name: "Bug Report [new]" description: "Report an issue with the software." title: "[BUG] " labels: ["type:bug", "bug"] body: - type: markdown content: | Please provide the following information to help us diagnose the problem. - type: input id: summary attributes: label: "Summary" description: "Provide a short description of the issue." placeholder: "e.g., App crashes when opening a file" - type: dropdown id: os attributes: label: "Operating System" description: "Select your operating system." options: - "Windows" - "Debuntu" - "Kodi specific distros" - "Other Linux" - "Mac" - "Xbox" - "Other" - type: dropdown id: jellyfin_version attributes: label: "Jellyfin Server Version" description: "Select the Jellyfin server version." options: - "10.7" - "10.8" - "10.9" - "10.10" - "Other" - type: dropdown id: kodi_version attributes: label: "Kodi Version" description: "Select the Kodi version." options: - "19" - "20" - "21" - "Other" - type: dropdown id: addon_mode attributes: label: "Addon Mode" description: "Select how you are using the addon." options: - "Addon-mode" - "Direct-path mode ('native')" - type: textarea id: steps_to_reproduce attributes: label: "Steps to Reproduce" description: "Provide detailed steps to reproduce the issue." placeholder: "e.g., 1. Do this. 2. Then do that." - type: file-upload id: logs attributes: label: "Logs" description: "Upload logs to help with debugging." multiple: true filetypes: [".log", ".txt"] - type: file-upload id: screenshots attributes: label: "Screenshots (optional)" description: "Upload screenshots that show the issue." multiple: true filetypes: [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif"] optional: true - type: file-upload id: server_logs attributes: label: "Server Logs (optional)" description: "Upload server logs if available." multiple: true filetypes: [".log", ".txt"] optional: true - type: textarea id: additional_info attributes: label: "Additional Information (optional)" description: "Provide any other relevant information." optional: true