import xbmcaddon import xbmcplugin import xbmc import xbmcgui import os import threading import json import inspect import KodiMonitor import Utils as utils from DownloadUtils import DownloadUtils from WebSocketClient import WebSocketThread from PlayUtils import PlayUtils from ClientInformation import ClientInformation from LibrarySync import LibrarySync from PlaybackUtils import PlaybackUtils from ReadEmbyDB import ReadEmbyDB from API import API librarySync = LibrarySync() # service class for playback monitoring class Player( xbmc.Player ): # Borg - multiple instances, shared state _shared_state = {} xbmcplayer = xbmc.Player() doUtils = DownloadUtils() clientInfo = ClientInformation() ws = WebSocketThread() addonName = clientInfo.getAddonName() WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) logLevel = 0 played_information = {} settings = None playStats = {} audioPref = "default" subsPref = "default" def __init__( self, *args ): self.__dict__ = self._shared_state self.logMsg("Starting playback monitor service", 1) def logMsg(self, msg, lvl=1): self.className = self.__class__.__name__ utils.logMsg("%s %s" % (self.addonName, self.className), msg, int(lvl)) def setAudioSubsPref(self, audio, subs): self.audioPref = audio self.subsPref = subs def hasData(self, data): if(data == None or len(data) == 0 or data == "None"): return False else: return True def stopAll(self): WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) if(len(self.played_information) == 0): return self.logMsg("emby Service -> played_information : " + str(self.played_information)) for item_url in self.played_information: data = self.played_information.get(item_url) if (data is not None): self.logMsg("emby Service -> item_url : " + item_url) self.logMsg("emby Service -> item_data : " + str(data)) runtime = data.get("runtime") currentPosition = data.get("currentPosition") item_id = data.get("item_id") refresh_id = data.get("refresh_id") currentFile = data.get("currentfile") type = data.get("Type") playMethod = data.get('playmethod') # Prevent websocket feedback self.WINDOW.setProperty("played_itemId", item_id) if(currentPosition != None and self.hasData(runtime)): runtimeTicks = int(runtime) self.logMsg("emby Service -> runtimeticks:" + str(runtimeTicks)) percentComplete = (currentPosition * 10000000) / runtimeTicks markPlayedAt = float(90) / 100 self.logMsg("emby Service -> Percent Complete:" + str(percentComplete) + " Mark Played At:" + str(markPlayedAt)) if percentComplete < markPlayedAt: # Do not mark as watched self.WINDOW.setProperty('played_skipWatched', 'true') self.stopPlayback(data) offerDelete=False if data.get("Type") == "Episode" and utils.settings("offerDeleteTV")=="true": offerDelete = True elif data.get("Type") == "Movie" and utils.settings("offerDeleteMovies")=="true": offerDelete = True if percentComplete > .80 and offerDelete == True: return_value = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno("Offer Delete", "Delete\n" + data.get("currentfile").split("/")[-1] + "\non Emby Server? ") if return_value: # Delete Kodi entry before Emby listItem = [item_id] LibrarySync().removefromDB(listItem, True) # Stop transcoding if playMethod == "Transcode": self.logMsg("Transcoding for %s terminated." % item_id) deviceId = self.clientInfo.getMachineId() url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Videos/ActiveEncodings?DeviceId=%s" % deviceId self.doUtils.downloadUrl(url, type="DELETE") self.played_information.clear() def stopPlayback(self, data): self.logMsg("stopPlayback called", 2) item_id = data.get("item_id") currentPosition = data.get("currentPosition") positionTicks = int(currentPosition * 10000000) url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Sessions/Playing/Stopped" postdata = { 'ItemId': item_id, 'MediaSourceId': item_id, 'PositionTicks': positionTicks } self.doUtils.downloadUrl(url, postBody=postdata, type="POST") def reportPlayback(self): self.logMsg("reportPlayback Called", 2) xbmcplayer = self.xbmcplayer if not xbmcplayer.isPlaying(): self.logMsg("reportPlayback: Not playing anything so returning", 0) return currentFile = xbmcplayer.getPlayingFile() data = self.played_information.get(currentFile) # only report playback if emby has initiated the playback (item_id has value) if data is not None and data.get("item_id") is not None: # Get playback information item_id = data.get("item_id") audioindex = data.get("AudioStreamIndex") subtitleindex = data.get("SubtitleStreamIndex") playTime = data.get("currentPosition") playMethod = data.get("playmethod") paused = data.get("paused") if paused is None: paused = False # Get playback volume volume_query = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Application.GetProperties", "params": {"properties": ["volume","muted"]}, "id": 1}' result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(volume_query) result = json.loads(result) volume = result.get(u'result').get(u'volume') muted = result.get(u'result').get(u'muted') postdata = { 'QueueableMediaTypes': "Video", 'CanSeek': True, 'ItemId': item_id, 'MediaSourceId': item_id, 'PlayMethod': playMethod, 'IsPaused': paused, 'VolumeLevel': volume, 'IsMuted': muted } if playTime: postdata['PositionTicks'] = int(playTime * 10000000) if playMethod != "Transcode": # Get current audio and subtitles track track_query = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetProperties", "params": {"playerid":1,"properties": ["currentsubtitle","currentaudiostream","subtitleenabled"]} , "id": 1}' result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(track_query) result = json.loads(result) # Audio tracks indexAudio = result.get('result', 0) if indexAudio: indexAudio = indexAudio.get('currentaudiostream', {}).get('index', 0) # Subtitles tracks indexSubs = result.get('result', 0) if indexSubs: indexSubs = indexSubs.get('currentsubtitle', {}).get('index', 0) # If subtitles are enabled subsEnabled = result.get('result', "") if subsEnabled: subsEnabled = subsEnabled.get('subtitleenabled', "") # Convert back into an Emby index audioTracks = len(xbmc.Player().getAvailableAudioStreams()) indexAudio = indexAudio + 1 if subsEnabled and len(xbmc.Player().getAvailableSubtitleStreams()) > 0: WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) mapping = WINDOW.getProperty("%sIndexMapping" % currentFile) if mapping: externalIndex = json.loads(mapping) else: # Direct paths scenario externalIndex = "" if externalIndex: # If there's external subtitles added via PlaybackUtils if externalIndex.get(str(indexSubs)): # If the current subtitle is in the mapping indexSubs = externalIndex[str(indexSubs)] else: # Internal subtitle currently selected external = len(externalIndex) indexSubs = indexSubs - external + audioTracks + 1 else: # No external subtitles added via PlayUtils audioTracks = len(xbmc.Player().getAvailableAudioStreams()) indexSubs = indexSubs + audioTracks + 1 else: indexSubs = "" if audioindex == indexAudio: postdata['AudioStreamIndex'] = audioindex else: postdata['AudioStreamIndex'] = indexAudio data['AudioStreamIndex'] = indexAudio if subtitleindex == indexSubs: postdata['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = subtitleindex else: postdata['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = indexSubs data['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = indexSubs else: data['AudioStreamIndex'] = audioindex data['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = subtitleindex postdata = json.dumps(postdata) self.logMsg("Report: %s" % postdata, 2) def onPlayBackPaused( self ): currentFile = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile() self.logMsg("PLAYBACK_PAUSED : " + currentFile,2) if(self.played_information.get(currentFile) != None): self.played_information[currentFile]["paused"] = "true" self.reportPlayback() def onPlayBackResumed( self ): currentFile = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile() self.logMsg("PLAYBACK_RESUMED : " + currentFile,2) if(self.played_information.get(currentFile) != None): self.played_information[currentFile]["paused"] = "false" self.reportPlayback() def onPlayBackSeek( self, time, seekOffset ): self.logMsg("PLAYBACK_SEEK",2) # Make position when seeking a bit more accurate try: playTime = xbmc.Player().getTime() currentFile = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile() if(self.played_information.get(currentFile) != None): self.played_information[currentFile]["currentPosition"] = playTime except: pass self.reportPlayback() def onPlayBackStarted( self ): # Will be called when xbmc starts playing a file WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) xbmcplayer = self.xbmcplayer self.stopAll() if xbmcplayer.isPlaying(): currentFile = "" try: currentFile = xbmcplayer.getPlayingFile() except: pass self.logMsg("onPlayBackStarted: %s" % currentFile, 0) # we may need to wait until the info is available item_id = WINDOW.getProperty(currentFile + "item_id") tryCount = 0 while(item_id == None or item_id == ""): xbmc.sleep(500) item_id = WINDOW.getProperty(currentFile + "item_id") tryCount += 1 if(tryCount == 20): # try 20 times or about 10 seconds return xbmc.sleep(500) # grab all the info about this item from the stored windows props # only ever use the win props here, use the data map in all other places runtime = WINDOW.getProperty(currentFile + "runtimeticks") refresh_id = WINDOW.getProperty(currentFile + "refresh_id") playMethod = WINDOW.getProperty(currentFile + "playmethod") itemType = WINDOW.getProperty(currentFile + "type") mapping = WINDOW.getProperty("%sIndexMapping" % currentFile) self.logMsg("Mapping for index: %s" % mapping) # Get playback volume volume_query = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Application.GetProperties", "params": {"properties": ["volume","muted"]}, "id": 1}' result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(volume_query) result = json.loads(result) volume = result.get(u'result').get(u'volume') muted = result.get(u'result').get(u'muted') seekTime = xbmc.Player().getTime() url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Sessions/Playing" postdata = { 'QueueableMediaTypes': "Video", 'CanSeek': True, 'ItemId': item_id, 'MediaSourceId': item_id, 'PlayMethod': playMethod, 'VolumeLevel': volume, 'PositionTicks': int(seekTime * 10000000), 'IsMuted': muted } # Get the current audio track and subtitles if playMethod == "Transcode": audioindex = WINDOW.getProperty(currentFile + "AudioStreamIndex") subtitleindex = WINDOW.getProperty(currentFile + "SubtitleStreamIndex") postdata['AudioStreamIndex'] = audioindex postdata['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = subtitleindex else: track_query = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetProperties", "params": {"playerid": 1,"properties": ["currentsubtitle","currentaudiostream","subtitleenabled"]} , "id": 1}' result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(track_query) result = json.loads(result) # Audio tracks indexAudio = result.get('result', 0) if indexAudio: indexAudio = indexAudio.get('currentaudiostream', {}).get('index', 0) # Subtitles tracks indexSubs = result.get('result', 0) if indexSubs: indexSubs = indexSubs.get('currentsubtitle', {}).get('index', 0) # If subtitles are enabled subsEnabled = result.get('result', "") if subsEnabled: subsEnabled = subsEnabled.get('subtitleenabled', "") # Postdata for the audio and subs tracks audioTracks = len(xbmc.Player().getAvailableAudioStreams()) postdata['AudioStreamIndex'] = indexAudio + 1 if subsEnabled and len(xbmc.Player().getAvailableSubtitleStreams()) > 0: if mapping: externalIndex = json.loads(mapping) else: # Direct paths scenario externalIndex = "" if externalIndex: # If there's external subtitles added via PlaybackUtils if externalIndex.get(str(indexSubs)): # If the current subtitle is in the mapping postdata['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = externalIndex[str(indexSubs)] else: # Internal subtitle currently selected external = len(externalIndex) postdata['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = indexSubs - external + audioTracks + 1 else: # No external subtitles added via PlayUtils postdata['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = indexSubs + audioTracks + 1 else: postdata['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = "" # Post playback to server self.logMsg("Sending POST play started.", 1) self.doUtils.downloadUrl(url, postBody=postdata, type="POST") # save data map for updates and position calls data = { 'runtime': runtime, 'item_id': item_id, 'refresh_id': refresh_id, 'currentfile': currentFile, 'AudioStreamIndex': postdata['AudioStreamIndex'], 'SubtitleStreamIndex': postdata['SubtitleStreamIndex'], 'playmethod': playMethod, 'Type': itemType, 'currentPosition': int(seekTime) } self.played_information[currentFile] = data self.logMsg("ADDING_FILE: %s" % self.played_information, 1) # log some playback stats if(itemType != None): if(self.playStats.get(itemType) != None): count = self.playStats.get(itemType) + 1 self.playStats[itemType] = count else: self.playStats[itemType] = 1 if(playMethod != None): if(self.playStats.get(playMethod) != None): count = self.playStats.get(playMethod) + 1 self.playStats[playMethod] = count else: self.playStats[playMethod] = 1 # reset in progress position #self.reportPlayback() def GetPlayStats(self): return self.playStats def onPlayBackEnded( self ): # Will be called when xbmc stops playing a file self.logMsg("onPlayBackEnded", 0) #workaround when strm files are launched through the addon - mark watched when finished playing #TODO --> mark watched when 95% is played of the file WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 ) if WINDOW.getProperty("virtualstrm") != "": try: id = WINDOW.getProperty("virtualstrm") type = WINDOW.getProperty("virtualstrmtype") watchedurl = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/PlayedItems/%s" % id self.doUtils.downloadUrl(watchedurl, postBody="", type="POST") librarySync.updatePlayCount(id) except: pass WINDOW.clearProperty("virtualstrm") self.stopAll() def onPlayBackStopped( self ): # Will be called when user stops xbmc playing a file self.logMsg("onPlayBackStopped", 0) self.stopAll()