# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################################# # WriteKodiVideoDB ################################################################################################# import sqlite3 from ntpath import dirname, split as ntsplit import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon from ClientInformation import ClientInformation import Utils as utils from API import API from DownloadUtils import DownloadUtils from PlayUtils import PlayUtils from ReadKodiDB import ReadKodiDB from ReadEmbyDB import ReadEmbyDB from TextureCache import TextureCache class WriteKodiVideoDB(): textureCache = TextureCache() doUtils = DownloadUtils() kodiversion = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion")[:2]) addon = xbmcaddon.Addon() addonName = ClientInformation().getAddonName() WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser') userid = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % username) server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username) directpath = addon.getSetting('useDirectPaths') == "true" def logMsg(self, msg, lvl = 1): className = self.__class__.__name__ utils.logMsg("%s %s" % (self.addonName, className), msg, int(lvl)) def updatePlayCountFromKodi(self, id, type, playcount = 0): # When user marks item watched from kodi interface update this in Emby # Erase resume point when user marks watched/unwatched to follow Emby behavior doUtils = self.doUtils self.logMsg("updatePlayCountFromKodi Called", 2) connection = utils.KodiSQL() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT emby_id FROM emby WHERE media_type = ? AND kodi_id = ?", (type, id,)) try: # Find associated Kodi Id to Emby Id emby_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Could not find the Emby Id self.logMsg("Emby Id not found.", 2) else: # Found the Emby Id, let Emby server know of new playcount watchedurl = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/PlayedItems/%s" % emby_id if playcount != 0: doUtils.downloadUrl(watchedurl, type = "POST") self.logMsg("Mark as watched for Id: %s, playcount: %s." % (emby_id, playcount), 1) else: doUtils.downloadUrl(watchedurl, type = "DELETE") self.logMsg("Mark as unwatched for Id: %s, playcount: %s." % (emby_id, playcount), 1) # Erase any resume point associated self.setKodiResumePoint(id, 0, 0, cursor) finally: cursor.close def addOrUpdateMovieToKodiLibrary(self, embyId, connection, cursor, viewTag): addon = self.addon MBitem = ReadEmbyDB().getFullItem(embyId) if not MBitem: self.logMsg("ADD movie to Kodi library FAILED, Item %s not found on server!" % embyId) return # If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update # If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (embyId,)) try: movieid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: movieid = None self.logMsg("Movie Id: %s not found." % embyId, 2) timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MBitem) userData = API().getUserData(MBitem) people = API().getPeople(MBitem) genres = MBitem.get('Genres') studios = API().getStudios(MBitem) #### The movie details #### playcount = userData.get('PlayCount') dateplayed = userData.get("LastPlayedDate") dateadded = API().getDateCreated(MBitem) checksum = API().getChecksum(MBitem) title = MBitem['Name'] plot = API().getOverview(MBitem) shortplot = MBitem.get('ShortOverview') tagline = API().getTagline(MBitem) votecount = MBitem.get('VoteCount') rating = MBitem.get('CommunityRating') writer = " / ".join(people.get('Writer')) year = MBitem.get('ProductionYear') imdb = API().getProvider(MBitem, "imdb") sorttitle = MBitem['SortName'] runtime = timeInfo.get('TotalTime') mpaa = MBitem.get('OfficialRating') genre = " / ".join(genres) director = " / ".join(people.get('Director')) studio = " / ".join(studios) country = API().getCountry(MBitem) try: # Verify if there's a local trailer if MBitem.get('LocalTrailerCount'): itemTrailerUrl = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items/%s/LocalTrailers?format=json" % embyId result = self.doUtils.downloadUrl(itemTrailerUrl) trailerUrl = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/trailer/?id=%s&mode=play" % result[0]['Id'] # Or get youtube trailer else: trailerUrl = MBitem['RemoteTrailers'][0]['Url'] trailerId = trailerUrl.split('=')[1] trailerUrl = "plugin://plugin.video.youtube/play/?video_id=%s" % trailerId except: trailerUrl = None #### ADD OR UPDATE THE FILE AND PATH ########### #### NOTE THAT LASTPLAYED AND PLAYCOUNT ARE STORED AT THE FILE ENTRY # Get the real filename for direct path or media flags for plugin path playurl = PlayUtils().directPlay(MBitem) try: if "plugin://" in playurl: fileext = "" else: path, fileext = ntsplit(playurl) except: return # playurl returned False else: # Set filename and path if self.directpath: # Use direct paths instead of add-on redirect filename = fileext if "\\" in path: path = "%s\\" % path elif "/" in path: path = "%s/" % path else: # Set plugin path and media flags using real filename filename = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/movies/%s/?filename=%s&id=%s&mode=play" % (embyId, fileext, embyId) path = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/movies/%s/" % embyId # If the bookmark was created from widget cursor.execute("SELECT idFile as fileid FROM files WHERE strFilename = ?", (fileext,)) try: # Remove Kodi bookmark - messes with plugin path bookmark result = cursor.fetchone()[0] self.setKodiResumePoint(result, 0, 0, cursor) except: pass # If the bookmark was created within the library plugindummy = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/" cursor.execute("SELECT idPath FROM path WHERE strPath = ?", (plugindummy,)) try: pathiddummy = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: pass else: cursor.execute("SELECT idFile as fileid FROM files WHERE strFilename = ? and idPath = ?", (filename, pathiddummy,)) try: # Remove Kodi bookmark - creates a ghost bookmark for widgets result = cursor.fetchone()[0] self.setKodiResumePoint(result, 0, 0, cursor) except: pass # Validate the path in database cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as pathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?", (path,)) try: pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Path does not exist yet cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) as pathid from path") pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT into path(idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, noUpdate) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (pathid, path, "movies", "metadata.local", 1)) # Validate the file in database cursor.execute("SELECT idFile as fileid FROM files WHERE strFilename = ? and idPath = ?", (filename, pathid,)) try: fileid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # File does not exist yet cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idFile),0) as fileid from files") fileid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO files(idFile, idPath, strFilename, playCount, lastPlayed, dateAdded) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (fileid, pathid, filename, playcount, dateplayed, dateadded)) else: # File exists query = "UPDATE files SET playCount = ?, lastPlayed = ? WHERE idFile = ?" cursor.execute(query, (playcount, dateplayed, fileid)) ##### UPDATE THE MOVIE ##### if movieid: self.logMsg("UPDATE movie to Kodi Library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, title), 1) query = "UPDATE movie SET c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c02 = ?, c03 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c06 = ?, c07 = ?, c09 = ?, c10 = ?, c11 = ?, c12 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ?, c16 = ?, c18 = ?, c19 = ?, c21 = ? WHERE idMovie = ?" cursor.execute(query, (title, plot, shortplot, tagline, votecount, rating, writer, year, imdb, sorttitle, runtime, mpaa, genre, director, title, studio, trailerUrl, country, movieid)) # Update the checksum in emby table query = "UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?" cursor.execute(query, (checksum, embyId)) ##### OR ADD THE MOVIE ##### else: self.logMsg("ADD movie to Kodi Library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, title), 1) # Create the movie cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idMovie),0) as movieid from movie") movieid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO movie(idMovie, idFile, c00, c01, c02, c03, c04, c05, c06, c07, c09, c10, c11, c12, c14, c15, c16, c18, c19, c21) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (movieid, fileid, title, plot, shortplot, tagline, votecount, rating, writer, year, imdb, sorttitle, runtime, mpaa, genre, director, title, studio, trailerUrl, country)) # Add the viewtag self.AddTagToMedia(movieid, viewTag, "movie", cursor) # Create the reference in emby table query = "INSERT INTO emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum) values(?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (embyId, movieid, "movie", checksum)) # Update or insert actors self.AddPeopleToMedia(movieid ,MBitem.get('People'), "movie", connection, cursor) # Update artwork self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary", mediaType = "movie"), movieid, "movie", "thumb", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary", mediaType = "movie"), movieid, "movie", "poster", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Banner", mediaType = "movie"), movieid, "movie", "banner", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Logo", mediaType = "movie"), movieid, "movie", "clearlogo", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Art", mediaType = "movie"), movieid, "movie", "clearart", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Thumb", mediaType = "movie"), movieid, "movie", "landscape", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Disc", mediaType = "movie"), movieid, "movie", "discart", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Backdrop", mediaType = "movie"), movieid, "movie", "fanart", cursor) # Update genres self.AddGenresToMedia(movieid, genres, "movie", cursor) # Update countries self.AddCountriesToMedia(movieid, MBitem.get('ProductionLocations'), "movie", cursor) # Update studios self.AddStudiosToMedia(movieid, studios, "movie", cursor) # Add streamdetails self.AddStreamDetailsToMedia(API().getMediaStreams(MBitem), fileid, cursor) # Add to or remove from favorites tag if userData.get('Favorite'): self.AddTagToMedia(movieid, "Favorite movies", "movie", cursor) else: self.AddTagToMedia(movieid, "Favorite movies", "movie", cursor, True) # Set resume point and round to 6th decimal resume = round(float(timeInfo.get('ResumeTime')), 6) total = round(float(timeInfo.get('TotalTime')), 6) jumpback = int(addon.getSetting('resumeJumpBack')) if resume > jumpback: # To avoid negative bookmark resume = resume - jumpback self.setKodiResumePoint(fileid, resume, total, cursor) def addOrUpdateMusicVideoToKodiLibrary(self, embyId ,connection, cursor): addon = self.addon MBitem = ReadEmbyDB().getFullItem(embyId) if not MBitem: self.logMsg("ADD musicvideo to Kodi library FAILED, Item %s not found on server!" % embyId, 1) return # If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update # If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (embyId,)) try: idMVideo = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: idMVideo = None timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MBitem) userData = API().getUserData(MBitem) people = API().getPeople(MBitem) genres = MBitem.get('Genres') studios = API().getStudios(MBitem) #### The video details #### playcount = userData.get('PlayCount') dateplayed = userData.get('LastPlayedDate') dateadded = API().getDateCreated(MBitem) checksum = API().getChecksum(MBitem) title = MBitem['Name'] runtime = timeInfo.get('TotalTime') director = " / ".join(people.get('Director')) studio = " / ".join(studios) year = MBitem.get('ProductionYear') plot = API().getOverview(MBitem) album = MBitem.get('Album') artist = " / ".join(MBitem.get('Artists')) genre = " / ".join(genres) track = MBitem.get('Track') #### ADD OR UPDATE THE FILE AND PATH ########### #### NOTE THAT LASTPLAYED AND PLAYCOUNT ARE STORED AT THE FILE ENTRY # Set filename and path if addon.getSetting('useDirectPaths') == "true": # playurl can return False playurl = PlayUtils().directPlay(MBitem) try: path, filename = ntsplit(playurl) if "\\" in path: path = "%s\\" % path elif "/" in path: path = "%s/" % path except: #for transcoding we just use the server's streaming path because I couldn't figure out how to set the plugin path in the music DB path = "%s/Video/%s/" % (self.server, embyId) filename = "stream.mp4" else: # Set plugin path path = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/musicvideos/%s/" % embyId filename = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/musicvideos/%s/?id=%s&mode=play" % (embyId, embyId) # Validate the path in database cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as pathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?", (path,)) try: pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Path does not exist yet cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) as pathid from path") pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, noUpdate) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (pathid, path, "musicvideos", "metadata.local", 1)) # Validate the file in database cursor.execute("SELECT idFile as fileid FROM files WHERE strFilename = ? and idPath = ?", (filename, pathid,)) try: fileid = cursor.fetchone()[0] query = "UPDATE files SET playCount = ?, lastPlayed = ? WHERE idFile = ?" cursor.execute(query, (playcount, dateplayed, fileid)) except: # File does not exist yet cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idFile),0) as fileid from files") fileid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO files(idFile, idPath, strFilename, playCount, lastPlayed, dateAdded) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (fileid, pathid, filename, playcount, dateplayed, dateadded)) ##### UPDATE THE MVIDEO ##### if idMVideo: self.logMsg("UPDATE musicvideo to Kodi Library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, title), 1) query = "UPDATE musicvideo SET c00 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c06 = ?, c07 = ?, c08 = ?, c09 = ?, c10 = ?, c11 = ?, c12 = ? WHERE idMVideo = ?" cursor.execute(query, (title, runtime, director, studio, year, plot, album, artist, genre, track, idMVideo)) # Update the checksum in emby table query = "UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?" cursor.execute(query, (checksum, embyId)) ##### OR ADD THE MVIDEO ##### else: self.logMsg("ADD musicvideo to Kodi Library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, title), 1) # Create the video cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idMVideo),0) as idMVideo from musicvideo") idMVideo = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO musicvideo(idMVideo, idFile, c00, c04, c05, c06, c07, c08, c09, c10, c11, c12) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (idMVideo, fileid, title, runtime, director, studio, year, plot, album, artist, genre, track)) # Create the reference in emby table query = "INSERT INTO emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum) values(?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (embyId, idMVideo, "musicvideo", checksum)) # Update or insert actors self.AddPeopleToMedia(idMVideo,MBitem.get("People"),"musicvideo", connection, cursor) # Update artwork self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary", mediaType = "musicvideo"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "thumb", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary", mediaType = "musicvideo"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "poster", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Banner", mediaType = "musicvideo"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "banner", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Logo", mediaType = "musicvideo"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "clearlogo", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Art", mediaType = "musicvideo"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "clearart", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Thumb", mediaType = "musicvideo"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "landscape", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Disc", mediaType = "musicvideo"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "discart", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Backdrop", mediaType = "musicvideo"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "fanart", cursor) # Update genres self.AddGenresToMedia(idMVideo, genres, "musicvideo", cursor) # Update studios self.AddStudiosToMedia(idMVideo, studios, "musicvideo", cursor) # Add streamdetails self.AddStreamDetailsToMedia(API().getMediaStreams(MBitem), fileid, cursor) def addOrUpdateTvShowToKodiLibrary(self, embyId, connection, cursor, viewTag): MBitem = ReadEmbyDB().getFullItem(embyId) if not MBitem: self.logMsg("ADD tvshow to Kodi library FAILED, Item %s not found on server!" % embyId) return # If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update # If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (embyId,)) try: showid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: showid = None timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MBitem) userData = API().getUserData(MBitem) people = API().getPeople(MBitem) genres = MBitem.get('Genres') studios = API().getStudios(MBitem) #### The tv show details #### playcount = userData.get('PlayCount') dateplayed = userData.get("LastPlayedDate") dateadded = API().getDateCreated(MBitem) checksum = API().getChecksum(MBitem) title = MBitem['Name'] plot = API().getOverview(MBitem) rating = MBitem.get('CommunityRating') premieredate = API().getPremiereDate(MBitem) genre = " / ".join(genres) tvdb = API().getProvider(MBitem, "tvdb") mpaa = MBitem.get('OfficialRating') studio = " / ".join(studios) sorttitle = MBitem['SortName'] #### ADD OR UPDATE THE FILE AND PATH ########### #### TOP LEVEL PATH AS MONITORED SOURCE IS REQUIRED - for actors, etc. (no clue why) # Set filename and path if self.directpath: # Network share playurl = PlayUtils().directPlay(MBitem) if "/" in playurl: # Network path path = "%s/" % playurl toplevelpath = "%s/" % dirname(dirname(path)) else: # Local path path = "%s\\" % playurl toplevelpath = "%s\\" % dirname(dirname(path)) else: # Set plugin path path = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/tvshows/%s/" % embyId toplevelpath = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/" ##### UPDATE THE TV SHOW ##### if showid: self.logMsg("UPDATE tvshow to Kodi library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, title)) query = "UPDATE tvshow SET c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c08 = ?, c09 = ?, c12 = ?, c13 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ? WHERE idShow = ?" cursor.execute(query, (title, plot, rating, premieredate, genre, title, tvdb, mpaa, studio, sorttitle, showid)) # Update the checksum in emby table query = "UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?" cursor.execute(query, (checksum, embyId)) ##### OR ADD THE TV SHOW ##### else: self.logMsg("ADD tvshow to Kodi library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, title)) # Create the TV show path cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) as pathid from path") pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, noUpdate) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (pathid, path, None, None, 1)) # Validate the top level path in database cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as tlpathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?", (toplevelpath,)) try: cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Top level path does not exist yet cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) as tlpathid from path") tlpathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, noUpdate) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (tlpathid, toplevelpath, "tvshows", "metadata.local", 1)) # Create the TV show cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idShow),0) as showid from tvshow") showid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO tvshow(idShow, c00, c01, c04, c05, c08, c09, c12, c13, c14, c15) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (showid, title, plot, rating, premieredate, genre, title, tvdb, mpaa, studio, sorttitle)) # Create the reference in emby table query = "INSERT INTO emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum) values(?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (embyId, showid, "tvshow", checksum)) # Link the path query = "INSERT INTO tvshowlinkpath(idShow, idPath) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (showid, pathid)) # Add the viewtag self.AddTagToMedia(showid, viewTag, "tvshow", cursor) # Update or insert people self.AddPeopleToMedia(showid, MBitem.get('People'),"tvshow", connection, cursor) # Update genres self.AddGenresToMedia(showid, genres, "tvshow", cursor) # Update studios self.AddStudiosToMedia(showid, studios, "tvshow", cursor) # Add to or remove from favorites tag if userData.get('Favorite'): self.AddTagToMedia(showid, "Favorite tvshows", "tvshow", cursor) else: self.AddTagToMedia(showid, "Favorite tvshows", "tvshow", cursor, True) # Update artwork self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary", mediaType = "tvshow"), showid, "tvshow", "thumb", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary", mediaType = "tvshow"), showid, "tvshow", "poster", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Banner", mediaType = "tvshow"), showid, "tvshow", "banner", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Logo", mediaType = "tvshow"), showid, "tvshow", "clearlogo", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Art", mediaType = "tvshow"), showid, "tvshow", "clearart", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Thumb", mediaType = "tvshow"), showid, "tvshow", "landscape", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Disc", mediaType = "tvshow"), showid, "tvshow", "discart", cursor) self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Backdrop", mediaType = "tvshow"), showid, "tvshow", "fanart", cursor) # Update season details self.updateSeasons(embyId, showid, connection, cursor) def addOrUpdateEpisodeToKodiLibrary(self, embyId, showid, connection, cursor): addon = self.addon MBitem = ReadEmbyDB().getFullItem(embyId) if not MBitem: self.logMsg("ADD episode to Kodi library FAILED, Item %s not found on server!" % embyId, 1) return # If the episode already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update # If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?",(embyId,)) try: episodeid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: episodeid = None timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MBitem) userData = API().getUserData(MBitem) people = API().getPeople(MBitem) ##### The episode details ##### seriesId = MBitem['SeriesId'] seriesName = MBitem['SeriesName'] season = MBitem.get('ParentIndexNumber') episode = MBitem.get('IndexNumber', 0) playcount = userData.get('PlayCount') dateplayed = userData.get("LastPlayedDate") dateadded = API().getDateCreated(MBitem) checksum = API().getChecksum(MBitem) title = MBitem['Name'] plot = API().getOverview(MBitem) rating = MBitem.get('CommunityRating') writer = " / ".join(people.get("Writer")) premieredate = API().getPremiereDate(MBitem) runtime = timeInfo.get('TotalTime') director = " / ".join(people.get("Director")) #### ADD OR UPDATE THE FILE AND PATH ########### #### NOTE THAT LASTPLAYED AND PLAYCOUNT ARE STORED AT THE FILE ENTRY #### ORDERING FOR SORTING C15 C16 TO DISPLAY SPECIALS WITHIN REGULAR EPISODES # Get the real filename playurl = PlayUtils().directPlay(MBitem) try: if "plugin://" in playurl: fileext = "" else: path, fileext = ntsplit(playurl) except: return # playurl returned False else: # Set filename and path if self.directpath: filename = fileext if "\\" in playurl: path = "%s\\" % path elif "/" in playurl: path = "%s/" % path else: # Set plugin path and media flags - real filename with extension filename = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/tvshows/%s/?filename=%s&id=%s&mode=play" % (seriesId, fileext, embyId) path = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/tvshows/%s/" % seriesId # If the bookmark was created from widget cursor.execute("SELECT idFile as fileid FROM files WHERE strFilename = ?", (fileext,)) try: # Remove Kodi bookmark - messes with plugin path bookmark result = cursor.fetchone()[0] self.setKodiResumePoint(result, 0, 0, cursor) except: pass # If the bookmark was created within the library plugindummy = "plugin://plugin.video.emby/" cursor.execute("SELECT idPath FROM path WHERE strPath = ?", (plugindummy,)) try: pathiddummy = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: pass else: cursor.execute("SELECT idFile as fileid FROM files WHERE strFilename = ? and idPath = ?", (filename, pathiddummy,)) try: # Remove Kodi bookmark - creates a ghost bookmark for widgets result = cursor.fetchone()[0] self.setKodiResumePoint(result, 0, 0, cursor) except: pass # Validate the path in database cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as pathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?", (path,)) try: pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Path does not exist yet cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) as pathid from path") pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, noUpdate) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (pathid, path, None, None, 1)) # Validate the file in database cursor.execute("SELECT idFile as fileid FROM files WHERE strFilename = ? and idPath = ?", (filename, pathid,)) try: fileid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # File does not exist yet cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idFile),0) as fileid from files") fileid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO files(idFile, idPath, strFilename, playCount, lastPlayed, dateAdded) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (fileid, pathid, filename, playcount, dateplayed, dateadded)) else: # File exists query = "UPDATE files SET playCount = ?, lastPlayed = ? WHERE idFile = ?" cursor.execute(query, (playcount, dateplayed, fileid)) # Validate the season exists in Emby and in database if season is None: self.logMsg("SKIP adding episode to Kodi Library, no ParentIndexNumber - ID: %s - %s" % (embyId, title)) return False cursor.execute("SELECT idSeason FROM seasons WHERE idShow = ? and season = ?", (showid, season,)) try: cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Season does not exist, update seasons self.updateSeasons(seriesId, showid, connection, cursor) ##### UPDATE THE EPISODE ##### if episodeid: self.logMsg("UPDATE episode from // %s - S%s // to Kodi library, Id: %s - E%s: %s" % (seriesName, season, embyId, episode, title)) query = "UPDATE episode SET c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c03 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c09 = ?, c10 = ?, c12 = ?, c13 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ?, c16 = ? WHERE idEpisode = ?" cursor.execute(query, (title, plot, rating, writer, premieredate, runtime, director, season, episode, title, "-1", "-1", episodeid)) #update the checksum in emby table query = "UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?" cursor.execute(query, (checksum, embyId)) ##### OR ADD THE EPISODE ##### else: self.logMsg("ADD episode from // %s - S%s // to Kodi library, Id: %s - E%s: %s" % (seriesName, season, embyId, episode, title)) # Create the episode cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idEpisode),0) as episodeid from episode") episodeid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO episode(idEpisode, idFile, c00, c01, c03, c04, c05, c09, c10, c12, c13, c14, idShow, c15, c16) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (episodeid, fileid, title, plot, rating, writer, premieredate, runtime, director, season, episode, title, showid, "-1", "-1")) # Create the reference in emby table query = "INSERT INTO emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum, parent_id) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (embyId, episodeid, "episode", checksum, showid)) # Update or insert actors self.AddPeopleToMedia(episodeid, MBitem.get('People'), "episode", connection, cursor) # Add streamdetails self.AddStreamDetailsToMedia(API().getMediaStreams(MBitem), fileid, cursor) # Update artwork self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary", mediaType = "episode"), episodeid, "episode", "thumb", cursor) # Set resume point and round to 6th decimal resume = round(float(timeInfo.get('ResumeTime')), 6) total = round(float(timeInfo.get('TotalTime')), 6) jumpback = int(addon.getSetting('resumeJumpBack')) if resume > jumpback: # To avoid negative bookmark resume = resume - jumpback self.setKodiResumePoint(fileid, resume, total, cursor) def deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(self, id, connection, cursor ): cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id, media_type FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (id,)) try: result = cursor.fetchone() kodi_id = result[0] media_type = result[1] except: pass else: # Delete entry from database if "movie" in media_type: self.logMsg("Deleting movie from Kodi library, Id: %s" % id, 1) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM movie WHERE idMovie = ?", (kodi_id,)) elif "episode" in media_type: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM episode WHERE idEpisode = ?", (kodi_id,)) self.logMsg("Deleting episode from Kodi library, Id: %s" % id, 1) elif "tvshow" in media_type: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM tvshow WHERE idShow = ?", (kodi_id,)) self.logMsg("Deleting tvshow from Kodi library, Id: %s" % id, 1) elif "musicvideo" in media_type: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM musicvideo WHERE idMVideo = ?", (kodi_id,)) self.logMsg("Deleting musicvideo from Kodi library, Id: %s" % id, 1) # Delete the record in emby table cursor.execute("DELETE FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (id,)) def updateSeasons(self,embyTvShowId, kodiTvShowId, connection, cursor): seasonData = ReadEmbyDB().getTVShowSeasons(embyTvShowId) if seasonData: # Verify every season for season in seasonData: seasonNum = season.get('IndexNumber') cursor.execute("SELECT idSeason as seasonid FROM seasons WHERE idShow = ? and season = ?", (kodiTvShowId, seasonNum,)) try: seasonid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Create the season cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idSeason),0) as seasonid from seasons") seasonid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO seasons(idSeason, idShow, season) values(?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (seasonid, kodiTvShowId, seasonNum)) finally: # Update artwork imageUrl = API().getArtwork(season, "Thumb", mediaType = "season") self.addOrUpdateArt(imageUrl, seasonid, "season", "landscape", cursor) imageUrl = API().getArtwork(season, "Primary", mediaType = "season") self.addOrUpdateArt(imageUrl, seasonid, "season", "poster", cursor) imageUrl = API().getArtwork(season, "Banner", mediaType = "season") self.addOrUpdateArt(imageUrl, seasonid, "season", "banner", cursor) # All season entry MBitem = ReadEmbyDB().getFullItem(embyTvShowId) seasonNum = -1 cursor.execute("SELECT idSeason as seasonid FROM seasons WHERE idShow = ? and season = ?", (kodiTvShowId, seasonNum,)) try: seasonid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Create all season entry cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idSeason),0) as seasonid from seasons") seasonid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO seasons(idSeason, idShow, season) values(?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (seasonid, kodiTvShowId, seasonNum)) finally: # Update the artwork imageUrl = API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary", mediaType = "season") self.addOrUpdateArt(imageUrl, seasonid, "season", "poster", cursor) def addOrUpdateArt(self, imageUrl, kodiId, mediaType, imageType, cursor): if imageUrl: cacheimage = False cursor.execute("SELECT url FROM art WHERE media_id = ? AND media_type = ? AND type = ?", (kodiId, mediaType, imageType,)) try: # Update the artwork url = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Add the artwork cacheimage = True self.logMsg("Adding Art Link for kodiId: %s (%s)" % (kodiId, imageUrl), 1) query = "INSERT INTO art(media_id, media_type, type, url) values(?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (kodiId, mediaType, imageType, imageUrl)) else: if url != imageUrl: cacheimage = True self.logMsg("Updating Art Link for kodiId: %s (%s) -> (%s)" % (kodiId, url, imageUrl), 1) query = "INSERT INTO art(media_id, media_type, type, url) values(?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (kodiId, mediaType, imageType, imageUrl)) # Cache fanart and poster in Kodi texture cache if cacheimage and imageType in ("fanart", "poster"): self.textureCache.CacheTexture(imageUrl) def setKodiResumePoint(self, fileid, resume_seconds, total_seconds, cursor): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM bookmark WHERE idFile = ?", (fileid,)) if resume_seconds: cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idBookmark),0) as bookmarkId from bookmark") bookmarkId = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO bookmark(idBookmark, idFile, timeInSeconds, totalTimeInSeconds, thumbNailImage, player, playerState, type) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (bookmarkId, fileid, resume_seconds, total_seconds, None, "DVDPlayer", None, 1)) def AddPeopleToMedia(self, id, people, mediatype, connection, cursor): kodiVersion = self.kodiversion if people: castorder = 1 for person in people: name = person['Name'] type = person['Type'] if kodiVersion == 15 or kodiVersion == 16: # Kodi Isengard/jarvis cursor.execute("SELECT actor_id as actorid FROM actor WHERE name = ?", (name,)) else: # Kodi Gotham or Helix cursor.execute("SELECT idActor as actorid FROM actors WHERE strActor = ?",(name,)) try: # Update person in database actorid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Person entry does not exist yet. if kodiVersion == 15 or kodiVersion == 16: # Kodi Isengard cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(actor_id),0) as actorid from actor") query = "INSERT INTO actor(actor_id, name) values(?, ?)" else: # Kodi Gotham or Helix cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idActor),0) as actorid from actors") query = "INSERT INTO actors(idActor, strActor) values(?, ?)" actorid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 self.logMsg("Adding people to Media, processing: %s" % name, 2) cursor.execute(query, (actorid, name)) finally: # Add person image to art table thumb = API().imageUrl(person['Id'], "Primary", 0, 400, 400) if thumb: arttype = type.lower() if "writing" in arttype: arttype = "writer" self.addOrUpdateArt(thumb, actorid, arttype, "thumb", cursor) # Link person to content in database if kodiVersion == 15 or kodiVersion == 16: # Kodi Isengard if "Actor" in type: Role = person.get('Role') query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO actor_link(actor_id, media_id, media_type, role, cast_order) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (actorid, id, mediatype, Role, castorder)) castorder += 1 elif "Director" in type: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO director_link(actor_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (actorid, id, mediatype)) elif type in ("Writing", "Writer"): query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO writer_link(actor_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (actorid, id, mediatype)) else: # Kodi Gotham or Helix if "Actor" in type: Role = person.get('Role') if "movie" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO actorlinkmovie(idActor, idMovie, strRole, iOrder) values(?, ?, ?, ?)" elif "tvshow" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO actorlinktvshow(idActor, idShow, strRole, iOrder) values(?, ?, ?, ?)" elif "episode" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO actorlinkepisode(idActor, idEpisode, strRole, iOrder) values(?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (actorid, id, Role, castorder)) castorder += 1 elif "Director" in type: if "movie" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO directorlinkmovie(idDirector, idMovie) values(?, ?)" elif "tvshow" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO directorlinktvshow(idDirector, idShow) values(?, ?)" elif "musicvideo" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO directorlinkmusicvideo(idDirector, idMVideo) values(?, ?)" elif "episode" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO directorlinkepisode(idDirector, idEpisode) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (actorid, id)) elif type in ("Writing", "Writer"): if "movie" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO writerlinkmovie(idWriter, idMovie) values(?, ?)" elif "episode" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO writerlinkepisode(idWriter, idEpisode) values(?, ?)" cursor. execute(query, (actorid, id)) def AddGenresToMedia(self, id, genres, mediatype, cursor): kodiVersion = self.kodiversion if genres: # Delete current genres for clean slate if kodiVersion == 15 or kodiVersion == 16: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM genre_link WHERE media_id = ? AND media_type = ?", (id, mediatype,)) else: if "movie" in mediatype: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM genrelinkmovie WHERE idMovie = ?", (id,)) elif "tvshow" in mediatype: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM genrelinktvshow WHERE idShow = ?", (id,)) elif "musicvideo" in mediatype: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM genrelinkmusicvideo WHERE idMVideo = ?", (id,)) # Add Genres for genre in genres: if kodiVersion == 15 or kodiVersion == 16: # Kodi Isengard cursor.execute("SELECT genre_id as genre_id FROM genre WHERE name = ?", (genre,)) try: genre_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Create genre in database cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(genre_id),0) as genre_id from genre") genre_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO genre(genre_id, name) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (genre_id,genre)) self.logMsg("Add Genres to media, processing: %s" % genre, 1) finally: # Assign genre to item query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO genre_link(genre_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (genre_id, id, mediatype)) else: # Kodi Gotham or Helix cursor.execute("SELECT idGenre as idGenre FROM genre WHERE strGenre = ?", (genre,)) try: idGenre = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Create genre in database cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idGenre),0) as idGenre from genre") idGenre = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO genre(idGenre, strGenre) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (idGenre,genre)) self.logMsg("Add Genres to media, processing: %s" % genre, 1) finally: # Assign genre to item if "movie" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE into genrelinkmovie(idGenre, idMovie) values(?, ?)" elif "tvshow" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE into genrelinktvshow(idGenre, idShow) values(?, ?)" elif "musicvideo" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE into genrelinkmusicvideo(idGenre, idMVideo) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (idGenre, id)) def AddCountriesToMedia(self, id, countries, mediatype, cursor): kodiVersion = self.kodiversion if countries: for country in countries: if kodiVersion == 15 or kodiVersion == 16: # Kodi Isengard cursor.execute("SELECT country_id as country_id FROM country WHERE name = ?", (country,)) try: country_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Country entry does not exists cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(country_id),0) as country_id from country") country_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO country(country_id, name) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (country_id, country)) self.logMsg("Add Countries to Media, processing: %s" % country) finally: # Assign country to content query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO country_link(country_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (country_id, id, mediatype)) else: # Kodi Gotham or Helix cursor.execute("SELECT idCountry as idCountry FROM country WHERE strCountry = ?", (country,)) try: idCountry = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Country entry does not exists cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idCountry),0) as idCountry from country") idCountry = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO country(idCountry, strCountry) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (idCountry, country)) finally: # Only movies have a country field if "movie" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO countrylinkmovie(idCountry, idMovie) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (idCountry, id)) def AddStudiosToMedia(self, id, studios, mediatype, cursor): kodiVersion = self.kodiversion if studios: for studio in studios: if kodiVersion == 15 or kodiVersion == 16: # Kodi Isengard cursor.execute("SELECT studio_id as studio_id FROM studio WHERE name = ?",(studio,)) try: studio_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Studio does not exists. cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(studio_id),0) as studio_id from studio") studio_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO studio(studio_id, name) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (studio_id,studio)) self.logMsg("Add Studios to media, processing: %s" % studio, 1) finally: # Assign studio to item query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO studio_link(studio_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (studio_id, id, mediatype)) else: # Kodi Gotham or Helix cursor.execute("SELECT idstudio as idstudio FROM studio WHERE strstudio = ?",(studio,)) try: idstudio = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Studio does not exists. cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idstudio),0) as idstudio from studio") idstudio = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO studio(idstudio, strstudio) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (idstudio,studio)) self.logMsg("Add Studios to media, processing: %s" % studio, 1) finally: # Assign studio to item if "movie" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO studiolinkmovie(idstudio, idMovie) values(?, ?)" elif "musicvideo" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO studiolinkmusicvideo(idstudio, idMVideo) values(?, ?)" elif "tvshow" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO studiolinktvshow(idstudio, idShow) values(?, ?)" elif "episode" in mediatype: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO studiolinkepisode(idstudio, idEpisode) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (idstudio, id)) def AddTagToMedia(self, id, tag, mediatype, cursor, doRemove = False): kodiVersion = self.kodiversion if tag: if kodiVersion == 15 or kodiVersion == 16: # Kodi Isengard cursor.execute("SELECT tag_id as tag_id FROM tag WHERE name = ?", (tag,)) try: tag_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Create the tag cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(tag_id),0) as tag_id from tag") tag_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO tag(tag_id, name) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (tag_id, tag)) self.logMsg("Add Tag to media, adding tag: %s" % tag, 1) finally: # Assign tag to item if not doRemove: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tag_link(tag_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (tag_id, id, mediatype)) else: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM tag_link WHERE media_id = ? AND media_type = ? AND tag_id = ?", (id, mediatype, tag_id,)) else: # Kodi Gotham or Helix cursor.execute("SELECT idTag as idTag FROM tag WHERE strTag = ?", (tag,)) try: idTag = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Create the tag cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idTag),0) as idTag from tag") idTag = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = "INSERT INTO tag(idTag, strTag) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (idTag, tag)) self.logMsg("Add Tag to media, adding tag: %s" % tag, 1) finally: # Assign tag to item if not doRemove: query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO taglinks(idTag, idMedia, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (idTag, id, mediatype)) else: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM taglinks WHERE idMedia = ? AND media_type = ? AND idTag = ?", (id, mediatype, idTag,)) def AddStreamDetailsToMedia(self, streamdetails, fileid, cursor): # First remove any existing entries cursor.execute("DELETE FROM streamdetails WHERE idFile = ?", (fileid,)) if streamdetails: # Video details for videotrack in streamdetails['videocodec']: query = "INSERT INTO streamdetails(idFile, iStreamType, strVideoCodec, fVideoAspect, iVideoWidth, iVideoHeight, strStereoMode) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (fileid, 0, videotrack.get('videocodec'), videotrack.get('aspectratio'), videotrack.get('width'), videotrack.get('height'), videotrack.get('Video3DFormat'))) # Audio details for audiotrack in streamdetails['audiocodec']: query = "INSERT INTO streamdetails(idFile, iStreamType, strAudioCodec, iAudioChannels, strAudioLanguage) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (fileid, 1, audiotrack.get('audiocodec'), audiotrack.get('channels'), audiotrack.get('audiolanguage'))) # Subtitles details for subtitletrack in streamdetails['subtitlelanguage']: query = "INSERT INTO streamdetails(idFile, iStreamType, strSubtitleLanguage) values(?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (fileid, 2, subtitletrack)) def addBoxsetToKodiLibrary(self, boxset, connection, cursor): strSet = boxset['Name'] cursor.execute("SELECT idSet FROM sets WHERE strSet = ?", (strSet,)) try: setid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: # Boxset does not exists query = "INSERT INTO sets(idSet, strSet) values(?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (None, strSet)) # Get the setid of the new boxset cursor.execute("SELECT idSet FROM sets WHERE strSet = ?", (strSet,)) setid = cursor.fetchone()[0] finally: # Assign artwork currentsetartsql = 'SELECT type, url FROM art where media_type = ? and media_id = ? and url != ""' cursor.execute(currentsetartsql, ("set", setid)) existing_type_map = {} rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: existing_type_map[row[0] ] = row[1] artwork = {} artwork['poster'] = API().getArtwork(boxset, "Primary", mediaType = "boxset") artwork['banner'] = API().getArtwork(boxset, "Banner", mediaType = "boxset") artwork['clearlogo'] = API().getArtwork(boxset, "Logo", mediaType = "boxset") artwork['clearart'] = API().getArtwork(boxset, "Art", mediaType = "boxset") artwork['landscape'] = API().getArtwork(boxset, "Thumb", mediaType = "boxset") artwork['discart'] = API().getArtwork(boxset, "Disc", mediaType = "boxset") artwork['fanart'] = API().getArtwork(boxset, "Backdrop", mediaType = "boxset") art_types = ['poster','fanart','landscape','clearlogo','clearart','banner','discart'] for update_type in art_types: if ( update_type in existing_type_map ): if ( existing_type_map[update_type] != artwork[update_type] ) and artwork[update_type] != '': setupdateartsql = "UPDATE art SET url = ? where media_type = ? and media_id = ? and type = ?" cursor.execute(setupdateartsql,(artwork[update_type],"set",setid,update_type)) elif artwork[update_type] != '': setartsql = "INSERT INTO art(media_id, media_type, type, url) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(setartsql,(setid,"set",update_type,artwork[update_type])) return True def updateBoxsetToKodiLibrary(self, boxsetmovie, boxset, connection, cursor): strSet = boxset['Name'] boxsetmovieid = boxsetmovie['Id'] cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?",(boxsetmovieid,)) try: movieid = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute("SELECT idSet FROM sets WHERE strSet = ?", (strSet,)) setid = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: pass else: query = "UPDATE movie SET idSet = ? WHERE idMovie = ?" cursor.execute(query, (setid, movieid)) # Update the checksum in emby table query = "UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?" cursor.execute(query, (API().getChecksum(boxsetmovie), boxsetmovieid))