import requests import logging import clientinfo import md5 from utils import window, settings, language as lang log = logging.getLogger("EMBY."+__name__) class GoogleAnalytics(): testing = False def __init__(self): client_info = clientinfo.ClientInfo() self.version = client_info.get_version() self.device_id = client_info.get_device_id() self.device_name = client_info.get_device_name() + "-" + client_info.get_platform() # Use set user name self.user_name = settings('username') or settings('connectUsername') or 'None' # use md5 for client and user for analytics self.device_id = self.user_name = def sendEventData(self, eventCategory, eventAction): # for info on the metrics that can be sent to Google Analytics # # all the data we can send to Google Analytics data = {} data['v'] = '1' data['tid'] = 'UA-85356267-1' # tracking id, this is the account ID data['ds'] = 'plugin' # data source data['an'] = 'Kodi4Emby' # App Name data['aid'] = '1' # App ID data['av'] = self.version # App Version #data['aiid'] = '1.1' # App installer ID data['cid'] = self.device_id # Client ID data['uid'] = self.user_name # User ID data['ua'] = self.device_name # user agent string data['t'] = 'event' # action type data['ec'] = eventCategory # Event Category data['ea'] = eventAction # Event Action #data['el'] = 'Play' # Event Label"GOOGLEANALYTICS : " + str(data)) if(self.testing): url = "" # test URL else: url = "" # prod URL r =, data) if(self.testing): log.error("GOOGLEANALYTICS : " + r.text.encode('utf-8'))