""" Tutorial: HTTP errors HTTPError is used to return an error response to the client. CherryPy has lots of options regarding how such errors are logged, displayed, and formatted. """ import os import os.path import cherrypy localDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) curpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), localDir)) class HTTPErrorDemo(object): # Set a custom response for 403 errors. _cp_config = {'error_page.403': os.path.join(curpath, 'custom_error.html')} @cherrypy.expose def index(self): # display some links that will result in errors tracebacks = cherrypy.request.show_tracebacks if tracebacks: trace = 'off' else: trace = 'on' return """

Toggle tracebacks %s

Click me; I'm a broken link!

Use a custom error page from a file.

These errors are explicitly raised by the application:

You can also set the response body when you raise an error.

""" % trace @cherrypy.expose def toggleTracebacks(self): # simple function to toggle tracebacks on and off tracebacks = cherrypy.request.show_tracebacks cherrypy.config.update({'request.show_tracebacks': not tracebacks}) # redirect back to the index raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/') @cherrypy.expose def error(self, code): # raise an error based on the get query raise cherrypy.HTTPError(status=code) @cherrypy.expose def messageArg(self): message = ("If you construct an HTTPError with a 'message' " 'argument, it wil be placed on the error page ' '(underneath the status line by default).') raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, message=message) tutconf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tutorial.conf') if __name__ == '__main__': # CherryPy always starts with app.root when trying to map request URIs # to objects, so we need to mount a request handler root. A request # to '/' will be mapped to HelloWorld().index(). cherrypy.quickstart(HTTPErrorDemo(), config=tutconf)