from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

''' Queries for the Kodi database. obj reflect key/value to retrieve from jellyfin items.
    Some functions require additional information, therefore obj do not always reflect
    the Kodi database query values.
create_path = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(idPath), 0)
FROM        path
create_file = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(idFile), 0)
FROM        files
create_genre = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(genre_id), 0)
FROM        genre
create_studio = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(studio_id), 0)
FROM        studio
create_bookmark = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(idBookmark), 0)
FROM        bookmark
create_tag = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(tag_id), 0)
FROM        tag
create_unique_id = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(uniqueid_id), 0)
FROM        uniqueid
create_rating = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(rating_id), 0)
FROM        rating
create_movie = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(idMovie), 0)
FROM        movie
create_musicvideo = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(idMVideo), 0)
FROM        musicvideo
create_tvshow = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(idShow), 0)
FROM        tvshow
create_season = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(idSeason), 0)
FROM        seasons
create_episode = """
SELECT      coalesce(max(idEpisode), 0)
FROM        episode

get_path = """
SELECT      idPath
FROM        path
WHERE       strPath = ?
get_path_obj = ["{Path}"]
get_file = """
SELECT      idFile
FROM        files
WHERE       idPath = ?
AND         strFilename = ?
get_file_obj = ["{FileId}"]
get_filename = """
SELECT      strFilename
FROM        files
WHERE       idFile = ?
get_all_people = """
SELECT      name, actor_id
FROM        actor
get_person = """
SELECT      actor_id
FROM        actor
WHERE       name = ?
            COLLATE NOCASE
get_genre = """
SELECT      genre_id
FROM        genre
WHERE       name = ?
            COLLATE NOCASE
get_studio = """
SELECT      studio_id
FROM        studio
WHERE       name = ?
            COLLATE NOCASE
get_tag = """
SELECT      tag_id
FROM        tag
WHERE       name = ?
            COLLATE NOCASE
get_tag_movie_obj = ["Favorite movies", "{MovieId}", "movie"]
get_tag_mvideo_obj = ["Favorite musicvideos", "{MvideoId}", "musicvideo"]
get_tag_episode_obj = ["Favorite tvshows", "{KodiId}", "tvshow"]
get_art = """
SELECT      url
FROM        art
WHERE       media_id = ?
AND         media_type = ?
AND         type = ?
get_movie = """
SELECT      *
FROM        movie
WHERE       idMovie = ?
get_movie_obj = ["{MovieId}"]
get_rating = """
SELECT      rating_id
FROM        rating
WHERE       media_type = ?
AND         media_id = ?
get_rating_movie_obj = ["movie", "{MovieId}"]
get_rating_episode_obj = ["episode", "{EpisodeId}"]
get_unique_id = """
SELECT      uniqueid_id
FROM        uniqueid
WHERE       media_type = ?
AND         media_id = ?
get_unique_id_movie_obj = ["movie", "{MovieId}"]
get_unique_id_tvshow_obj = ["tvshow", "{ShowId}"]
get_unique_id_episode_obj = ["episode", "{EpisodeId}"]
get_country = """
SELECT      country_id
FROM        country
WHERE       name = ?
            COLLATE NOCASE
get_set = """
SELECT      idSet
FROM        sets
WHERE       strSet = ?
            COLLATE NOCASE
get_musicvideo = """
SELECT      *
FROM        musicvideo
WHERE       idMVideo = ?
get_musicvideo_obj = ["{MvideoId}"]
get_tvshow = """
SELECT      *
FROM        tvshow
WHERE       idShow = ?
get_tvshow_obj = ["{ShowId}"]
get_episode = """
SELECT      *
FROM        episode
WHERE       idEpisode = ?
get_episode_obj = ["{EpisodeId}"]
get_season = """
SELECT      idSeason
FROM        seasons
WHERE       idShow = ?
AND         season = ?
get_season_obj = ["{Title}", "{ShowId}", "{Index}"]
get_season_special_obj = [None, "{ShowId}", -1]
get_season_episode_obj = [None, "{ShowId}", "{Season}"]
get_backdrops = """
SELECT      url
FROM        art
WHERE       media_id = ?
AND         media_type = ?
AND         type LIKE ?
get_art = """
SELECT      url
FROM        art
WHERE       media_id = ?
AND         media_type = ?
AND         type = ?
get_art_url = """
SELECT      url, type
FROM        art
WHERE       media_id = ?
AND         media_type = ?
get_show_by_unique_id = """
SELECT      idShow
FROM        tvshow_view
WHERE       uniqueid_value = ?

get_total_episodes = """
SELECT      totalCount
FROM        tvshowcounts
WHERE       idShow = ?
get_total_episodes_obj = ["{ParentId}"]

add_path = """
INSERT INTO     path(idPath, strPath)
VALUES          (?, ?)
add_path_obj = ["{Path}"]
add_file = """
INSERT INTO     files(idFile, idPath, strFilename)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?)
add_file_obj = ["{PathId}", "{Filename}"]
add_person = """
INSERT INTO     actor(name)
VALUES          (?)
add_people_movie_obj = ["{People}", "{MovieId}", "movie"]
add_people_mvideo_obj = ["{People}", "{MvideoId}", "musicvideo"]
add_people_tvshow_obj = ["{People}", "{ShowId}", "tvshow"]
add_people_episode_obj = ["{People}", "{EpisodeId}", "episode"]
add_actor_link = """
INSERT INTO     actor_link(actor_id, media_id, media_type, role, cast_order)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_link = """
INSERT INTO     {LinkType}(actor_id, media_id, media_type)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?)
add_genre = """
INSERT INTO     genre(genre_id, name)
VALUES          (?, ?)
add_genres_movie_obj = ["{Genres}", "{MovieId}", "movie"]
add_genres_mvideo_obj = ["{Genres}", "{MvideoId}", "musicvideo"]
add_genres_tvshow_obj = ["{Genres}", "{ShowId}", "tvshow"]
add_studio = """
INSERT INTO     studio(studio_id, name)
VALUES          (?, ?)
add_studios_movie_obj = ["{Studios}", "{MovieId}", "movie"]
add_studios_mvideo_obj = ["{Studios}", "{MvideoId}", "musicvideo"]
add_studios_tvshow_obj = ["{Studios}", "{ShowId}", "tvshow"]
add_bookmark = """
INSERT INTO     bookmark(idBookmark, idFile, timeInSeconds, totalTimeInSeconds, player, type)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_bookmark_obj = ["{FileId}", "{PlayCount}", "{DatePlayed}", "{Resume}", "{Runtime}", "DVDPlayer", 1]
add_streams_obj = ["{FileId}", "{Streams}", "{Runtime}"]
add_stream_video = """
INSERT INTO     streamdetails(idFile, iStreamType, strVideoCodec, fVideoAspect, iVideoWidth,
                iVideoHeight, iVideoDuration, strStereoMode)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_stream_video_obj = ["{FileId}", 0, "{codec}", "{aspect}", "{width}", "{height}", "{Runtime}", "{3d}"]
add_stream_audio = """
INSERT INTO     streamdetails(idFile, iStreamType, strAudioCodec, iAudioChannels, strAudioLanguage)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_stream_audio_obj = ["{FileId}", 1, "{codec}", "{channels}", "{language}"]
add_stream_sub = """
INSERT INTO     streamdetails(idFile, iStreamType, strSubtitleLanguage)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?)
add_stream_sub_obj = ["{FileId}", 2, "{language}"]
add_tag = """
INSERT INTO     tag(tag_id, name)
VALUES          (?, ?)
add_tags_movie_obj = ["{Tags}", "{MovieId}", "movie"]
add_tags_mvideo_obj = ["{Tags}", "{MvideoId}", "musicvideo"]
add_tags_tvshow_obj = ["{Tags}", "{ShowId}", "tvshow"]
add_art = """
INSERT INTO     art(media_id, media_type, type, url)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?)
add_movie = """
INSERT INTO     movie(idMovie, idFile, c00, c01, c02, c03, c04, c05, c06, c07,
                c09, c10, c11, c12, c14, c15, c16, c18, c19, c21, premiered)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_movie_obj = ["{MovieId}", "{FileId}", "{Title}", "{Plot}", "{ShortPlot}", "{Tagline}",
                 "{Votes}", "{RatingId}", "{Writers}", "{Year}", "{Unique}", "{SortTitle}",
                 "{Runtime}", "{Mpaa}", "{Genre}", "{Directors}", "{Title}", "{Studio}",
                 "{Trailer}", "{Country}", "{Premiere}"]
add_rating = """
INSERT INTO     rating(rating_id, media_id, media_type, rating_type, rating, votes)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_rating_movie_obj = ["{RatingId}", "{MovieId}", "movie", "default", "{Rating}", "{Votes}"]
add_rating_tvshow_obj = ["{RatingId}", "{ShowId}", "tvshow", "default", "{Rating}", "{Votes}"]
add_rating_episode_obj = ["{RatingId}", "{EpisodeId}", "episode", "default", "{Rating}", "{Votes}"]
add_unique_id = """
INSERT INTO     uniqueid(uniqueid_id, media_id, media_type, value, type)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_unique_id_movie_obj = ["{Unique}", "{MovieId}", "movie", "{UniqueId}", "{ProviderName}"]
add_unique_id_tvshow_obj = ["{Unique}", "{ShowId}", "tvshow", "{UniqueId}", "{ProviderName}"]
add_unique_id_episode_obj = ["{Unique}", "{EpisodeId}", "episode", "{UniqueId}", "{ProviderName}"]
add_country = """
INSERT INTO     country(name)
VALUES          (?)
add_set = """
INSERT INTO     sets(strSet, strOverview)
VALUES          (?, ?)
add_set_obj = ["{Title}", "{Overview}"]
add_musicvideo = """
INSERT INTO     musicvideo(idMVideo, idFile, c00, c04, c05, c06, c07, c08, c09, c10,
                c11, c12, premiered)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_musicvideo_obj = ["{MvideoId}", "{FileId}", "{Title}", "{Runtime}", "{Directors}", "{Studio}", "{Year}",
                      "{Plot}", "{Album}", "{Artists}", "{Genre}", "{Index}", "{Premiere}"]
add_tvshow = """
INSERT INTO     tvshow(idShow, c00, c01, c02, c04, c05, c08, c09, c10, c12, c13, c14, c15)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_tvshow_obj = ["{ShowId}", "{Title}", "{Plot}", "{Status}", "{RatingId}", "{Premiere}", "{Genre}", "{Title}",
                  "disintegrate browse bug", "{Unique}", "{Mpaa}", "{Studio}", "{SortTitle}"]
add_season = """
INSERT INTO     seasons(idSeason, idShow, season)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?)
add_episode = """
INSERT INTO     episode(idEpisode, idFile, c00, c01, c03, c04, c05, c09, c10, c12, c13, c14,
                idShow, c15, c16, idSeason)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
add_episode_obj = ["{EpisodeId}", "{FileId}", "{Title}", "{Plot}", "{RatingId}", "{Writers}", "{Premiere}", "{Runtime}",
                   "{Directors}", "{Season}", "{Index}", "{Title}", "{ShowId}", "{AirsBeforeSeason}",
                   "{AirsBeforeEpisode}", "{SeasonId}"]
add_art = """
INSERT INTO     art(media_id, media_type, type, url)
VALUES          (?, ?, ?, ?)

update_path = """
UPDATE      path
SET         strPath = ?, strContent = ?, strScraper = ?, noUpdate = ?
WHERE       idPath = ?
update_path_movie_obj = ["{Path}", "movies", "metadata.local", 1, "{PathId}"]
update_path_toptvshow_obj = ["{TopLevel}", "tvshows", "metadata.local", 1, "{TopPathId}"]
update_path_tvshow_obj = ["{Path}", None, None, 1, "{PathId}"]
update_path_episode_obj = ["{Path}", None, None, 1, "{PathId}"]
update_path_mvideo_obj = ["{Path}", "musicvideos", None, 1, "{PathId}"]
update_file = """
UPDATE      files
SET         idPath = ?, strFilename = ?, dateAdded = ?
WHERE       idFile = ?
update_file_obj = ["{PathId}", "{Filename}", "{DateAdded}", "{FileId}"]
update_genres = """
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO      genre_link(genre_id, media_id, media_type)
VALUES                      (?, ?, ?)
update_studios = """
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO      studio_link(studio_id, media_id, media_type)
VALUES                      (?, ?, ?)
update_playcount = """
UPDATE      files
SET         playCount = ?, lastPlayed = ?
WHERE       idFile = ?
update_tag = """
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO      tag_link(tag_id, media_id, media_type)
VALUES                      (?, ?, ?)
update_art = """
UPDATE      art
SET         url = ?
WHERE       media_id = ?
AND         media_type = ?
AND         type = ?
update_actor = """
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO      actor_link(actor_id, media_id, media_type, role, cast_order)
VALUES                      (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

update_link = """
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO      {LinkType}(actor_id, media_id, media_type)
VALUES                      (?, ?, ?)
update_movie = """
UPDATE      movie
SET         c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c02 = ?, c03 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c06 = ?,
            c07 = ?, c09 = ?, c10 = ?, c11 = ?, c12 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ?,
            c16 = ?, c18 = ?, c19 = ?, c21 = ?, premiered = ?
WHERE       idMovie = ?
update_movie_obj = ["{Title}", "{Plot}", "{ShortPlot}", "{Tagline}", "{Votes}", "{RatingId}",
                    "{Writers}", "{Year}", "{Unique}", "{SortTitle}", "{Runtime}",
                    "{Mpaa}", "{Genre}", "{Directors}", "{Title}", "{Studio}", "{Trailer}",
                    "{Country}", "{Premiere}", "{MovieId}"]
update_rating = """
UPDATE      rating
SET         media_id = ?, media_type = ?, rating_type = ?, rating = ?, votes = ?
WHERE       rating_id = ?
update_rating_movie_obj = ["{MovieId}", "movie", "default", "{Rating}", "{Votes}", "{RatingId}"]
update_rating_tvshow_obj = ["{ShowId}", "tvshow", "default", "{Rating}", "{Votes}", "{RatingId}"]
update_rating_episode_obj = ["{EpisodeId}", "episode", "default", "{Rating}", "{Votes}", "{RatingId}"]
update_unique_id = """
UPDATE      uniqueid
SET         media_id = ?, media_type = ?, value = ?, type = ?
WHERE       uniqueid_id = ?
update_unique_id_movie_obj = ["{MovieId}", "movie", "{UniqueId}", "{ProviderName}", "{Unique}"]
update_unique_id_tvshow_obj = ["{ShowId}", "tvshow", "{UniqueId}", "{ProviderName}", "{Unique}"]
update_unique_id_episode_obj = ["{EpisodeId}", "episode", "{UniqueId}", "{ProviderName}", "{Unique}"]
update_country = """
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO      country_link(country_id, media_id, media_type)
VALUES                      (?, ?, ?)
update_country_obj = ["{Countries}", "{MovieId}", "movie"]
update_set = """
UPDATE      sets
SET         strSet = ?, strOverview = ?
WHERE       idSet = ?
update_set_obj = ["{Title}", "{Overview}", "{SetId}"]
update_movie_set = """
UPDATE      movie
SET         idSet = ?
WHERE       idMovie = ?
update_movie_set_obj = ["{SetId}", "{MovieId}"]
update_musicvideo = """
UPDATE      musicvideo
SET         c00 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c06 = ?, c07 = ?, c08 = ?, c09 = ?, c10 = ?,
            c11 = ?, c12 = ?, premiered = ?
WHERE       idMVideo = ?
update_musicvideo_obj = ["{Title}", "{Runtime}", "{Directors}", "{Studio}", "{Year}", "{Plot}", "{Album}",
                         "{Artists}", "{Genre}", "{Index}", "{Premiere}", "{MvideoId}"]
update_tvshow = """
UPDATE      tvshow
SET         c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c02 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c08 = ?, c09 = ?, c10 = ?,
            c12 = ?, c13 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ?
WHERE       idShow = ?
update_tvshow_obj = ["{Title}", "{Plot}", "{Status}", "{RatingId}", "{Premiere}", "{Genre}", "{Title}",
                                "disintegrate browse bug", "{Unique}", "{Mpaa}", "{Studio}", "{SortTitle}", "{ShowId}"]
update_tvshow_link = """
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO      tvshowlinkpath(idShow, idPath)
VALUES                      (?, ?)
update_tvshow_link_obj = ["{ShowId}", "{PathId}"]
update_season = """
UPDATE      seasons
SET         name = ?
WHERE       idSeason = ?
update_episode = """
UPDATE      episode
SET         c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c03 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c09 = ?, c10 = ?,
            c12 = ?, c13 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ?, c16 = ?, idSeason = ?, idShow = ?
WHERE       idEpisode = ?
update_episode_obj = ["{Title}", "{Plot}", "{RatingId}", "{Writers}", "{Premiere}", "{Runtime}", "{Directors}",
                      "{Season}", "{Index}", "{Title}", "{AirsBeforeSeason}", "{AirsBeforeEpisode}", "{SeasonId}",
                      "{ShowId}", "{EpisodeId}"]

delete_path = """
DELETE FROM     path
WHERE           idPath = ?
delete_path_obj = ["{PathId}"]
delete_file = """
DELETE FROM     files
WHERE           idFile = ?
delete_file_obj = ["{Path}", "{Filename}"]
delete_file_by_path = """
DELETE FROM     files
WHERE           idPath = ?
AND             strFileName = ?
delete_genres = """
DELETE FROM     genre_link
WHERE           media_id = ?
AND             media_type = ?
delete_bookmark = """
DELETE FROM     bookmark
WHERE           idFile = ?
delete_streams = """
DELETE FROM     streamdetails
WHERE           idFile = ?
delete_tags = """
DELETE FROM     tag_link
WHERE           media_id = ?
AND             media_type = ?
delete_tag = """
DELETE FROM     tag_link
WHERE           tag_id = ?
AND             media_id = ?
AND             media_type = ?
delete_tag_movie_obj = ["Favorite movies", "{MovieId}", "movie"]
delete_tag_mvideo_obj = ["Favorite musicvideos", "{MvideoId}", "musicvideo"]
delete_tag_episode_obj = ["Favorite tvshows", "{KodiId}", "tvshow"]
delete_movie = """
DELETE FROM     movie
WHERE           idMovie = ?
delete_movie_obj = ["{KodiId}", "{FileId}"]
delete_set = """
DELETE FROM     sets
WHERE           idSet = ?
delete_set_obj = ["{KodiId}"]
delete_movie_set = """
UPDATE      movie
SET         idSet = null
WHERE       idMovie = ?
delete_movie_set_obj = ["{MovieId}"]
delete_musicvideo = """
DELETE FROM     musicvideo
WHERE           idMVideo = ?
delete_musicvideo_obj = ["{MvideoId}", "{FileId}"]
delete_tvshow = """
DELETE FROM     tvshow
WHERE           idShow = ?
delete_season = """
DELETE FROM     seasons
WHERE           idSeason = ?
delete_episode = """
DELETE FROM     episode
WHERE           idEpisode = ?
delete_art = """
WHERE           media_id = ?
AND             media_type = ?
delete_backdrops = """
WHERE           media_id = ?
AND             media_type = ?
AND             type LIKE ?