# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals ################################################################################################# import logging import threading from six.moves import queue as Queue from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode from kodi_six import xbmc, xbmcvfs from . import queries as QU from . import queries_texture as QUTEX from helper import settings import requests ################################################################################################## LOG = logging.getLogger("JELLYFIN." + __name__) ################################################################################################## class Artwork(object): def __init__(self, cursor): self.cursor = cursor self.enable_cache = settings('enableTextureCache.bool') self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.threads = [] self.kodi = { 'username': settings('webServerUser'), 'password': settings('webServerPass'), 'host': "localhost", 'port': settings('webServerPort') } def update(self, image_url, kodi_id, media, image): ''' Update artwork in the video database. Only cache artwork if it changed for the main backdrop, poster. Delete current entry before updating with the new one. Cache fanart and poster in Kodi texture cache. ''' if not image_url or image == 'poster' and media in ('song', 'artist', 'album'): return cache = False try: self.cursor.execute(QU.get_art, (kodi_id, media, image,)) url = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: cache = True LOG.debug("ADD to kodi_id %s art: %s", kodi_id, image_url) self.cursor.execute(QU.add_art, (kodi_id, media, image, image_url)) else: if url != image_url: cache = True if image in ('fanart', 'poster'): self.delete_cache(url) LOG.info("UPDATE to kodi_id %s art: %s", kodi_id, image_url) self.cursor.execute(QU.update_art, (image_url, kodi_id, media, image)) if cache and image in ('fanart', 'poster'): self.cache(image_url) def add(self, artwork, *args): ''' Add all artworks. ''' KODI = { 'Primary': ['thumb', 'poster'], 'Banner': "banner", 'Logo': "clearlogo", 'Art': "clearart", 'Thumb': "landscape", 'Disc': "discart", 'Backdrop': "fanart" } for art in KODI: if art == 'Backdrop': self.cursor.execute(QU.get_backdrops, args + ("fanart%",)) if len(self.cursor.fetchall()) > len(artwork['Backdrop']): self.cursor.execute(QU.delete_backdrops, args + ("fanart_",)) for index, backdrop in enumerate(artwork['Backdrop']): if index: self.update(*(backdrop,) + args + ("%s%s" % ("fanart", index),)) else: self.update(*(backdrop,) + args + ("fanart",)) elif art == 'Primary': for kodi_image in KODI['Primary']: self.update(*(artwork['Primary'],) + args + (kodi_image,)) elif artwork.get(art): self.update(*(artwork[art],) + args + (KODI[art],)) def delete(self, *args): ''' Delete artwork from kodi database and remove cache for backdrop/posters. ''' self.cursor.execute(QU.get_art_url, args) for row in self.cursor.fetchall(): if row[1] in ('poster', 'fanart'): self.delete_cache(row[0]) def cache(self, url): ''' Cache a single image to texture cache. ''' if not url or not self.enable_cache: return url = self.double_urlencode(url) self.queue.put(url) self.add_worker() def double_urlencode(self, text): text = self.single_urlencode(text) text = self.single_urlencode(text) return text def single_urlencode(self, text): ''' urlencode needs a utf-string. return the result as unicode ''' text = urlencode({'blahblahblah': text}) text = text[13:] return text def add_worker(self): self.threads = [thread for thread in self.threads if not thread.is_done] if self.queue.qsize() and len(self.threads) < 2: new_thread = GetArtworkWorker(self.kodi, self.queue) new_thread.start() LOG.info("-->[ q:artwork/%s ]", id(new_thread)) self.threads.append(new_thread) def delete_cache(self, url): ''' Delete cached artwork. ''' from database import Database with Database('texture') as texturedb: try: texturedb.cursor.execute(QUTEX.get_cache, (url,)) cached = texturedb.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: LOG.debug("Could not find cached url: %s", url) else: thumbnails = xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/%s" % cached) xbmcvfs.delete(thumbnails) texturedb.cursor.execute(QUTEX.delete_cache, (url,)) LOG.info("DELETE cached %s", cached) class GetArtworkWorker(threading.Thread): is_done = False def __init__(self, kodi, queue): self.kodi = kodi self.queue = queue threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): ''' Prepare the request. Request removes the urlencode which is required in this case. Use a session allows to use a pool of connections. ''' with requests.Session() as s: while True: try: url = self.queue.get(timeout=2) except Queue.Empty: self.is_done = True LOG.info("--<[ q:artwork/%s ]", id(self)) return try: req = requests.Request(method='HEAD', url="http://%s:%s/image/image://%s" % (self.kodi['host'], self.kodi['port'], url), auth=(self.kodi['username'], self.kodi['password'])) prep = req.prepare() prep.url = "http://%s:%s/image/image://%s" % (self.kodi['host'], self.kodi['port'], url) s.send(prep, timeout=(0.01, 0.01)) s.content # release the connection except Exception as error: LOG.exception(error) self.queue.task_done() if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): break