################################################################################################# # WebSocket Client thread ################################################################################################# import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon import json import threading import urllib import socket import websocket import KodiMonitor import Utils as utils from ClientInformation import ClientInformation from DownloadUtils import DownloadUtils from PlaybackUtils import PlaybackUtils from LibrarySync import LibrarySync from WriteKodiVideoDB import WriteKodiVideoDB from ReadEmbyDB import ReadEmbyDB from ReadKodiDB import ReadKodiDB import logging logging.basicConfig() _MODE_BASICPLAY=12 class WebSocketThread(threading.Thread): _shared_state = {} doUtils = DownloadUtils() clientInfo = ClientInformation() KodiMonitor = KodiMonitor.Kodi_Monitor() WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) addonName = clientInfo.getAddonName() client = None keepRunning = True def __init__(self, *args): self.__dict__ = self._shared_state threading.Thread.__init__(self, *args) def logMsg(self, msg, lvl=1): self.className = self.__class__.__name__ utils.logMsg("%s %s" % (self.addonName, self.className), msg, int(lvl)) def sendProgressUpdate(self, data): self.logMsg("sendProgressUpdate", 1) if self.client: try: # Send progress update messageData = { 'MessageType': "ReportPlaybackProgress", 'Data': data } messageString = json.dumps(messageData) self.client.send(messageString) self.logMsg("Message data: %s" % messageString, 2) except Exception, e: self.logMsg("Exception: %s" % e, 1) def stopClient(self): # stopping the client is tricky, first set keep_running to false and then trigger one # more message by requesting one SessionsStart message, this causes the # client to receive the message and then exit if(self.client != None): self.logMsg("Stopping Client") self.keepRunning = False self.client.keep_running = False self.client.close() self.logMsg("Stopping Client : KeepRunning set to False") ''' try: self.keepRunning = False self.client.keep_running = False self.logMsg("Stopping Client") self.logMsg("Calling Ping") self.client.sock.ping() self.logMsg("Calling Socket Shutdown()") self.client.sock.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.logMsg("Calling Socket Close()") self.client.sock.sock.close() self.logMsg("Stopping Client Done") self.logMsg("Calling Ping") self.client.sock.ping() except Exception, e: self.logMsg("Exception : " + str(e), level=0) ''' else: self.logMsg("Stopping Client NO Object ERROR") def on_message(self, ws, message): self.logMsg("Message : " + str(message), 0) result = json.loads(message) messageType = result.get("MessageType") data = result.get("Data") WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 ) if(messageType != None and messageType == "Play" and data != None): itemIds = data.get("ItemIds") playCommand = data.get("PlayCommand") if(playCommand != None and playCommand == "PlayNow"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(all,true)") startPositionTicks = data.get("StartPositionTicks") PlaybackUtils().PLAYAllItems(itemIds, startPositionTicks) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Playlist: Added " + str(len(itemIds)) + " items to Playlist,)") elif(playCommand != None and playCommand == "PlayNext"): playlist = PlaybackUtils().AddToPlaylist(itemIds) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Playlist: Added " + str(len(itemIds)) + " items to Playlist,)") if(xbmc.Player().isPlaying() == False): xbmc.Player().play(playlist) elif(messageType != None and messageType == "Playstate"): command = data.get("Command") if(command != None and command == "Stop"): self.logMsg("Playback Stopped") xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.activatewindow(10000)') xbmc.Player().stop() elif(command != None and command == "Pause"): self.logMsg("Playback Paused") xbmc.Player().pause() elif(command != None and command == "Unpause"): self.logMsg("Playback UnPaused") xbmc.Player().pause() elif(command != None and command == "NextTrack"): self.logMsg("Playback NextTrack") xbmc.Player().playnext() elif(command != None and command == "PreviousTrack"): self.logMsg("Playback PreviousTrack") xbmc.Player().playprevious() elif(command != None and command == "Seek"): seekPositionTicks = data.get("SeekPositionTicks") self.logMsg("Playback Seek : " + str(seekPositionTicks)) seekTime = (seekPositionTicks / 1000) / 10000 xbmc.Player().seekTime(seekTime) elif(messageType != None and messageType == "UserDataChanged"): # for now just do a full playcount sync self.logMsg("Message : Doing UserDataChanged", 0) userDataList = data.get("UserDataList") self.logMsg("Message : Doing UserDataChanged : UserDataList : " + str(userDataList), 0) if(userDataList != None): self.user_data_update(userDataList) elif(messageType != None and messageType == "LibraryChanged"): foldersAddedTo = data.get("FoldersAddedTo") foldersRemovedFrom = data.get("FoldersRemovedFrom") # doing items removed itemsRemoved = data.get("ItemsRemoved") itemsAdded = data.get("ItemsAdded") itemsUpdated = data.get("ItemsUpdated") itemsToUpdate = itemsAdded + itemsUpdated self.logMsg("Message : WebSocket LibraryChanged : Items Added : " + str(itemsAdded), 0) self.logMsg("Message : WebSocket LibraryChanged : Items Updated : " + str(itemsUpdated), 0) self.logMsg("Message : WebSocket LibraryChanged : Items Removed : " + str(itemsRemoved), 0) self.remove_items(itemsRemoved) self.update_items(itemsToUpdate) elif messageType == "GeneralCommand": command = data.get("Name") arguments = data.get("Arguments") commandsPlayback = [ 'Mute','Unmute','SetVolume', 'SetAudioStreamIndex' ] if command in commandsPlayback: # These commands need to be reported back if command == "Mute": xbmc.executebuiltin('Mute') elif command == "Unmute": xbmc.executebuiltin('Mute') elif command == "SetVolume": volume = arguments[u'Volume'] xbmc.executebuiltin('SetVolume(%s[,showvolumebar])' % volume) # Report playback WINDOW.setProperty('commandUpdate', 'true') else: # GUI commands if command == "ToggleFullscreen": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(FullScreen)') elif command == "ToggleOsdMenu": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(OSD)') elif command == "MoveUp": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(Up)') elif command == "MoveDown": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(Down)') elif command == "MoveLeft": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(Left)') elif command == "MoveRight": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(Right)') elif command == "Select": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(Select)') elif command == "Back": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(back)') elif command == "ToggleContextMenu": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(ContextMenu)') elif command == "GoHome": xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(Home)') elif command == "PageUp": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(PageUp)') elif command == "NextLetter": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(NextLetter)') elif command == "GoToSearch": xbmc.executebuiltin('VideoLibrary.Search') elif command == "GoToSettings": xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(Settings)') elif command == "PageDown": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(PageDown)') elif command == "PreviousLetter": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(PrevLetter)') elif command == "TakeScreenshot": xbmc.executebuiltin('TakeScreenshot') elif command == "ToggleMute": xbmc.executebuiltin('Mute') elif command == "VolumeUp": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(VolumeUp)') elif command == "VolumeDown": xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(VolumeDown)') elif command == "DisplayMessage": header = arguments[u'Header'] text = arguments[u'Text'] xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(header, text, time=4000) elif command == "SendString": string = arguments[u'String'] text = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Input.SendText", "params": { "text": "%s", "done": false }, "id": 0}' % string result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(text) else: self.logMsg("Unknown command.", 1) def remove_items(self, itemsRemoved): #Process video library connection = utils.KodiSQL("video") cursor = connection.cursor() for item in itemsRemoved: type=ReadKodiDB().getTypeByEmbyId(item, connection, cursor) self.logMsg("Type: " + str(type)) self.logMsg("Message : Doing LibraryChanged : Items Removed : Calling deleteItemFromKodiLibrary: " + item, 0) if type == "episode": showId=ReadKodiDB().getShowIdByEmbyId(item, connection, cursor) # Get the TV Show ID self.logMsg("ShowID: " + str(showId),0) WriteKodiVideoDB().deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(item, connection, cursor) if type == "episode": showTotalCount = ReadKodiDB().getShowTotalCount(showId, connection, cursor) # Check if there are no episodes left self.logMsg("ShowTotalCount: " + str(showTotalCount),0) if showTotalCount == 0 or showTotalCount == None: # Delete show if no episodes are left embyId=ReadKodiDB().getEmbyIdByKodiId(showId, "tvshow", connection, cursor) self.logMsg("Message : Doing LibraryChanged : Deleting show:" + embyId, 0) WriteKodiVideoDB().deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(embyId, connection, cursor) connection.commit() cursor.close() #Process music library addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.emby') if addon.getSetting("enableMusicSync") == "true": connection = utils.KodiSQL("music") cursor = connection.cursor() for item in itemsRemoved: self.logMsg("Message : Doing LibraryChanged : Items Removed : Calling deleteItemFromKodiLibrary (musiclibrary): " + item, 0) WriteKodiMusicDB().deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(item, connection, cursor) connection.commit() cursor.close() def update_items(self, itemsToUpdate): # doing adds and updates if(len(itemsToUpdate) > 0): self.logMsg("Message : Doing LibraryChanged : Processing Added and Updated : " + str(itemsToUpdate), 0) LibrarySync().IncrementalSync(itemsToUpdate) def user_data_update(self, userDataList): self.WINDOW.setProperty('prevent_libraryUpdate', "true") itemsToUpdate = list() for userData in userDataList: itemId = userData.get("ItemId") if(itemId != None): itemsToUpdate.append(itemId) if(len(itemsToUpdate) > 0): self.logMsg("Message : Doing UserDataChanged : Processing Updated : " + str(itemsToUpdate), 0) LibrarySync().IncrementalSync(itemsToUpdate) def on_error(self, ws, error): if "10061" in str(error): # Server is offline pass else: self.logMsg("Error: %s" % error, 1) #raise def on_close(self, ws): self.logMsg("Closed", 2) def on_open(self, ws): pass def run(self): WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) logLevel = int(WINDOW.getProperty('logLevel')) username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser') server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username) token = WINDOW.getProperty('accessToken%s' % username) deviceId = ClientInformation().getMachineId() if (logLevel == 2): websocket.enableTrace(True) # Get the appropriate prefix for websocket if "https" in server: server = server.replace('https', 'wss') else: server = server.replace('http', 'ws') websocketUrl = "%s?api_key=%s&deviceId=%s" % (server, token, deviceId) self.logMsg("websocket URL: %s" % websocketUrl) self.client = websocket.WebSocketApp(websocketUrl, on_message = self.on_message, on_error = self.on_error, on_close = self.on_close) self.client.on_open = self.on_open while not self.KodiMonitor.abortRequested(): if WINDOW.getProperty("Server_online") == "true": # Server came back online, repost capabilities self.doUtils.postCapabilities(deviceId) self.client.run_forever() if (self.keepRunning): # Server is not online if WINDOW.getProperty("Server_online") == "true": self.logMsg("Server is unreachable.", 1) WINDOW.setProperty("Server_online", "false") xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("Error connecting", "%s Server is unreachable." % self.addonName) if self.KodiMonitor.waitForAbort(5): break self.logMsg("Thread Exited")