# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################################## import logging import sqlite3 import threading from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcvfs import api import utils import clientinfo import database import downloadutils import itemtypes import embydb_functions as embydb import read_embyserver as embyserver import userclient import views from objects import Movies, MusicVideos, TVShows, Music from utils import window, settings, language as lang, should_stop from ga_client import GoogleAnalytics ################################################################################################## log = logging.getLogger("EMBY."+__name__) ################################################################################################## class LibrarySync(threading.Thread): _shared_state = {} isFastSync = False stop_thread = False suspend_thread = False # Track websocketclient updates addedItems = [] updateItems = [] userdataItems = [] removeItems = [] forceLibraryUpdate = False refresh_views = False def __init__(self): self.__dict__ = self._shared_state self.monitor = xbmc.Monitor() self.clientInfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo() self.doUtils = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl self.user = userclient.UserClient() self.emby = embyserver.Read_EmbyServer() self.kodi_version = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[:2]) threading.Thread.__init__(self) def progressDialog(self, title): dialog = None dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() dialog.create("Emby for Kodi", title) log.debug("Show progress dialog: %s" % title) return dialog def startSync(self): ga = GoogleAnalytics() # Run at start up - optional to use the server plugin if settings('SyncInstallRunDone') == "true": # Validate views self.refreshViews() completed = False # Verify if server plugin is installed. if settings('serverSync') == "true": # Try to use fast start up url = "{server}/emby/Plugins?format=json" result = self.doUtils(url) for plugin in result: if plugin['Name'] == "Emby.Kodi Sync Queue": log.debug("Found server plugin.") self.isFastSync = True ga.sendEventData("SyncAction", "FastSync") completed = self.fastSync() break if not completed: # Fast sync failed or server plugin is not found ga.sendEventData("SyncAction", "Sync") completed = ManualSync().sync() else: # Install sync is not completed ga.sendEventData("SyncAction", "FullSync") completed = self.fullSync() return completed def fastSync(self): lastSync = settings('LastIncrementalSync') if not lastSync: lastSync = "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z" lastSyncTime = utils.convertDate(lastSync) log.info("Last sync run: %s" % lastSyncTime) # get server RetentionDateTime result = self.doUtils("{server}/emby/Emby.Kodi.SyncQueue/GetServerDateTime?format=json") try: retention_time = result['RetentionDateTime'] except (TypeError, KeyError): retention_time = "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z" retention_time = utils.convertDate(retention_time) log.info("RetentionDateTime: %s" % retention_time) # if last sync before retention time do a full sync if retention_time > lastSyncTime: log.info("Fast sync server retention insufficient, fall back to full sync") return False params = {'LastUpdateDT': lastSync} if settings('enableMusic') != "true": params['filter'] = "music" url = "{server}/emby/Emby.Kodi.SyncQueue/{UserId}/GetItems?format=json" result = self.doUtils(url, parameters=params) try: processlist = { 'added': result['ItemsAdded'], 'update': result['ItemsUpdated'], 'userdata': result['UserDataChanged'], 'remove': result['ItemsRemoved'] } except (KeyError, TypeError): log.error("Failed to retrieve latest updates using fast sync.") return False else: log.info("Fast sync changes: %s" % result) for action in processlist: self.triage_items(action, processlist[action]) return True def saveLastSync(self): # Save last sync time overlap = 2 try: # datetime fails when used more than once, TypeError if self.isFastSync: result = self.doUtils("{server}/emby/Emby.Kodi.SyncQueue/GetServerDateTime?format=json") server_time = result['ServerDateTime'] server_time = utils.convertDate(server_time) else: raise Exception("Fast sync server plugin is not enabled.") except Exception as e: # If the server plugin is not installed or an error happened. log.debug("An exception occurred: %s" % e) time_now = datetime.utcnow()-timedelta(minutes=overlap) lastSync = time_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') log.info("New sync time: client time -%s min: %s" % (overlap, lastSync)) else: lastSync = (server_time - timedelta(minutes=overlap)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') log.info("New sync time: server time -%s min: %s" % (overlap, lastSync)) finally: settings('LastIncrementalSync', value=lastSync) def dbCommit(self, connection): # Central commit, verifies if Kodi database update is running kodidb_scan = window('emby_kodiScan') == "true" count = 0 while kodidb_scan: log.info("Kodi scan is running. Waiting...") kodidb_scan = window('emby_kodiScan') == "true" if count == 10: log.info("Flag still active, but will try to commit") window('emby_kodiScan', clear=True) if should_stop(): log.info("Commit unsuccessful. Sync terminated.") break if self.monitor.waitForAbort(1): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit log.info("Commit unsuccessful.") break count += 1 try: connection.commit() log.info("Commit successful.") except sqlite3.OperationalError as error: log.error(error) if "database is locked" in error: log.info("retrying...") window('emby_kodiScan', value="true") self.dbCommit(connection) def fullSync(self, manualrun=False, repair=False): # Only run once when first setting up. Can be run manually. music_enabled = settings('enableMusic') == "true" xbmc.executebuiltin('InhibitIdleShutdown(true)') screensaver = utils.getScreensaver() utils.setScreensaver(value="") window('emby_dbScan', value="true") # Add sources utils.sourcesXML() # use emby and video DBs with database.DatabaseConn('emby') as cursor_emby: with database.DatabaseConn('video') as cursor_video: # content sync: movies, tvshows, musicvideos, music if manualrun: message = "Manual sync" elif repair: message = "Repair sync" repair_list = [] choices = ['all', 'movies', 'musicvideos', 'tvshows'] if music_enabled: choices.append('music') if self.kodi_version > 15: # Jarvis or higher types = xbmcgui.Dialog().multiselect(lang(33094), choices) if types is None: pass elif 0 in types: # all choices.pop(0) repair_list.extend(choices) else: for index in types: repair_list.append(choices[index]) else: resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(lang(33094), choices) if resp == 0: # all choices.pop(resp) repair_list.extend(choices) else: repair_list.append(choices[resp]) log.info("Repair queued for: %s", repair_list) else: message = "Initial sync" window('emby_initialScan', value="true") pDialog = self.progressDialog("%s" % message) starttotal = datetime.now() # Set views views.Views(cursor_emby, cursor_video).maintain() cursor_emby.connection.commit() #self.maintainViews(cursor_emby, cursor_video) # Sync video library process = { 'movies': self.movies, 'musicvideos': self.musicvideos, 'tvshows': self.tvshows } for itemtype in process: if repair and itemtype not in repair_list: continue startTime = datetime.now() completed = process[itemtype](cursor_emby, cursor_video, pDialog) if not completed: xbmc.executebuiltin('InhibitIdleShutdown(false)') utils.setScreensaver(value=screensaver) window('emby_dbScan', clear=True) if pDialog: pDialog.close() return False else: elapsedTime = datetime.now() - startTime log.info("SyncDatabase (finished %s in: %s)" % (itemtype, str(elapsedTime).split('.')[0])) # sync music # use emby and music if music_enabled: if repair and 'music' not in repair_list: pass else: with database.DatabaseConn('emby') as cursor_emby: with database.DatabaseConn('music') as cursor_music: startTime = datetime.now() completed = self.music(cursor_emby, cursor_music, pDialog) if not completed: xbmc.executebuiltin('InhibitIdleShutdown(false)') utils.setScreensaver(value=screensaver) window('emby_dbScan', clear=True) if pDialog: pDialog.close() return False else: elapsedTime = datetime.now() - startTime log.info("SyncDatabase (finished music in: %s)" % (str(elapsedTime).split('.')[0])) if pDialog: pDialog.close() with database.DatabaseConn('emby') as cursor_emby: emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(cursor_emby) current_version = emby_db.get_version(self.clientInfo.get_version()) window('emby_version', current_version) settings('SyncInstallRunDone', value="true") self.saveLastSync() xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)') elapsedtotal = datetime.now() - starttotal xbmc.executebuiltin('InhibitIdleShutdown(false)') utils.setScreensaver(value=screensaver) window('emby_dbScan', clear=True) window('emby_initialScan', clear=True) xbmcgui.Dialog().notification( heading=lang(29999), message="%s %s %s" % (message, lang(33025), str(elapsedtotal).split('.')[0]), icon="special://home/addons/plugin.video.emby/icon.png", sound=False) return True def refreshViews(self): with database.DatabaseConn('emby') as cursor_emby: with database.DatabaseConn() as cursor_video: # Compare views, assign correct tags to items views.Views(cursor_emby, cursor_video).maintain() def movies(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog): # Get movies from emby emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) movies = Movies(embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog) views = emby_db.getView_byType('movies') views += emby_db.getView_byType('mixed') log.info("Media folders: %s" % views) ##### PROCESS MOVIES ##### for view in views: log.info("Processing: %s", view) view_name = view['name'] # Get items per view if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading=lang(29999), message="%s %s..." % (lang(33017), view_name)) all_movies = self.emby.getMovies(view['id'], dialog=pdialog) movies.add_all("Movie", all_movies, view) log.debug("Movies finished.") ##### PROCESS BOXSETS ##### if pdialog: pdialog.update(heading=lang(29999), message=lang(33018)) boxsets = self.emby.getBoxset(dialog=pdialog) movies.add_all("BoxSet", boxsets) log.debug("Boxsets finished.") return True def musicvideos(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog): # Get musicvideos from emby emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) mvideos = MusicVideos(embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog) views = emby_db.getView_byType('musicvideos') log.info("Media folders: %s" % views) for view in views: log.info("Processing: %s", view) # Get items per view viewId = view['id'] viewName = view['name'] if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading=lang(29999), message="%s %s..." % (lang(33019), viewName)) # Initial or repair sync all_mvideos = self.emby.getMusicVideos(viewId, dialog=pdialog) mvideos.add_all("MusicVideo", all_mvideos, view) else: log.debug("MusicVideos finished.") return True def tvshows(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog): # Get shows from emby emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) tvshows = TVShows(embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog) views = emby_db.getView_byType('tvshows') views += emby_db.getView_byType('mixed') log.info("Media folders: %s" % views) for view in views: # Get items per view if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading=lang(29999), message="%s %s..." % (lang(33020), view['name'])) all_tvshows = self.emby.getShows(view['id'], dialog=pdialog) tvshows.add_all("Series", all_tvshows, view) else: log.debug("TVShows finished.") return True def music(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog): # Get music from emby emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) music = Music(embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog) views = emby_db.getView_byType('music') log.info("Media folders: %s", views) # Add music artists and everything will fall into place if pdialog: pdialog.update(heading=lang(29999), message="%s Music..." % lang(33021)) for view in views: all_artists = self.emby.getArtists(view['id'], dialog=pdialog) music.add_all("MusicArtist", all_artists) log.debug("Finished syncing music") return True # Reserved for websocket_client.py and fast start def triage_items(self, process, items): processlist = { 'added': self.addedItems, 'update': self.updateItems, 'userdata': self.userdataItems, 'remove': self.removeItems } if items: if process == "userdata": itemids = [] for item in items: itemids.append(item['ItemId']) items = itemids log.info("Queue %s: %s" % (process, items)) processlist[process].extend(items) def incrementalSync(self): update_embydb = False pDialog = None # do a view update if needed if self.refresh_views: self.refreshViews() self.refresh_views = False self.forceLibraryUpdate = True # do a lib update if any items in list totalUpdates = len(self.addedItems) + len(self.updateItems) + len(self.userdataItems) + len(self.removeItems) if totalUpdates > 0: with database.DatabaseConn('emby') as cursor_emby: with database.DatabaseConn('video') as cursor_video: emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(cursor_emby) incSyncIndicator = int(settings('incSyncIndicator') or 10) if incSyncIndicator != -1 and totalUpdates > incSyncIndicator: # Only present dialog if we are going to process items pDialog = self.progressDialog('Incremental sync') log.info("incSyncIndicator=" + str(incSyncIndicator) + " totalUpdates=" + str(totalUpdates)) process = { 'added': self.addedItems, 'update': self.updateItems, 'userdata': self.userdataItems, 'remove': self.removeItems } for process_type in ['added', 'update', 'userdata', 'remove']: if process[process_type] and window('emby_kodiScan') != "true": listItems = list(process[process_type]) del process[process_type][:] # Reset class list items_process = itemtypes.Items(cursor_emby, cursor_video) update = False # Prepare items according to process process_type if process_type == "added": items = self.emby.sortby_mediatype(listItems) elif process_type in ("userdata", "remove"): items = emby_db.sortby_mediaType(listItems, unsorted=False) else: items = emby_db.sortby_mediaType(listItems) if items.get('Unsorted'): sorted_items = self.emby.sortby_mediatype(items['Unsorted']) doupdate = items_process.itemsbyId(sorted_items, "added", pDialog) if doupdate: embyupdate, kodiupdate_video = doupdate if embyupdate: update_embydb = True if kodiupdate_video: self.forceLibraryUpdate = True del items['Unsorted'] doupdate = items_process.itemsbyId(items, process_type, pDialog) if doupdate: embyupdate, kodiupdate_video = doupdate if embyupdate: update_embydb = True if kodiupdate_video: self.forceLibraryUpdate = True # if stuff happened then do some stuff if update_embydb: update_embydb = False log.info("Updating emby database.") self.saveLastSync() if self.forceLibraryUpdate: # Force update the Kodi library self.forceLibraryUpdate = False log.info("Updating video library.") window('emby_kodiScan', value="true") xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)') if pDialog: pDialog.close() def compareDBVersion(self, current, minimum): # It returns True is database is up to date. False otherwise. log.info("current: %s minimum: %s" % (current, minimum)) try: currMajor, currMinor, currPatch = current.split(".") minMajor, minMinor, minPatch = minimum.split(".") except ValueError as error: raise ValueError("Unable to compare versions: %s, %s" % (current, minimum)) if currMajor > minMajor: return True elif currMajor == minMajor and (currMinor > minMinor or (currMinor == minMinor and currPatch >= minPatch)): return True else: # Database out of date. return False def run(self): try: self.run_internal() except Warning as e: if "restricted" in e: pass elif "401" in e: pass except Exception as e: ga = GoogleAnalytics() errStrings = ga.formatException() ga.sendEventData("Exception", errStrings[0], errStrings[1]) window('emby_dbScan', clear=True) log.exception(e) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( heading=lang(29999), line1=( "Library sync thread has exited! " "You should restart Kodi now. " "Please report this on the forum."), line2=(errStrings[0] + " (" + errStrings[1] + ")")) def run_internal(self): dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() startupComplete = False log.warn("---===### Starting LibrarySync ###===---") while not self.monitor.abortRequested(): # In the event the server goes offline while self.suspend_thread: # Set in service.py if self.monitor.waitForAbort(5): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit break if (window('emby_dbCheck') != "true" and settings('SyncInstallRunDone') == "true"): # Verify the validity of the database log.info("Doing DB Version Check") with database.DatabaseConn('emby') as cursor: emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(cursor) currentVersion = emby_db.get_version() ###$ Begin migration $### if not currentVersion: currentVersion = emby_db.get_version(settings('dbCreatedWithVersion') or self.clientInfo.get_version()) log.info("Migration of database version completed") ###$ End migration $### window('emby_version', value=currentVersion) minVersion = window('emby_minDBVersion') uptoDate = self.compareDBVersion(currentVersion, minVersion) if not uptoDate: log.warn("Database version out of date: %s minimum version required: %s" % (currentVersion, minVersion)) resp = dialog.yesno(lang(29999), lang(33022)) if not resp: log.warn("Database version is out of date! USER IGNORED!") dialog.ok(lang(29999), lang(33023)) else: database.db_reset() break window('emby_dbCheck', value="true") if not startupComplete: # Verify the video database can be found videoDb = database.video_database() if not xbmcvfs.exists(videoDb): # Database does not exists log.error( "The current Kodi version is incompatible " "with the Emby for Kodi add-on. Please visit " "https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Kodi/wiki " "to know which Kodi versions are supported.") dialog.ok( heading=lang(29999), line1=lang(33024)) break # Run start up sync log.warn("Database version: %s", window('emby_version')) log.info("SyncDatabase (started)") startTime = datetime.now() librarySync = self.startSync() elapsedTime = datetime.now() - startTime log.info("SyncDatabase (finished in: %s) %s" % (str(elapsedTime).split('.')[0], librarySync)) # Add other servers at this point # TODO: re-add once plugin listing is created # self.user.load_connect_servers() # Only try the initial sync once per kodi session regardless # This will prevent an infinite loop in case something goes wrong. startupComplete = True # Process updates if window('emby_dbScan') != "true" and window('emby_shouldStop') != "true": self.incrementalSync() if window('emby_onWake') == "true" and window('emby_online') == "true": # Kodi is waking up # Set in kodimonitor.py window('emby_onWake', clear=True) if window('emby_syncRunning') != "true": log.info("SyncDatabase onWake (started)") librarySync = self.startSync() log.info("SyncDatabase onWake (finished) %s" % librarySync) if self.stop_thread: # Set in service.py log.debug("Service terminated thread.") break if self.monitor.waitForAbort(1): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit break log.warn("###===--- LibrarySync Stopped ---===###") def stopThread(self): self.stop_thread = True log.debug("Ending thread...") def suspendThread(self): self.suspend_thread = True log.debug("Pausing thread...") def resumeThread(self): self.suspend_thread = False log.debug("Resuming thread...") class ManualSync(LibrarySync): def __init__(self): LibrarySync.__init__(self) def sync(self): return self.fullSync(manualrun=True) def movies(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog): return Movies(embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog).compare_all() def musicvideos(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog): return MusicVideos(embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog).compare_all() def tvshows(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog): return TVShows(embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog).compare_all() def music(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog): return Music(embycursor, kodicursor).compare_all()