# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################################# import json import logging import Queue import threading import os import xbmc import xbmcvfs from libraries import requests from helper.utils import should_stop, delete_folder from helper import settings, stop, event, window, kodi_version, unzip from emby import Emby from emby.core import api from emby.core.exceptions import HTTPException ################################################################################################# LOG = logging.getLogger("EMBY."+__name__) LIMIT = min(int(settings('limitIndex') or 50), 50) ################################################################################################# def get_embyserver_url(handler): if handler.startswith('/'): handler = handler[1:] LOG.warn("handler starts with /: %s", handler) return "{server}/emby/%s" % handler def browse_info(): return ( "DateCreated,EpisodeCount,SeasonCount,Path,Genres,Studios,Taglines,MediaStreams,Overview,Etag," "ProductionLocations,Width,Height,RecursiveItemCount,ChildCount" ) def _http(action, url, request={}, server_id=None): request.update({'url': url, 'type': action}) return Emby(server_id)['http/request'](request) def _get(handler, params=None, server_id=None): return _http("GET", get_embyserver_url(handler), {'params': params}, server_id) def _post(handler, json=None, params=None, server_id=None): return _http("POST", get_embyserver_url(handler), {'params': params, 'json': json}, server_id) def _delete(handler, params=None, server_id=None): return _http("DELETE", get_embyserver_url(handler), {'params': params}, server_id) def validate_view(library_id, item_id): ''' This confirms a single item from the library matches the view it belongs to. Used to detect grouped libraries. ''' try: result = _get("Users/{UserId}/Items", { 'ParentId': library_id, 'Recursive': True, 'Ids': item_id }) except Exception: return False return True if len(result['Items']) else False def get_single_item(parent_id, media): return _get("Users/{UserId}/Items", { 'ParentId': parent_id, 'Recursive': True, 'Limit': 1, 'IncludeItemTypes': media }) def get_filtered_section(parent_id, media=None, limit=None, recursive=None, sort=None, sort_order=None, filters=None, server_id=None): ''' Get dynamic listings. ''' params = { 'ParentId': parent_id, 'IncludeItemTypes': media, 'IsMissing': False, 'Recursive': recursive if recursive is not None else True, 'Limit': limit, 'SortBy': sort or "SortName", 'SortOrder': sort_order or "Ascending", 'Filters': filters, 'ImageTypeLimit': 1, 'IsVirtualUnaired': False, 'CollapseBoxSetItems': settings('groupedSets.bool'), 'Fields': browse_info() } if settings('getCast.bool'): params['Fields'] += ",People" if media and 'Photo' in media: params['Fields'] += ",Width,Height" return _get("Users/{UserId}/Items", params, server_id) def get_movies_by_boxset(boxset_id): for items in get_items(boxset_id, "Movie"): yield items def get_episode_by_show(show_id): for items in get_items(show_id, "Episode"): yield items def get_items(parent_id, item_type=None, basic=False, params=None): query = { 'url': "Users/{UserId}/Items", 'params': { 'ParentId': parent_id, 'IncludeItemTypes': item_type, 'SortBy': "SortName", 'SortOrder': "Ascending", 'Fields': api.basic_info() if basic else api.info() } } if params: query['params'].update(params) for items in _get_items(query): yield items def get_artists(parent_id=None, basic=False, params=None, server_id=None): query = { 'url': "Artists", 'params': { 'UserId': "{UserId}", 'ParentId': parent_id, 'SortBy': "SortName", 'SortOrder': "Ascending", 'Fields': api.basic_info() if basic else api.music_info() } } if params: query['params'].update(params) for items in _get_items(query, server_id): yield items def get_albums_by_artist(artist_id, basic=False): params = { 'SortBy': "DateCreated", 'ArtistIds': artist_id } for items in get_items(None, "MusicAlbum", basic, params): yield items @stop() def _get_items(query, server_id=None): ''' query = { 'url': string, 'params': dict -- opt, include StartIndex to resume } ''' items = { 'Items': [], 'TotalRecordCount': 0, 'RestorePoint': {} } url = query['url'] params = query.get('params', {}) params.update({ 'CollapseBoxSetItems': False, 'IsVirtualUnaired': False, 'EnableTotalRecordCount': False, 'LocationTypes': "FileSystem,Remote,Offline", 'IsMissing': False, 'Recursive': True }) try: test_params = dict(params) test_params['Limit'] = 1 test_params['EnableTotalRecordCount'] = True items['TotalRecordCount'] = _get(url, test_params, server_id=server_id)['TotalRecordCount'] except Exception as error: LOG.error("Failed to retrieve the server response %s: %s params:%s", url, error, params) else: index = params.get('StartIndex', 0) total = items['TotalRecordCount'] while index < total: params['StartIndex'] = index params['Limit'] = LIMIT result = _get(url, params, server_id=server_id) items['Items'].extend(result['Items']) items['RestorePoint'] = query yield items del items['Items'][:] index += LIMIT class GetItemWorker(threading.Thread): is_done = False def __init__(self, server, queue, output): self.server = server self.queue = queue self.output = output threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): with requests.Session() as s: while True: try: item_id = self.queue.get(timeout=1) except Queue.Empty: self.is_done = True LOG.info("--<[ q:download/%s ]", id(self)) return request = {'type': "GET", 'handler': "Users/{UserId}/Items/%s" % item_id} try: result = self.server['http/request'](request, s) if result['Type'] in self.output: self.output[result['Type']].put(result) except HTTPException as error: LOG.error("--[ http status: %s ]", error.status) if error.status != 500: # to retry continue except Exception as error: LOG.exception(error) self.queue.task_done() if xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): break class TheVoid(object): def __init__(self, method, data): ''' This will block until response is received. This is meant to go as fast as possible, a response will always be returned. ''' if type(data) != dict: raise Exception("unexpected data format") data['VoidName'] = id(self) LOG.info("---[ contact mothership/%s ]", method) LOG.debug(data) event(method, data) self.method = method self.data = data def get(self): while True: response = window('emby_%s.json' % self.data['VoidName']) if response != "": LOG.debug("--<[ beacon/emby_%s.json ]", self.data['VoidName']) window('emby_%s' % self.data['VoidName'], clear=True) return response if window('emby_should_stop.bool'): LOG.info("Abandon mission! A black hole just swallowed [ %s ]", self.data['VoidName']) break def get_objects(src, filename): ''' Download objects dependency to temp cache folder. ''' temp = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp/emby').decode('utf-8') restart = not xbmcvfs.exists(os.path.join(temp, "objects") + '/') path = os.path.join(temp, filename) if not xbmcvfs.exists(path): delete_folder() LOG.info("From %s to %s", src, path) try: response = requests.get(src, stream=True, verify=False) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as error: raise else: dl = xbmcvfs.File(path, 'w') dl.write(response.content) dl.close() del response unzip(path, temp, "objects") return restart