import xbmcaddon import xbmc import xbmcgui import os import threading import json from datetime import datetime cwd = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='').getAddonInfo('path') BASE_RESOURCE_PATH = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( cwd, 'resources', 'lib' ) ) sys.path.append(BASE_RESOURCE_PATH) import KodiMonitor import Utils as utils from LibrarySync import LibrarySync from Player import Player from ConnectionManager import ConnectionManager from ClientInformation import ClientInformation from WebSocketClient import WebSocketThread from UserClient import UserClient class Service(): newWebSocketThread = None newUserClient = None librarySync = LibrarySync() clientInfo = ClientInformation() addonName = clientInfo.getAddonName() className = None def __init__(self, *args ): self.KodiMonitor = KodiMonitor.Kodi_Monitor() addonName = self.addonName self.className = self.__class__.__name__ self.logMsg("Starting Monitor", 0) self.logMsg("======== START %s ========" % addonName, 0) self.logMsg("KODI Version: %s" % xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion"), 0) self.logMsg("%s Version: %s" % (addonName, self.clientInfo.getVersion()), 0) pass def logMsg(self, msg, lvl=1): utils.logMsg("%s %s" % (self.addonName, self.className), str(msg), int(lvl)) def ServiceEntryPoint(self): ConnectionManager().checkServer() lastProgressUpdate = startupComplete = False #interval_FullSync = 600 #interval_IncrementalSync = 300 #cur_seconds_fullsync = interval_FullSync #cur_seconds_incrsync = interval_IncrementalSync user = UserClient() player = Player() ws = WebSocketThread() lastFile = None xbmcplayer = xbmc.Player() while not self.KodiMonitor.abortRequested(): if self.KodiMonitor.waitForAbort(1): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit break if xbmcplayer.isPlaying(): try: playTime = xbmcplayer.getTime() totalTime = xbmcplayer.getTotalTime() currentFile = xbmcplayer.getPlayingFile() if(player.played_information.get(currentFile) != None): player.played_information[currentFile]["currentPosition"] = playTime # send update td = - lastProgressUpdate secDiff = td.seconds if(secDiff > 10): try: player.reportPlayback() except Exception, msg: self.logMsg("Exception reporting progress: %s" % msg, 0) pass lastProgressUpdate = # only try autoplay when there's 20 seconds or less remaining and only once! if (totalTime - playTime <= 20 and (lastFile==None or lastFile!=currentFile)): lastFile = currentFile player.autoPlayPlayback() except Exception, e: self.logMsg("Exception in Playback Monitor Service: %s" % e, 0) pass else: if (self.newUserClient == None): self.newUserClient = "Started" user.start() # background worker for database sync if (user.currUser != None): # Correctly launch the websocket, if user manually launches the add-on if (self.newWebSocketThread == None): self.newWebSocketThread = "Started" ws.start() #full sync if(startupComplete == False): librarySync = self.librarySync self.logMsg("Doing_Db_Sync: syncDatabase (Started)", 1) libSync = librarySync.syncDatabase() self.logMsg("Doing_Db_Sync: syncDatabase (Finished) %s" % libSync, 1) countSync = librarySync.updatePlayCounts() self.logMsg("Doing_Db_Sync: updatePlayCounts (Finished) %s" % countSync, 1) # Force refresh newly set thumbnails xbmc.executebuiltin("UpdateLibrary(video)") if(libSync and countSync): startupComplete = True else: if self.KodiMonitor.waitForAbort(10): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit break else: self.logMsg("Not authenticated yet", 2) self.logMsg("Stopping Service", 0) # If user reset library database WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) addon = xbmcaddon.Addon('') if WINDOW.getProperty("SyncInstallRunDone") == "false": # Reset the initial sync addon.setSetting("SyncInstallRunDone", "false") if (self.newWebSocketThread != None): ws.stopClient() if (self.newUserClient != None): user.stopClient() #start the service Service().ServiceEntryPoint()