# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################################# import json import logging import os import xbmc import xbmcvfs from objects.obj import Objects from helper import _, api, window, settings, dialog, event, silent_catch, JSONRPC from emby import Emby ################################################################################################# LOG = logging.getLogger("EMBY."+__name__) ################################################################################################# class Player(xbmc.Player): played = {} up_next = False def __init__(self): xbmc.Player.__init__(self) @silent_catch() def get_playing_file(self): return self.getPlayingFile() @silent_catch() def get_file_info(self, file): return self.played[file] def is_playing_file(self, file): return file in self.played def onPlayBackStarted(self): ''' We may need to wait for info to be set in kodi monitor. Accounts for scenario where Kodi starts playback and exits immediately. First, ensure previous playback terminated correctly in Emby. ''' self.stop_playback() self.up_next = False count = 0 monitor = xbmc.Monitor() try: current_file = self.getPlayingFile() except Exception: while count < 5: try: current_file = self.getPlayingFile() count = 0 break except Exception: count += 1 if monitor.waitForAbort(1): return else: LOG.info('Cancel playback report') return items = window('emby_play.json') item = None while not items: if monitor.waitForAbort(2): return items = window('emby_play.json') count += 1 if count == 20: LOG.info("Could not find emby prop...") return for item in items: if item['Path'] == current_file.decode('utf-8'): items.pop(items.index(item)) break else: item = items.pop(0) window('emby_play.json', items) self.set_item(current_file, item) data = { 'QueueableMediaTypes': "Video,Audio", 'CanSeek': True, 'ItemId': item['Id'], 'MediaSourceId': item['MediaSourceId'], 'PlayMethod': item['PlayMethod'], 'VolumeLevel': item['Volume'], 'PositionTicks': int(item['CurrentPosition'] * 10000000), 'IsPaused': item['Paused'], 'IsMuted': item['Muted'], 'PlaySessionId': item['PlaySessionId'], 'AudioStreamIndex': item['AudioStreamIndex'], 'SubtitleStreamIndex': item['SubtitleStreamIndex'] } item['Server']['api'].session_playing(data) window('emby.skip.%s.bool' % item['Id'], True) if monitor.waitForAbort(2): return if item['PlayOption'] == 'Addon': self.set_audio_subs(item['AudioStreamIndex'], item['SubtitleStreamIndex']) def set_item(self, file, item): ''' Set playback information. ''' try: item['Runtime'] = int(item['Runtime']) except (TypeError, ValueError): try: item['Runtime'] = int(self.getTotalTime()) LOG.info("Runtime is missing, Kodi runtime: %s" % item['Runtime']) except Exception: item['Runtime'] = 0 LOG.info("Runtime is missing, Using Zero") try: seektime = self.getTime() except Exception: # at this point we should be playing and if not then bail out return result = JSONRPC('Application.GetProperties').execute({'properties': ["volume", "muted"]}) result = result.get('result', {}) volume = result.get('volume') muted = result.get('muted') item.update({ 'File': file, 'CurrentPosition': item.get('CurrentPosition') or int(seektime), 'Muted': muted, 'Volume': volume, 'Server': Emby(item['ServerId']), 'Paused': False }) self.played[file] = item LOG.info("-->[ play/%s ] %s", item['Id'], item) def set_audio_subs(self, audio=None, subtitle=None): ''' Only for after playback started ''' LOG.info("Setting audio: %s subs: %s", audio, subtitle) current_file = self.get_playing_file() if self.is_playing_file(current_file): item = self.get_file_info(current_file) mapping = item['SubsMapping'] if audio and len(self.getAvailableAudioStreams()) > 1: self.setAudioStream(audio - 1) if subtitle == -1 or subtitle is None: self.showSubtitles(False) return tracks = len(self.getAvailableAudioStreams()) if mapping: for index in mapping: if mapping[index] == subtitle: self.setSubtitleStream(int(index)) break else: self.setSubtitleStream(len(mapping) + subtitle - tracks - 1) else: self.setSubtitleStream(subtitle - tracks - 1) def detect_audio_subs(self, item): params = { 'playerid': 1, 'properties': ["currentsubtitle","currentaudiostream","subtitleenabled"] } result = JSONRPC('Player.GetProperties').execute(params) result = result.get('result') try: # Audio tracks audio = result['currentaudiostream']['index'] except (KeyError, TypeError): audio = 0 try: # Subtitles tracks subs = result['currentsubtitle']['index'] except (KeyError, TypeError): subs = 0 try: # If subtitles are enabled subs_enabled = result['subtitleenabled'] except (KeyError, TypeError): subs_enabled = False item['AudioStreamIndex'] = audio + 1 if not subs_enabled or not len(self.getAvailableSubtitleStreams()): item['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = None return mapping = item['SubsMapping'] tracks = len(self.getAvailableAudioStreams()) if mapping: if str(subs) in mapping: item['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = mapping[str(subs)] else: item['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = subs - len(mapping) + tracks + 1 else: item['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = subs + tracks + 1 def next_up(self): item = self.get_file_info(self.get_playing_file()) objects = Objects() if item['Type'] != 'Episode' or not item.get('CurrentEpisode'): return next_items = item['Server']['api'].get_adjacent_episodes(item['CurrentEpisode']['tvshowid'], item['Id']) for index, next_item in enumerate(next_items['Items']): if next_item['Id'] == item['Id']: try: next_item = next_items['Items'][index + 1] except IndexError: LOG.warn("No next up episode.") return break API = api.API(next_item, item['Server']['auth/server-address']) data = objects.map(next_item, "UpNext") artwork = API.get_all_artwork(objects.map(next_item, 'ArtworkParent'), True) data['art'] = { 'tvshow.poster': artwork.get('Series.Primary'), 'tvshow.fanart': None, 'thumb': artwork.get('Primary') } if artwork['Backdrop']: data['art']['tvshow.fanart'] = artwork['Backdrop'][0] next_info = { 'play_info': {'ItemIds': [data['episodeid']], 'ServerId': item['ServerId'], 'PlayCommand': 'PlayNow'}, 'current_episode': item['CurrentEpisode'], 'next_episode': data } LOG.info("--[ next up ] %s", next_info) event("upnext_data", next_info, hexlify=True) def onPlayBackPaused(self): current_file = self.get_playing_file() if self.is_playing_file(current_file): self.get_file_info(current_file)['Paused'] = True self.report_playback() LOG.debug("-->[ paused ]") def onPlayBackResumed(self): current_file = self.get_playing_file() if self.is_playing_file(current_file): self.get_file_info(current_file)['Paused'] = False self.report_playback() LOG.debug("--<[ paused ]") def onPlayBackSeek(self, time, seekOffset): ''' Does not seem to work in Leia?? ''' if self.is_playing_file(self.get_playing_file()): self.report_playback() LOG.info("--[ seek ]") def report_playback(self, report=True): ''' Report playback progress to emby server. Check if the user seek. ''' current_file = self.get_playing_file() if not self.is_playing_file(current_file): return item = self.get_file_info(current_file) if window('emby.external.bool'): return if not report: previous = item['CurrentPosition'] item['CurrentPosition'] = int(self.getTime()) if int(item['CurrentPosition']) == 1: return try: played = float(item['CurrentPosition'] * 10000000) / int(item['Runtime']) * 100 except ZeroDivisionError: # Runtime is 0. played = 0 if played > 2.0 and not self.up_next: self.up_next = True self.next_up() if (item['CurrentPosition'] - previous) < 30: return result = JSONRPC('Application.GetProperties').execute({'properties': ["volume", "muted"]}) result = result.get('result', {}) item['Volume'] = result.get('volume') item['Muted'] = result.get('muted') item['CurrentPosition'] = int(self.getTime()) self.detect_audio_subs(item) data = { 'QueueableMediaTypes': "Video,Audio", 'CanSeek': True, 'ItemId': item['Id'], 'MediaSourceId': item['MediaSourceId'], 'PlayMethod': item['PlayMethod'], 'VolumeLevel': item['Volume'], 'PositionTicks': int(item['CurrentPosition'] * 10000000), 'IsPaused': item['Paused'], 'IsMuted': item['Muted'], 'PlaySessionId': item['PlaySessionId'], 'AudioStreamIndex': item['AudioStreamIndex'], 'SubtitleStreamIndex': item['SubtitleStreamIndex'] } item['Server']['api'].session_progress(data) def onPlayBackStopped(self): ''' Will be called when user stops playing a file. ''' window('emby_play', clear=True) self.stop_playback() LOG.info("--<[ playback ]") def onPlayBackEnded(self): ''' Will be called when kodi stops playing a file. ''' self.stop_playback() LOG.info("--<<[ playback ]") def stop_playback(self): ''' Stop all playback. Check for external player for positionticks. ''' if not self.played: return LOG.info("Played info: %s", self.played) for file in self.played: item = self.get_file_info(file) window('emby.skip.%s.bool' % item['Id'], True) if window('emby.external.bool'): window('emby.external', clear=True) if int(item['CurrentPosition']) == 1: item['CurrentPosition'] = int(item['Runtime']) data = { 'ItemId': item['Id'], 'MediaSourceId': item['MediaSourceId'], 'PositionTicks': int(item['CurrentPosition'] * 10000000), 'PlaySessionId': item['PlaySessionId'] } item['Server']['api'].session_stop(data) if item.get('LiveStreamId'): LOG.info("<[ livestream/%s ]", item['LiveStreamId']) item['Server']['api'].close_live_stream(item['LiveStreamId']) elif item['PlayMethod'] == 'Transcode': LOG.info("<[ transcode/%s ]", item['Id']) item['Server']['api'].close_transcode(item['DeviceId']) path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.emby/temp/").decode('utf-8') if xbmcvfs.exists(path): dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(path) for file in files: xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(path, file.decode('utf-8'))) result = item['Server']['api'].get_item(item['Id']) or {} if 'UserData' in result and result['UserData']['Played']: delete = False if result['Type'] == 'Episode' and settings('deleteTV.bool'): delete = True elif result['Type'] == 'Movie' and settings('deleteMovies.bool'): delete = True if not settings('offerDelete.bool'): delete = False if delete: LOG.info("Offer delete option") if dialog("yesno", heading=_(30091), line1=_(33015), autoclose=120000): item['Server']['api'].delete_item(item['Id']) window('emby.external_check', clear=True) self.played.clear()