# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals ################################################################################################# import os from uuid import uuid4 import collections from kodi_six import xbmc, xbmcvfs import client import requests from helper import LazyLogger from . import translate, settings, window, dialog, api ################################################################################################# LOG = LazyLogger(__name__) ################################################################################################# def set_properties(item, method, server_id=None): ''' Set all properties for playback detection. ''' info = item.get('PlaybackInfo') or {} current = window('jellyfin_play.json') or [] current.append({ 'Type': item['Type'], 'Id': item['Id'], 'Path': info['Path'], 'PlayMethod': method, 'PlayOption': 'Addon' if info.get('PlaySessionId') else 'Native', 'MediaSourceId': info.get('MediaSourceId', item['Id']), 'Runtime': item.get('RunTimeTicks'), 'PlaySessionId': info.get('PlaySessionId', str(uuid4()).replace("-", "")), 'ServerId': server_id, 'DeviceId': client.get_device_id(), 'SubsMapping': info.get('Subtitles'), 'AudioStreamIndex': info.get('AudioStreamIndex'), 'SubtitleStreamIndex': info.get('SubtitleStreamIndex'), 'CurrentPosition': info.get('CurrentPosition'), 'CurrentEpisode': info.get('CurrentEpisode') }) window('jellyfin_play.json', current) class PlayUtils(object): def __init__(self, item, force_transcode=False, server_id=None, server=None, api_client=None): ''' Item will be updated with the property PlaybackInfo, which holds all the playback information. ''' self.item = item self.item['PlaybackInfo'] = {} self.api_client = api_client self.info = { 'ServerId': server_id, 'ServerAddress': server, 'ForceTranscode': force_transcode, 'Token': api_client.config.data['auth.token'] } def get_sources(self, source_id=None): ''' Return sources based on the optional source_id or the device profile. ''' info = self.api_client.get_play_info(self.item['Id'], self.get_device_profile()) LOG.info(info) self.info['PlaySessionId'] = info['PlaySessionId'] sources = [] if not info.get('MediaSources'): LOG.info("No MediaSources found.") elif source_id: for source in info: if source['Id'] == source_id: sources.append(source) break elif not self.is_selection(info) or len(info['MediaSources']) == 1: LOG.info("Skip source selection.") sources.append(info['MediaSources'][0]) else: sources.extend([x for x in info['MediaSources']]) return sources def select_source(self, sources, audio=None, subtitle=None): if len(sources) > 1: selection = [] for source in sources: selection.append(source.get('Name', "na")) resp = dialog("select", translate(33130), selection) if resp > -1: source = sources[resp] else: LOG.info("No media source selected.") return False else: source = sources[0] self.get(source, audio, subtitle) return source def is_selection(self, sources): ''' Do not allow source selection for. ''' if self.item['MediaType'] != 'Video': LOG.debug("MediaType is not a video.") return False elif self.item['Type'] == 'TvChannel': LOG.debug("TvChannel detected.") return False elif len(sources) == 1 and sources[0]['Type'] == 'Placeholder': LOG.debug("Placeholder detected.") return False elif 'SourceType' in self.item and self.item['SourceType'] != 'Library': LOG.debug("SourceType not from library.") return False return True def is_file_exists(self, source): self.direct_play(source) if xbmcvfs.exists(self.info['Path']): LOG.info("Path exists.") return True LOG.info("Failed to find file.") return False def is_strm(self, source): if source.get('Container') == 'strm' or self.item['Path'].endswith('.strm'): LOG.info("strm detected") return True return False def get(self, source, audio=None, subtitle=None): ''' The server returns sources based on the MaxStreamingBitrate value and other filters. prop: jellyfinfilename for ?? I thought it was to pass the real path to subtitle add-ons but it's not working? ''' self.info['MediaSourceId'] = source['Id'] if source.get('RequiresClosing'): ''' Server returning live tv stream for direct play is hardcoded with ''' self.info['LiveStreamId'] = source['LiveStreamId'] source['SupportsDirectPlay'] = False source['Protocol'] = "LiveTV" if self.info['ForceTranscode']: source['SupportsDirectPlay'] = False source['SupportsDirectStream'] = False if source.get('Protocol') == 'Http' or source['SupportsDirectPlay'] and (self.is_strm(source) or not settings('playFromStream.bool') and self.is_file_exists(source)): LOG.info("--[ direct play ]") self.direct_play(source) elif source['SupportsDirectStream']: LOG.info("--[ direct stream ]") self.direct_url(source) else: LOG.info("--[ transcode ]") self.transcode(source, audio, subtitle) self.info['AudioStreamIndex'] = self.info.get('AudioStreamIndex') or source.get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex') self.info['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = self.info.get('SubtitleStreamIndex') or source.get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex') self.item['PlaybackInfo'].update(self.info) API = api.API(self.item, self.info['ServerAddress']) window('jellyfinfilename', value=API.get_file_path(source.get('Path'))) def live_stream(self, source): ''' Get live stream media info. ''' info = self.api_client.get_live_stream(self.item['Id'], self.info['PlaySessionId'], source['OpenToken'], self.get_device_profile()) LOG.info(info) if info['MediaSource'].get('RequiresClosing'): self.info['LiveStreamId'] = source['LiveStreamId'] return info['MediaSource'] def transcode(self, source, audio=None, subtitle=None): if 'TranscodingUrl' not in source: raise Exception("use get_sources to get transcoding url") self.info['Method'] = "Transcode" if self.item['MediaType'] == 'Video': base, params = source['TranscodingUrl'].split('?') url_parsed = params.split('&') manual_tracks = '' # manual bitrate url_parsed = [p for p in url_parsed if 'AudioBitrate' not in p and 'VideoBitrate' not in p] if settings('skipDialogTranscode') != "3" and source.get('MediaStreams'): # manual tracks url_parsed = [p for p in url_parsed if 'AudioStreamIndex' not in p and 'SubtitleStreamIndex' not in p] manual_tracks = self.get_audio_subs(source, audio, subtitle) audio_bitrate = self.get_transcoding_audio_bitrate() video_bitrate = self.get_max_bitrate() - audio_bitrate params = "%s%s" % ('&'.join(url_parsed), manual_tracks) params += "&VideoBitrate=%s&AudioBitrate=%s" % (video_bitrate, audio_bitrate) video_type = 'live' if source['Protocol'] == 'LiveTV' else 'master' base = base.replace('stream' if 'stream' in base else 'master', video_type, 1) self.info['Path'] = "%s/%s?%s" % (self.info['ServerAddress'], base, params) self.info['Path'] += "&maxWidth=%s&maxHeight=%s" % (self.get_resolution()) else: self.info['Path'] = "%s/%s" % (self.info['ServerAddress'], source['TranscodingUrl']) return self.info['Path'] def direct_play(self, source): API = api.API(self.item, self.info['ServerAddress']) self.info['Method'] = "DirectPlay" self.info['Path'] = API.get_file_path(source.get('Path')) return self.info['Path'] def direct_url(self, source): self.info['Method'] = "DirectStream" if self.item['Type'] == "Audio": self.info['Path'] = "%s/Audio/%s/stream.%s?static=true&api_key=%s" % ( self.info['ServerAddress'], self.item['Id'], source.get('Container', "mp4").split(',')[0], self.info['Token'] ) else: self.info['Path'] = "%s/Videos/%s/stream?static=true&MediaSourceId=%s&api_key=%s" % ( self.info['ServerAddress'], self.item['Id'], source['Id'], self.info['Token'] ) return self.info['Path'] def get_max_bitrate(self): ''' Get the video quality based on add-on settings. Max bit rate supported by server: 2147483 (max signed 32bit integer) ''' bitrate = [500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 12000, 14000, 16000, 18000, 20000, 25000, 30000, 35000, 40000, 100000, 1000000, 2147483] return bitrate[int(settings('maxBitrate') or 24)] * 1000 def get_resolution(self): return int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.ScreenWidth')), int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.ScreenHeight')) def get_directplay_video_codec(self): codecs = ['h264', 'hevc', 'h265', 'mpeg4', 'mpeg2video', 'vc1'] if settings('transcode_h265.bool'): codecs.remove('hevc') codecs.remove('h265') if settings('transcode_mpeg2.bool'): codecs.remove('mpeg2video') if settings('transcode_vc1.bool'): codecs.remove('vc1') return ','.join(codecs) def get_transcoding_video_codec(self): codecs = ['h264', 'hevc', 'h265', 'mpeg4', 'mpeg2video', 'vc1'] if settings('transcode_h265.bool'): codecs.remove('hevc') codecs.remove('h265') else: if settings('videoPreferredCodec') == 'H265/HEVC': codecs.insert(2, codecs.pop(codecs.index('h264'))) if settings('transcode_mpeg2.bool'): codecs.remove('mpeg2video') if settings('transcode_vc1.bool'): codecs.remove('vc1') return ','.join(codecs) def get_transcoding_audio_codec(self): codecs = ['aac', 'mp3', 'ac3', 'opus', 'flac', 'vorbis'] preferred = settings('audioPreferredCodec').lower() if preferred in codecs: codecs.insert(0, codecs.pop(codecs.index(preferred))) return ','.join(codecs) def get_transcoding_audio_bitrate(self): bitrate = [96, 128, 160, 192, 256, 320, 384] return bitrate[int(settings('audioBitrate') or 6)] * 1000 def get_device_profile(self): ''' Get device profile based on the add-on settings. ''' profile = { "Name": "Kodi", "MaxStaticBitrate": self.get_max_bitrate(), "MaxStreamingBitrate": self.get_max_bitrate(), "MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate": 1280000, "TimelineOffsetSeconds": 5, "TranscodingProfiles": [ { "Type": "Video", "Container": "m3u8", "AudioCodec": self.get_transcoding_audio_codec(), "VideoCodec": self.get_transcoding_video_codec(), "MaxAudioChannels": settings('audioMaxChannels') }, { "Type": "Audio" }, { "Type": "Photo", "Container": "jpeg" } ], "DirectPlayProfiles": [ { "Type": "Video", "VideoCodec": self.get_directplay_video_codec() }, { "Type": "Audio" }, { "Type": "Photo" } ], "ResponseProfiles": [], "ContainerProfiles": [], "CodecProfiles": [], "SubtitleProfiles": [ { "Format": "srt", "Method": "External" }, { "Format": "srt", "Method": "Embed" }, { "Format": "ass", "Method": "External" }, { "Format": "ass", "Method": "Embed" }, { "Format": "sub", "Method": "Embed" }, { "Format": "sub", "Method": "External" }, { "Format": "ssa", "Method": "Embed" }, { "Format": "ssa", "Method": "External" }, { "Format": "smi", "Method": "Embed" }, { "Format": "smi", "Method": "External" }, { "Format": "pgssub", "Method": "Embed" }, { "Format": "pgssub", "Method": "External" }, { "Format": "dvdsub", "Method": "Embed" }, { "Format": "dvdsub", "Method": "External" }, { "Format": "pgs", "Method": "Embed" }, { "Format": "pgs", "Method": "External" } ] } if settings('transcodeHi10P.bool'): profile['CodecProfiles'].append( { 'Type': 'Video', 'codec': 'h264', 'Conditions': [ { 'Condition': "LessThanEqual", 'Property': "VideoBitDepth", 'Value': "8" } ] } ) if self.info['ForceTranscode']: profile['DirectPlayProfiles'] = [] if self.item['Type'] == 'TvChannel': profile['TranscodingProfiles'].insert(0, { "Container": "ts", "Type": "Video", "AudioCodec": "mp3,aac", "VideoCodec": "h264", "Context": "Streaming", "Protocol": "hls", "MaxAudioChannels": "2", "MinSegments": "1", "BreakOnNonKeyFrames": True }) return profile def set_external_subs(self, source, listitem): ''' Try to download external subs locally so we can label them. Since Jellyfin returns all possible tracks together, sort them. IsTextSubtitleStream if true, is available to download from server. ''' if not settings('enableExternalSubs.bool') or not source['MediaStreams']: return subs = [] mapping = {} kodi = 0 server_settings = self.api_client.get_transcode_settings() for stream in source['MediaStreams']: if stream['SupportsExternalStream'] and stream['Type'] == 'Subtitle' and stream['DeliveryMethod'] == 'External': if not stream['IsExternal'] and not server_settings['EnableSubtitleExtraction']: continue index = stream['Index'] url = self.get_subtitles(source, stream, index) if url is None: continue LOG.info("[ subtitles/%s ] %s", index, url) if 'Language' in stream: filename = "Stream.%s.%s" % (stream['Language'], stream['Codec']) try: subs.append(self.download_external_subs(url, filename)) except Exception as error: LOG.exception(error) subs.append(url) else: subs.append(url) mapping[kodi] = index kodi += 1 listitem.setSubtitles(subs) self.item['PlaybackInfo']['Subtitles'] = mapping @classmethod def download_external_subs(cls, src, filename): ''' Download external subtitles to temp folder to be able to have proper names to streams. ''' temp = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.jellyfin/temp/") if not xbmcvfs.exists(temp): xbmcvfs.mkdir(temp) path = os.path.join(temp, filename) try: response = requests.get(src, stream=True, verify=False) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as error: LOG.exception(error) raise else: response.encoding = 'utf-8' with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) del response return path def get_audio_subs(self, source, audio=None, subtitle=None): ''' For transcoding only Present the list of audio/subs to select from, before playback starts. Since Jellyfin returns all possible tracks together, sort them. IsTextSubtitleStream if true, is available to download from server. ''' prefs = "" audio_streams = collections.OrderedDict() subs_streams = collections.OrderedDict() streams = source['MediaStreams'] server_settings = self.api_client.get_transcode_settings() allow_burned_subs = settings('allowBurnedSubs.bool') for stream in streams: index = stream['Index'] stream_type = stream['Type'] if stream_type == 'Audio': track = stream['DisplayTitle'] audio_streams[track] = index elif stream_type == 'Subtitle': if stream['IsExternal']: if not stream['SupportsExternalStream'] and not allow_burned_subs: continue else: avail_for_extraction = stream['SupportsExternalStream'] and server_settings['EnableSubtitleExtraction'] if not avail_for_extraction and not allow_burned_subs: continue track = stream['DisplayTitle'] subs_streams[track] = index skip_dialog = int(settings('skipDialogTranscode') or 0) audio_selected = None if audio: audio_selected = audio elif skip_dialog in (0, 1): if len(audio_streams) > 1: selection = list(audio_streams.keys()) resp = dialog("select", translate(33013), selection) audio_selected = audio_streams[selection[resp]] if resp > -1 else source['DefaultAudioStreamIndex'] else: # Only one choice audio_selected = audio_streams[next(iter(audio_streams))] else: audio_selected = source['DefaultAudioStreamIndex'] self.info['AudioStreamIndex'] = audio_selected prefs += "&AudioStreamIndex=%s" % audio_selected if subtitle: index = subtitle server_settings = self.api_client.get_transcode_settings() stream = streams[index] if server_settings['EnableSubtitleExtraction'] and stream['SupportsExternalStream']: self.info['SubtitleUrl'] = self.get_subtitles(source, stream, index) self.info['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = index elif allow_burned_subs: prefs += "&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % index self.info['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = index elif skip_dialog in (0, 2) and len(subs_streams): selection = list(['No subtitles']) + list(subs_streams.keys()) resp = dialog("select", translate(33014), selection) if resp: index = subs_streams[selection[resp]] if resp > -1 else source.get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex') if index is not None: server_settings = self.api_client.get_transcode_settings() stream = streams[index] if server_settings['EnableSubtitleExtraction'] and stream['SupportsExternalStream']: self.info['SubtitleUrl'] = self.get_subtitles(source, stream, index) self.info['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = index elif allow_burned_subs: prefs += "&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % index self.info['SubtitleStreamIndex'] = index return prefs def get_subtitles(self, source, stream, index): if stream['IsTextSubtitleStream'] and 'DeliveryUrl' in stream and stream['DeliveryUrl'].lower().startswith('/videos'): url = "%s%s" % (self.info['ServerAddress'], stream['DeliveryUrl']) else: url = "%s/Videos/%s/%s/Subtitles/%s/Stream.%s?api_key=%s" % ( self.info['ServerAddress'], self.item['Id'], source['Id'], index, stream['Codec'], self.info['Token'] ) return url