mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 16:05:44 +00:00
453 lines
11 KiB
453 lines
11 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import binascii
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import unicodedata
import urllib
from uuid import uuid4
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import xbmc
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcgui
import xbmcvfs
from . import _
from dateutil import tz, parser
LOG = logging.getLogger("JELLYFIN."+__name__)
def addon_id():
return "plugin.video.jellyfin"
def kodi_version():
return xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[:2]
def window(key, value=None, clear=False, window_id=10000):
''' Get or set window properties.
window = xbmcgui.Window(window_id)
if clear:
LOG.debug("--[ window clear: %s ]", key)
window.clearProperty(key.replace('.json', "").replace('.bool', ""))
elif value is not None:
if key.endswith('.json'):
key = key.replace('.json', "")
value = json.dumps(value)
elif key.endswith('.bool'):
key = key.replace('.bool', "")
value = "true" if value else "false"
window.setProperty(key, value)
result = window.getProperty(key.replace('.json', "").replace('.bool', ""))
if result:
if key.endswith('.json'):
result = json.loads(result)
elif key.endswith('.bool'):
result = result in ("true", "1")
return result
def settings(setting, value=None):
''' Get or add add-on settings.
getSetting returns unicode object.
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(addon_id())
if value is not None:
if setting.endswith('.bool'):
setting = setting.replace('.bool', "")
value = "true" if value else "false"
addon.setSetting(setting, value)
result = addon.getSetting(setting.replace('.bool', ""))
if result and setting.endswith('.bool'):
result = result in ("true", "1")
return result
def create_id():
return uuid4()
def compare_version(a, b):
''' -1 a is smaller
1 a is larger
0 equal
a = LooseVersion(a)
b = LooseVersion(b)
if a < b:
return -1
if a > b:
return 1
return 0
def find(dict, item):
''' Find value in dictionary.
if item in dict:
return dict[item]
for key,value in sorted(dict.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k)):
if re.match(key, item, re.I):
return dict[key]
def event(method, data=None, sender=None, hexlify=False):
''' Data is a dictionary.
data = data or {}
sender = sender or "plugin.video.jellyfin"
if hexlify:
data = '\\"[\\"{0}\\"]\\"'.format(binascii.hexlify(json.dumps(data)))
data = '"[%s]"' % json.dumps(data).replace('"', '\\"')
xbmc.executebuiltin('NotifyAll(%s, %s, %s)' % (sender, method, data))
LOG.debug("---[ event: %s/%s ] %s", sender, method, data)
def dialog(dialog_type, *args, **kwargs):
d = xbmcgui.Dialog()
if "icon" in kwargs:
kwargs['icon'] = kwargs['icon'].replace("{jellyfin}",
if "heading" in kwargs:
kwargs['heading'] = kwargs['heading'].replace("{jellyfin}", _('addon_name'))
types = {
'yesno': d.yesno,
'ok': d.ok,
'notification': d.notification,
'input': d.input,
'select': d.select,
'numeric': d.numeric,
'multi': d.multiselect
return types[dialog_type](*args, **kwargs)
def should_stop():
''' Checkpoint during the sync process.
if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(0.00001):
return True
if window('jellyfin_should_stop.bool'):
return True
if not window('jellyfin_online.bool'):
return True
return False
def get_screensaver():
''' Get the current screensaver value.
result = JSONRPC('Settings.getSettingValue').execute({'setting': "screensaver.mode"})
return result['result']['value']
except KeyError:
return ""
def set_screensaver(value):
''' Toggle the screensaver
params = {
'setting': "screensaver.mode",
'value': value
result = JSONRPC('Settings.setSettingValue').execute(params)
LOG.info("---[ screensaver/%s ] %s", value, result)
class JSONRPC(object):
version = 1
jsonrpc = "2.0"
def __init__(self, method, **kwargs):
self.method = method
for arg in kwargs:
self.arg = arg
def _query(self):
query = {
'jsonrpc': self.jsonrpc,
'id': self.version,
'method': self.method,
if self.params is not None:
query['params'] = self.params
return json.dumps(query)
def execute(self, params=None):
self.params = params
return json.loads(xbmc.executeJSONRPC(self._query()))
def validate(path):
''' Verify if path is accessible.
if window('jellyfin_pathverified.bool'):
return True
path = path if os.path.supports_unicode_filenames else path.encode('utf-8')
if not xbmcvfs.exists(path):
LOG.info("Could not find %s", path)
if dialog("yesno", heading="{jellyfin}", line1="%s %s. %s" % (_(33047), path, _(33048))):
return False
window('jellyfin_pathverified.bool', True)
return True
def values(item, keys):
''' Grab the values in the item for a list of keys {key},{key1}....
If the key has no brackets, the key will be passed as is.
return (item[key.replace('{', "").replace('}', "")] if type(key) == str and key.startswith('{') else key for key in keys)
def indent(elem, level=0):
''' Prettify xml docs.
i = "\n" + level * " "
if len(elem):
if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
elem.text = i + " "
if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
elem.tail = i
for elem in elem:
indent(elem, level + 1)
if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
elem.tail = i
if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
elem.tail = i
except Exception as error:
def write_xml(content, file):
with open(file, 'w') as infile:
content = content.replace("'", '"')
content = content.replace('?>', ' standalone="yes" ?>', 1)
def delete_folder(path):
''' Delete objects from kodi cache
LOG.debug("--[ delete folder ]")
dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(path)
delete_recursive(path, dirs)
for file in files:
xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(path, file.decode('utf-8')))
LOG.info("DELETE %s", path)
def delete_recursive(path, dirs):
''' Delete files and dirs recursively.
for directory in dirs:
dirs2, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(os.path.join(path, directory.decode('utf-8')))
for file in files:
xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(path, directory.decode('utf-8'), file.decode('utf-8')))
delete_recursive(os.path.join(path, directory.decode('utf-8')), dirs2)
xbmcvfs.rmdir(os.path.join(path, directory.decode('utf-8')))
def unzip(path, dest, folder=None):
''' Unzip file. zipfile module seems to fail on android with badziperror.
path = urllib.quote_plus(path)
root = "zip://" + path + '/'
if folder:
xbmcvfs.mkdir(os.path.join(dest, folder))
dest = os.path.join(dest, folder)
root = get_zip_directory(root, folder)
dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(root)
if dirs:
unzip_recursive(root, dirs, dest)
for file in files:
unzip_file(os.path.join(root, file.decode('utf-8')), os.path.join(dest, file.decode('utf-8')))
LOG.info("Unzipped %s", path)
def unzip_recursive(path, dirs, dest):
for directory in dirs:
dirs_dir = os.path.join(path, directory.decode('utf-8'))
dest_dir = os.path.join(dest, directory.decode('utf-8'))
dirs2, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(dirs_dir)
if dirs2:
unzip_recursive(dirs_dir, dirs2, dest_dir)
for file in files:
unzip_file(os.path.join(dirs_dir, file.decode('utf-8')), os.path.join(dest_dir, file.decode('utf-8')))
def unzip_file(path, dest):
''' Unzip specific file. Path should start with zip://
xbmcvfs.copy(path, dest)
LOG.debug("unzip: %s to %s", path, dest)
def get_zip_directory(path, folder):
dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(path)
if folder in dirs:
return os.path.join(path, folder)
for directory in dirs:
result = get_zip_directory(os.path.join(path, directory.decode('utf-8')), folder)
if result:
return result
def copytree(path, dest):
''' Copy folder content from one to another.
dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(path)
if not xbmcvfs.exists(dest):
if dirs:
copy_recursive(path, dirs, dest)
for file in files:
copy_file(os.path.join(path, file.decode('utf-8')), os.path.join(dest, file.decode('utf-8')))
LOG.info("Copied %s", path)
def copy_recursive(path, dirs, dest):
for directory in dirs:
dirs_dir = os.path.join(path, directory.decode('utf-8'))
dest_dir = os.path.join(dest, directory.decode('utf-8'))
dirs2, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(dirs_dir)
if dirs2:
copy_recursive(dirs_dir, dirs2, dest_dir)
for file in files:
copy_file(os.path.join(dirs_dir, file.decode('utf-8')), os.path.join(dest_dir, file.decode('utf-8')))
def copy_file(path, dest):
''' Copy specific file.
if path.endswith('.pyo'):
xbmcvfs.copy(path, dest)
LOG.debug("copy: %s to %s", path, dest)
def normalize_string(text):
''' For theme media, do not modify unless modified in TV Tunes.
Remove dots from the last character as windows can not have directories
with dots at the end
text = text.replace(":", "")
text = text.replace("/", "-")
text = text.replace("\\", "-")
text = text.replace("<", "")
text = text.replace(">", "")
text = text.replace("*", "")
text = text.replace("?", "")
text = text.replace('|', "")
text = text.strip()
text = text.rstrip('.')
text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(text, 'utf-8')).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return text
def split_list(itemlist, size):
''' Split up list in pieces of size. Will generate a list of lists
return [itemlist[i:i+size] for i in range(0, len(itemlist), size)]
def convert_to_local(date):
''' Convert the local datetime to local.
date = parser.parse(date) if type(date) in (unicode, str) else date
date = date.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc())
date = date.astimezone(tz.tzlocal())
return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
except Exception as error:
return str(date)