added musicvideo supporr

This commit is contained in:
Marcel van der Veldt 2015-05-02 22:02:06 +02:00
parent 3d77a9dd3a
commit 96e50a3d1e
4 changed files with 209 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -67,11 +67,17 @@ class LibrarySync():
self.MoviesFullSync(connection,cursor,pDialog) self.MoviesFullSync(connection,cursor,pDialog)
if (self.ShouldStop()): if (self.ShouldStop()):
return False return False
#sync Tvshows and episodes #sync Tvshows and episodes
self.TvShowsFullSync(connection,cursor,pDialog) self.TvShowsFullSync(connection,cursor,pDialog)
if (self.ShouldStop()):
return False
# sync musicvideos
# set the install done setting # set the install done setting
if(syncInstallRunDone == False and completed): if(syncInstallRunDone == False and completed):
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='') #force a new instance of the addon addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='') #force a new instance of the addon
@ -143,6 +149,51 @@ class LibrarySync():
WINDOW.setProperty(kodiId,"deleted") WINDOW.setProperty(kodiId,"deleted")
WriteKodiDB().deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor) WriteKodiDB().deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor)
def MusicVideosFullSync(self,connection,cursor, pDialog):
allKodiMusicvideoIds = list()
allEmbyMusicvideoIds = list()
allEmbyMusicvideos = ReadEmbyDB().getMusicVideos()
allKodiMusicvideos = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMusicVideos(connection, cursor)
for kodivideo in allKodiMusicvideos:
total = len(allEmbyMusicvideos) + 1
count = 1
for item in allEmbyMusicvideos:
if (self.ShouldStop()):
return False
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Processing MusicVideos (" + str(count) + " of " + str(total) + ")"
pDialog.update(0, "Emby for Kodi - Running Sync", progressTitle)
count += 1
kodiVideo = None
for kodivideo in allKodiMusicvideos:
if kodivideo[1] == item["Id"]:
kodiVideo = kodivideo
if kodiVideo == None:
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateMusicVideoToKodiLibrary(item["Id"],connection, cursor)
if kodiVideo[2] != API().getChecksum(item):
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateMusicVideoToKodiLibrary(item["Id"],connection, cursor)
allEmbyMusicvideoIds = set(allEmbyMusicvideoIds)
for kodiId in allKodiMusicvideoIds:
if not kodiId in allEmbyMusicvideoIds:
WriteKodiDB().deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor)
def TvShowsFullSync(self,connection,cursor,pDialog): def TvShowsFullSync(self,connection,cursor,pDialog):
@ -201,7 +252,6 @@ class LibrarySync():
WINDOW.setProperty(kodiId,"deleted") WINDOW.setProperty(kodiId,"deleted")
WriteKodiDB().deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor) WriteKodiDB().deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor)
def EpisodesFullSync(self,connection,cursor,showId): def EpisodesFullSync(self,connection,cursor,showId):
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 ) WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
@ -250,7 +300,6 @@ class LibrarySync():
WINDOW.setProperty(kodiId,"deleted") WINDOW.setProperty(kodiId,"deleted")
WriteKodiDB().deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor) WriteKodiDB().deleteItemFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor)
def IncrementalSync(self, itemList): def IncrementalSync(self, itemList):
#this will only perform sync for items received by the websocket #this will only perform sync for items received by the websocket
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='') addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
@ -300,6 +349,13 @@ class LibrarySync():
if kodi_show_id: if kodi_show_id:
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateEpisodeToKodiLibrary(MBitem["Id"], kodi_show_id, connection, cursor) WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateEpisodeToKodiLibrary(MBitem["Id"], kodi_show_id, connection, cursor)
allEmbyMusicvideos = ReadEmbyDB().getMusicVideos(itemList)
for item in allEmbyMusicvideos:
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateMusicVideoToKodiLibrary(item["Id"],connection, cursor)
finally: finally:
cursor.close() cursor.close()
xbmc.executebuiltin("UpdateLibrary(video)") xbmc.executebuiltin("UpdateLibrary(video)")

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class ReadEmbyDB():
return result return result
def getMusicVideos(self, id, itemList = []): def getMusicVideos(self, itemList = []):
result = None result = None
doUtils = DownloadUtils() doUtils = DownloadUtils()

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@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ class ReadKodiDB():
#this will return a list with tuples of all items returned from the database #this will return a list with tuples of all items returned from the database
return allmovies return allmovies
def getKodiMusicVideos(self, connection, cursor):
#returns all musicvideos in Kodi db
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id, emby_id, checksum FROM emby WHERE media_type='musicvideo'")
allvideos = cursor.fetchall()
#this will return a list with tuples of all items returned from the database
return allvideos
def getKodiTvShows(self, connection, cursor): def getKodiTvShows(self, connection, cursor):
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id, emby_id, checksum FROM emby WHERE media_type='tvshow'") cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id, emby_id, checksum FROM emby WHERE media_type='tvshow'")
allshows = cursor.fetchall() allshows = cursor.fetchall()

View file

@ -203,6 +203,142 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
connection.commit() connection.commit()
return movieid return movieid
def addOrUpdateMusicVideoToKodiLibrary( self, embyId ,connection, cursor):
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
userid = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % username)
server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)
downloadUtils = DownloadUtils()
MBitem = ReadEmbyDB().getFullItem(embyId)
# If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update
# If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?",(MBitem["Id"],))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result != None:
idMVideo = result[0]
idMVideo = None
timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MBitem)
people = API().getPeople(MBitem)
#### The video details #########
runtime = int(timeInfo.get('Duration'))*60
plot = utils.convertEncoding(API().getOverview(MBitem))
title = utils.convertEncoding(MBitem["Name"])
year = MBitem.get("ProductionYear")
genres = MBitem.get("Genres")
genre = " / ".join(genres)
studios = API().getStudios(MBitem)
studio = " / ".join(studios)
director = " / ".join(people.get("Director"))
artist = MBitem.get("Artist")
album = MBitem.get("Album")
track = MBitem.get("Track")
if MBitem.get("DateCreated") != None:
dateadded = MBitem["DateCreated"].replace("T"," ")
dateadded = dateadded.replace(".0000000Z","")
dateadded = None
playcount = 0
if userData.get("PlayCount") == "1":
playcount = 1
path = "plugin://"
filename = "plugin://" % MBitem["Id"]
#create the path
cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as pathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?",(path,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result != None:
pathid = result[0]
cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) as pathid from path")
pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
pathid = pathid + 1
pathsql = "insert into path(idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, noUpdate) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (pathid,path,"musicvideos","metadata.local",1))
#create the file if not exists
cursor.execute("SELECT idFile as fileid FROM files WHERE strFilename = ? and idPath = ?",(filename,pathid,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result != None:
fileid = result[0]
if result == None:
cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idFile),0) as fileid from files")
fileid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
fileid = fileid + 1
pathsql="insert into files(idFile, idPath, strFilename, playCount, lastPlayed, dateAdded) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (fileid,pathid,filename,playcount,userData.get("LastPlayedDate"),dateadded))
pathsql="update files SET playCount = ?, lastPlayed = ? WHERE idFile = ?"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (playcount,userData.get("LastPlayedDate"), fileid))
##### ADD THE VIDEO ############
if idMVideo == None:
utils.logMsg("ADD musicvideo to Kodi library","Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, title))
#create the video
cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idMVideo),0) as idMVideo from musicvideo")
idMVideo = cursor.fetchone()[0]
idMVideo = idMVideo + 1
pathsql="insert into musicvideo(idMVideo, idFile, c00, c04, c05, c06, c07, c08, c09, c10, c11, c12) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (idMVideo, fileid, title, runtime, director, studio, year, plot, album, artist, genre, track))
#create the reference in emby table
pathsql = "INSERT into emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (MBitem["Id"], idMVideo, "musicvideo", API().getChecksum(MBitem)))
#add streamdetails
self.AddStreamDetailsToMedia(API().getMediaStreams(MBitem), fileid, cursor)
utils.logMsg("UPDATE musicvideo to Kodi library","Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, title))
pathsql="update musicvideo SET c00 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c06 = ?, c07 = ?, c08 = ?, c09 = ?, c10 = ?, c11 = ?, c12 = ? WHERE idMVideo = ?"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (title, runtime, director, studio, year, plot, album, artist, genre, track, idMVideo))
#update the checksum in emby table
cursor.execute("UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?", (API().getChecksum(MBitem),MBitem["Id"]))
#update or insert actors
self.AddPeopleToMedia(idMVideo,MBitem.get("People"),"musicvideo", connection, cursor)
#update artwork
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "thumb", cursor)
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "poster", cursor)
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Banner"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "banner", cursor)
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Logo"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "clearlogo", cursor)
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Art"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "clearart", cursor)
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Thumb"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "landscape", cursor)
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Disc"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "discart", cursor)
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Backdrop"), idMVideo, "musicvideo", "fanart", cursor)
#update genres
self.AddGenresToMedia(idMVideo, genres, "musicvideo", cursor)
#update studios
self.AddStudiosToMedia(idMVideo, studios, "musicvideo", cursor)
#set resume point
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
self.setKodiResumePoint(fileid, resume, total, cursor)
#commit changes and return the id
def addOrUpdateTvShowToKodiLibrary( self, embyId, connection, cursor, viewTag ): def addOrUpdateTvShowToKodiLibrary( self, embyId, connection, cursor, viewTag ):
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='') addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
@ -739,9 +875,9 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
genre_id = genre_id + 1 genre_id = genre_id + 1
sql="insert into genre(genre_id, name) values(?, ?)" sql="insert into genre(genre_id, name) values(?, ?)"
cursor.execute(sql, (genre_id,genre)) cursor.execute(sql, (genre_id,genre))
utils.logMsg("AddGenresToMedia", "Processing : " + genre)
#assign genre to item #assign genre to item
utils.logMsg("AddGenresToMedia", "Processing : " + genre)
sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into genre_link(genre_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into genre_link(genre_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(sql, (genre_id, id, mediatype)) cursor.execute(sql, (genre_id, id, mediatype))
@ -760,7 +896,6 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
cursor.execute(sql, (idGenre,genre)) cursor.execute(sql, (idGenre,genre))
#assign genre to item #assign genre to item
utils.logMsg("AddGenresToMedia", "Processing : " + genre)
if mediatype == "movie": if mediatype == "movie":
sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into genrelinkmovie(idGenre, idMovie) values(?, ?)" sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into genrelinkmovie(idGenre, idMovie) values(?, ?)"
if mediatype == "tvshow": if mediatype == "tvshow":
@ -792,9 +927,9 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
studio_id = studio_id + 1 studio_id = studio_id + 1
sql="insert into studio(studio_id, name) values(?, ?)" sql="insert into studio(studio_id, name) values(?, ?)"
cursor.execute(sql, (studio_id,studio)) cursor.execute(sql, (studio_id,studio))
utils.logMsg("AddstudiosToMedia", "Processing : " + studio)
#assign studio to item #assign studio to item
utils.logMsg("AddstudiosToMedia", "Processing : " + studio)
sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into studio_link(studio_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into studio_link(studio_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(sql, (studio_id, id, mediatype)) cursor.execute(sql, (studio_id, id, mediatype))
@ -813,7 +948,6 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
cursor.execute(sql, (idstudio,studio)) cursor.execute(sql, (idstudio,studio))
#assign studio to item #assign studio to item
utils.logMsg("AddstudiosToMedia", "Processing : " + studio)
if mediatype == "movie": if mediatype == "movie":
sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into studiolinkmovie(idstudio, idMovie) values(?, ?)" sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into studiolinkmovie(idstudio, idMovie) values(?, ?)"
if mediatype == "tvshow": if mediatype == "tvshow":
@ -843,9 +977,9 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
tag_id = tag_id + 1 tag_id = tag_id + 1
sql="insert into tag(tag_id, name) values(?, ?)" sql="insert into tag(tag_id, name) values(?, ?)"
cursor.execute(sql, (tag_id,tag)) cursor.execute(sql, (tag_id,tag))
utils.logMsg("AddTagToMedia", "Adding tag: " + tag)
#assign tag to item #assign tag to item
utils.logMsg("AddTagToMedia", "Processing : " + tag)
sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into tag_link(tag_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into tag_link(tag_id, media_id, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(sql, (tag_id, id, mediatype)) cursor.execute(sql, (tag_id, id, mediatype))
@ -864,7 +998,6 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
cursor.execute(sql, (idTag,tag)) cursor.execute(sql, (idTag,tag))
#assign tag to item #assign tag to item
utils.logMsg("AddTagToMedia", "Processing : " + tag)
sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into taglinks(idTag, idMedia, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)" sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into taglinks(idTag, idMedia, media_type) values(?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(sql, (idTag, id, mediatype)) cursor.execute(sql, (idTag, id, mediatype))