################################################################################################# # utils ################################################################################################# import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon import xbmcvfs import json import os import cProfile import pstats import time import inspect import sqlite3 import string import unicodedata from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, Comment, tostring from xml.etree import ElementTree from xml.dom import minidom import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET from API import API from PlayUtils import PlayUtils from DownloadUtils import DownloadUtils downloadUtils = DownloadUtils() addonSettings = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.emby') language = addonSettings.getLocalizedString def logMsg(title, msg, level = 1): logLevel = int(addonSettings.getSetting("logLevel")) if(logLevel >= level): if(logLevel == 2): # inspect.stack() is expensive try: xbmc.log(title + " -> " + inspect.stack()[1][3] + " : " + str(msg)) except UnicodeEncodeError: xbmc.log(title + " -> " + inspect.stack()[1][3] + " : " + str(msg.encode('utf-8'))) else: try: xbmc.log(title + " -> " + str(msg)) except UnicodeEncodeError: xbmc.log(title + " -> " + str(msg.encode('utf-8'))) def convertEncoding(data): #nasty hack to make sure we have a unicode string try: return data.decode('utf-8') except: return data def KodiSQL(): if xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion").startswith("13"): #gotham dbVersion = "78" if xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion").startswith("15"): #isengard dbVersion = "91" else: #helix dbVersion = "90" dbPath = xbmc.translatePath("special://userdata/Database/MyVideos" + dbVersion + ".db") connection = sqlite3.connect(dbPath) return connection def checkAuthentication(): #check authentication if addonSettings.getSetting('username') != "" and addonSettings.getSetting('ipaddress') != "": try: downloadUtils.authenticate() except Exception, e: logMsg("MB3 Syncer authentication failed",e) pass def prettifyXml(elem): rough_string = etree.tostring(elem, "utf-8") reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t") def get_params( paramstring ): xbmc.log("Parameter string: " + paramstring) param={} if len(paramstring)>=2: params=paramstring if params[0] == "?": cleanedparams=params[1:] else: cleanedparams=params if (params[len(params)-1]=='/'): params=params[0:len(params)-2] pairsofparams=cleanedparams.split('&') for i in range(len(pairsofparams)): splitparams={} splitparams=pairsofparams[i].split('=') if (len(splitparams))==2: param[splitparams[0]]=splitparams[1] elif (len(splitparams))==3: param[splitparams[0]]=splitparams[1]+"="+splitparams[2] return param def startProfiling(): pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() return pr def stopProfiling(pr, profileName): pr.disable() ps = pstats.Stats(pr) addondir = xbmc.translatePath(xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.emby').getAddonInfo('profile')) fileTimeStamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S") tabFileNamepath = os.path.join(addondir, "profiles") tabFileName = os.path.join(addondir, "profiles" , profileName + "_profile_(" + fileTimeStamp + ").tab") if not xbmcvfs.exists(tabFileNamepath): xbmcvfs.mkdir(tabFileNamepath) f = open(tabFileName, 'wb') f.write("NumbCalls\tTotalTime\tCumulativeTime\tFunctionName\tFileName\r\n") for (key, value) in ps.stats.items(): (filename, count, func_name) = key (ccalls, ncalls, total_time, cumulative_time, callers) = value try: f.write(str(ncalls) + "\t" + "{:10.4f}".format(total_time) + "\t" + "{:10.4f}".format(cumulative_time) + "\t" + func_name + "\t" + filename + "\r\n") except ValueError: f.write(str(ncalls) + "\t" + "{0}".format(total_time) + "\t" + "{0}".format(cumulative_time) + "\t" + func_name + "\t" + filename + "\r\n") f.close() def CleanName(filename): validFilenameChars = "-_.() %s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits) cleanedFilename = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', filename).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') return ''.join(c for c in cleanedFilename if c in validFilenameChars) def removeDirectory(path): if xbmcvfs.exists(path): allDirs, allFiles = xbmcvfs.listdir(path) for dir in allDirs: xbmcvfs.rmdir(os.path.join(path,dir)) for file in allFiles: xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(path,file)) xbmcvfs.rmdir(path)