# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals


import json
import threading
import time

import xbmc

from ..helper import LazyLogger, settings

# If numpy is installed, the websockets library tries to use it, and then
# kodi hard crashes for reasons I don't even want to pretend to understand
import sys  # noqa: E402,I100

sys.modules["numpy"] = None
import websocket  # noqa: E402,I201


LOG = LazyLogger(__name__)


class WSClient(threading.Thread):

    wsc = None
    stop = False

    def __init__(self, client):

        LOG.debug("WSClient initializing...")

        self.client = client

    def send(self, message, data=""):

        if self.wsc is None:
            raise ValueError("The websocket client is not started.")

        self.wsc.send(json.dumps({"MessageType": message, "Data": data}))

    def run(self):

        monitor = xbmc.Monitor()
        token = self.client.config.data["auth.token"]
        device_id = self.client.config.data["app.device_id"]
        server = self.client.config.data["auth.server"]
        server = (
            server.replace("https://", "wss://")
            if server.startswith("https")
            else server.replace("http://", "ws://")
        wsc_url = "%s/socket?api_key=%s&device_id=%s" % (server, token, device_id)

        LOG.info("Websocket url: %s", wsc_url)

        self.wsc = websocket.WebSocketApp(
            on_open=lambda ws: self.on_open(ws),
            on_message=lambda ws, message: self.on_message(ws, message),
            on_error=lambda ws, error: self.on_error(ws, error),

        while not self.stop:

            self.wsc.run_forever(ping_interval=10, reconnect=10)

            if not self.stop and monitor.waitForAbort(5):

    def on_error(self, ws, error):

    def on_open(self, ws):
        LOG.info("--->[ websocket opened ]")
        # Avoid a timing issue where the capabilities are not correctly registered
        if settings("remoteControl.bool"):
                    "PlayableMediaTypes": "Audio,Video",
                    "SupportsMediaControl": True,
                    "SupportedCommands": (
                {"PlayableMediaTypes": "Audio, Video", "SupportsMediaControl": False}

    def on_message(self, ws, message):

        message = json.loads(message)
        data = message.get("Data", {})

        if message["MessageType"] in ("RefreshProgress",):
            LOG.debug("Ignoring %s", message)


        if not self.client.config.data["app.default"]:
            data["ServerId"] = self.client.auth.server_id

        self.client.callback(message["MessageType"], data)

    def stop_client(self):

        self.stop = True

        if self.wsc is not None: