import os import sys import time import cherrypy starttime = time.time() class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return 'Hello World' @cherrypy.expose def mtimes(self): return repr(cherrypy.engine.publish('Autoreloader', 'mtimes')) @cherrypy.expose def pid(self): return str(os.getpid()) @cherrypy.expose def start(self): return repr(starttime) @cherrypy.expose def exit(self): # This handler might be called before the engine is STARTED if an # HTTP worker thread handles it before the HTTP server returns # control to engine.start. We avoid that race condition here # by waiting for the Bus to be STARTED. cherrypy.engine.wait(state=cherrypy.engine.states.STARTED) cherrypy.engine.exit() @cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', priority=100) def unsub_sig(): cherrypy.log('unsubsig: %s' % cherrypy.config.get('unsubsig', False)) if cherrypy.config.get('unsubsig', False): cherrypy.log('Unsubscribing the default cherrypy signal handler') cherrypy.engine.signal_handler.unsubscribe() try: from signal import signal, SIGTERM except ImportError: pass else: def old_term_handler(signum=None, frame=None): cherrypy.log('I am an old SIGTERM handler.') sys.exit(0) cherrypy.log('Subscribing the new one.') signal(SIGTERM, old_term_handler) @cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', priority=6) def starterror(): if cherrypy.config.get('starterror', False): 1 / 0 @cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', priority=6) def log_test_case_name(): if cherrypy.config.get('test_case_name', False): cherrypy.log('STARTED FROM: %s' % cherrypy.config.get('test_case_name')) cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), '/', {'/': {}})