seektime/self.API.get_runtime()) * 100) - 0.40
log.info("seektime detected (percent): %s", seektime_percent)
listitem.setProperty('StartPercent', str(seektime_percent))
# Prevent manually mark as watched in Kodi monitor
window('emby.skip.%s' % item_id, value="true")
# Stack: [(url, listitem), (url, ...), ...]
if self._detect_widgets():
# widgets do not fill artwork correctly
log.info("Detected widget.")
raise IndexError
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, self.stack[0][1])
self.stack.pop(0) # remove the first item we just started.
except IndexError:
log.info("Playback activated via the context menu or widgets.")
force_play = True
for stack in self.stack:
self.playlist.add(url=stack[0], listitem=stack[1], index=index)
index += 1
if force_play:
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False, self.stack[0][1])
xbmc.Player().play(self.playlist, windowed=False)
def get_play_action(cls):
''' I could not figure out a way to listen to kodi setting changes?
For now, verify the play action every time play is called.
options = ['Choose', 'Play', 'Resume', 'Show information']
result = JSONRPC('Settings.GetSettingValue').execute({'setting': "myvideos.selectaction"})
return options[result['result']['value']]
except Exception as error:
log.error("Returning play action due to error: %s", error)
return options[1]
def set_playlist(self, play_url, item_id, listitem, seektime=None, db_id=None):
if settings('enableCinema') == "true" and not seektime:
self.set_properties(play_url, listitem)
self.set_listitem(listitem, db_id)
self.stack.append([play_url, listitem])
if self.item.get('PartCount'):
def _set_intros(self, item_id):
# if we have any play them when the movie/show is not being resumed
intros = self.emby.get_intros(item_id)
if intros['Items']:
enabled = True
if settings('askCinema') == "true":
resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno("Emby for Kodi", lang(33016))
if not resp:
# User selected to not play trailers
enabled = False
log.info("Skip trailers.")
if enabled:
for intro in intros['Items']:
listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
url = putils.PlayUtils(intro, listitem).get_play_url()
log.info("Adding Intro: %s", url)
PlaybackUtils(intro).set_properties(url, listitem)
self.set_artwork(listitem, self.item['Type'])
self.stack.append([url, listitem])
window('emby.skip.%s' % self.item['Id'], value="true")
def _set_additional_parts(self, item_id):
parts = self.emby.get_additional_parts(item_id)
for part in parts['Items']:
listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
url = putils.PlayUtils(part, listitem).get_play_url()
log.info("Adding additional part: %s", url)
# Set listitem and properties for each additional parts
pb = PlaybackUtils(part)
pb.set_properties(url, listitem)
self.stack.append([url, listitem])
def set_listitem(self, listitem, dbid=None):
people = self.API.get_people()
mediatype = self.item['Type']
metadata = {
'title': self.item.get('Name', "Missing name"),
'year': self.item.get('ProductionYear'),
'plot': self.API.get_overview(),
'director': people.get('Director'),
'writer': people.get('Writer'),
'mpaa': self.API.get_mpaa(),
'genre': " / ".join(self.item['Genres']),
'studio': " / ".join(self.API.get_studios()),
'aired': self.API.get_premiere_date(),
'rating': self.item.get('CommunityRating'),
'votes': self.item.get('VoteCount'),
'dbid': dbid or None
if mediatype == "Episode":
# Only for tv shows
metadata['mediatype'] = "episode"
metadata['TVShowTitle'] = self.item.get('SeriesName', "")
metadata['season'] = self.item.get('ParentIndexNumber', -1)
metadata['episode'] = self.item.get('IndexNumber', -1)
elif mediatype == "Movie":
metadata['mediatype'] = "movie"
elif mediatype == "MusicVideo":
metadata['mediatype'] = "musicvideo"
elif mediatype == "Audio":
metadata['mediatype'] = "song"
metadata['mediatype'] = "video"
listitem.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
listitem.setProperty('IsFolder', 'false')
listitem.setInfo('music' if mediatype == "Audio" else 'video', infoLabels=metadata)
def set_properties(self, url, listitem):
# Set all properties necessary for plugin path playback
item_id = self.item['Id']
item_type = self.item['Type']
info = window('emby_%s.play.json' % url)
window('emby_%s.play.json' % url, clear=True)
window('emby_%s.json' % url, {
'url': url,
'runtime': str(self.item.get('RunTimeTicks')),
'type': item_type,
'id': item_id,
'mediasource_id': info.get('mediasource_id', item_id),
'refreshid': self.item.get('SeriesId') if item_type == "Episode" else item_id,
'playmethod': info['playmethod'],
'playsession_id': info['playsession_id']
self.set_artwork(listitem, item_type)
def set_artwork(self, listitem, item_type):
all_artwork = self.artwork.get_all_artwork(self.item, parent_info=True)
# Set artwork for listitem
if item_type == "Episode":
art = {
'poster': "Series.Primary",
'tvshow.poster': "Series.Primary",
'clearart': "Art",
'tvshow.clearart': "Art",
'clearlogo': "Logo",
'tvshow.clearlogo': "Logo",
'discart': "Disc",
'fanart_image': "Backdrop",
'landscape': "Thumb",
'tvshow.landscape': "Thumb",
'thumb': "Primary",
'fanart': "Backdrop"
elif item_type in ("Artist", "Audio", "MusicAlbum"):
art = {
'clearlogo': "Logo",
'discart': "Disc",
'fanart': "Backdrop",
'fanart_image': "Backdrop", # in case
'thumb': "Primary"
art = {
'poster': "Primary",
'clearart': "Art",
'clearlogo': "Logo",
'discart': "Disc",
'fanart_image': "Backdrop",
'landscape': "Thumb",
'thumb': "Primary",
'fanart': "Backdrop"
for k_art, e_art in art.items():
if e_art == "Backdrop":
self._set_art(listitem, k_art, all_artwork[e_art][0] if all_artwork[e_art] else " ")
self._set_art(listitem, k_art, all_artwork.get(e_art, " "))
def _set_art(self, listitem, art, path):
if art in ('fanart_image', 'small_poster', 'tiny_poster',
'medium_landscape', 'medium_poster', 'small_fanartimage',
'medium_fanartimage', 'fanart_noindicators'):
listitem.setProperty(art, path)
listitem.setArt({art: path})
def resume_dialog(self, seektime):
log.info("Resume dialog called.")
XML_PATH = (xbmcaddon.Addon('plugin.video.emby').getAddonInfo('path'), "default", "1080i")
dialog = resume.ResumeDialog("script-emby-resume.xml", *XML_PATH)
dialog.set_resume_point("Resume from %s" % str(timedelta(seconds=seektime)).split(".")[0])
if dialog.is_selected():
if not dialog.get_selected(): # Start from beginning selected.
return False
else: # User backed out
log.info("User exited without a selection.")
return True
def play_all(self, item_ids, seektime=None, **kwargs):
started = False
index = max(self.playlist.getposition(), 0) + 1 # Can return -1
for item_id in item_ids:
listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
db_id = None
item = self.emby.getItem(item_id)
play_url = putils.PlayUtils(item, listitem, **kwargs if item_ids.index(item_id) == 0 else {}).get_play_url()
if not play_url:
log.info("Failed to retrieve playurl")
log.info("Playurl: %s", play_url)
with DatabaseConn('emby') as cursor:
item_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(cursor).getItem_byId(item_id)
db_id = item_db[0] if item_db else None
pbutils = PlaybackUtils(item)
if item_ids.index(item_id) == 0 and seektime:
seektime = seektime / 10000000.0 if seektime else None
log.info("Seektime detected: %s", self.API.adjust_resume(seektime))
listitem.setProperty('startoffset', str(self.API.adjust_resume(seektime)))
pbutils.set_playlist(play_url, item_id, listitem, seektime if item_ids.index(item_id) == 0 else None, db_id)
for stack in pbutils.stack:
self.playlist.add(url=stack[0], listitem=stack[1], index=index)
index += 1
if not started:
started = True
item = window('emby_%s.json' % play_url)
item['forcedaudio'] = kwargs.get('AudioStreamIndex')
item['forcedsubs'] = kwargs.get('SubtitleStreamIndex')
window('emby_%s.json' % play_url, value=item)
player = xbmc.Player()
return True