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"""Tests for managing HTTP issues (malformed requests, etc)."""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import errno
import socket
import pytest
import six
from six.moves import urllib
from cheroot.test import helper
HTTP_OK = 200
class HelloController(helper.Controller):
"""Controller for serving WSGI apps."""
def hello(req, resp):
"""Render Hello world."""
return 'Hello world!'
def body_required(req, resp):
"""Render Hello world or set 411."""
if req.environ.get('Content-Length', None) is None:
resp.status = '411 Length Required'
return 'Hello world!'
def query_string(req, resp):
"""Render QUERY_STRING value."""
return req.environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
def asterisk(req, resp):
"""Render request method value."""
method = req.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'NO METHOD FOUND')
tmpl = 'Got asterisk URI path with {method} method'
return tmpl.format(**locals())
def _munge(string):
"""Encode PATH_INFO correctly depending on Python version.
WSGI 1.0 is a mess around unicode. Create endpoints
that match the PATH_INFO that it produces.
if six.PY3:
return string.encode('utf-8').decode('latin-1')
return string
handlers = {
'/hello': hello,
'/no_body': hello,
'/body_required': body_required,
'/query_string': query_string,
_munge('/привіт'): hello,
_munge('/Юххууу'): hello,
'/\xa0Ðblah key 0 900 4 data': hello,
'/*': asterisk,
def _get_http_response(connection, method='GET'):
c = connection
kwargs = {'strict': c.strict} if hasattr(c, 'strict') else {}
# Python 3.2 removed the 'strict' feature, saying:
# "http.client now always assumes HTTP/1.x compliant servers."
return c.response_class(c.sock, method=method, **kwargs)
def testing_server(wsgi_server_client):
"""Attach a WSGI app to the given server and pre-configure it."""
wsgi_server = wsgi_server_client.server_instance
wsgi_server.wsgi_app = HelloController()
wsgi_server.max_request_body_size = 30000000
wsgi_server.server_client = wsgi_server_client
return wsgi_server
def test_client(testing_server):
"""Get and return a test client out of the given server."""
return testing_server.server_client
def test_http_connect_request(test_client):
"""Check that CONNECT query results in Method Not Allowed status."""
status_line = test_client.connect('/anything')[0]
actual_status = int(status_line[:3])
assert actual_status == 405
def test_normal_request(test_client):
"""Check that normal GET query succeeds."""
status_line, _, actual_resp_body = test_client.get('/hello')
actual_status = int(status_line[:3])
assert actual_status == HTTP_OK
assert actual_resp_body == b'Hello world!'
def test_query_string_request(test_client):
"""Check that GET param is parsed well."""
status_line, _, actual_resp_body = test_client.get(
actual_status = int(status_line[:3])
assert actual_status == HTTP_OK
assert actual_resp_body == b'test=True'
'/hello', # plain
'/query_string?test=True', # query
'/{0}?{1}={2}'.format( # quoted unicode
*map(urllib.parse.quote, ('Юххууу', 'ї', 'йо'))
def test_parse_acceptable_uri(test_client, uri):
"""Check that server responds with OK to valid GET queries."""
status_line = test_client.get(uri)[0]
actual_status = int(status_line[:3])
assert actual_status == HTTP_OK
@pytest.mark.xfail(six.PY2, reason='Fails on Python 2')
def test_parse_uri_unsafe_uri(test_client):
"""Test that malicious URI does not allow HTTP injection.
This effectively checks that sending GET request with URL
is not converted into
blah key 0 900 4 data
which would be a security issue otherwise.
c = test_client.get_connection()
resource = '/\xa0Ðblah key 0 900 4 data'.encode('latin-1')
quoted = urllib.parse.quote(resource)
assert quoted == '/%A0%D0blah%20key%200%20900%204%20data'
request = 'GET {quoted} HTTP/1.1'.format(**locals())
response = _get_http_response(c, method='GET')
assert response.status == HTTP_OK
assert == b'Hello world!'
def test_parse_uri_invalid_uri(test_client):
"""Check that server responds with Bad Request to invalid GET queries.
Invalid request line test case: it should only contain US-ASCII.
c = test_client.get_connection()
c._output(u'GET /йопта! HTTP/1.1'.encode('utf-8'))
response = _get_http_response(c, method='GET')
assert response.status == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
assert == b'Malformed Request-URI'
'hello', # ascii
'привіт', # non-ascii
def test_parse_no_leading_slash_invalid(test_client, uri):
"""Check that server responds with Bad Request to invalid GET queries.
Invalid request line test case: it should have leading slash (be absolute).
status_line, _, actual_resp_body = test_client.get(
actual_status = int(status_line[:3])
assert actual_status == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
assert b'starting with a slash' in actual_resp_body
def test_parse_uri_absolute_uri(test_client):
"""Check that server responds with Bad Request to Absolute URI.
Only proxy servers should allow this.
status_line, _, actual_resp_body = test_client.get('')
actual_status = int(status_line[:3])
assert actual_status == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
expected_body = b'Absolute URI not allowed if server is not a proxy.'
assert actual_resp_body == expected_body
def test_parse_uri_asterisk_uri(test_client):
"""Check that server responds with OK to OPTIONS with "*" Absolute URI."""
status_line, _, actual_resp_body = test_client.options('*')
actual_status = int(status_line[:3])
assert actual_status == HTTP_OK
expected_body = b'Got asterisk URI path with OPTIONS method'
assert actual_resp_body == expected_body
def test_parse_uri_fragment_uri(test_client):
"""Check that server responds with Bad Request to URI with fragment."""
status_line, _, actual_resp_body = test_client.get(
actual_status = int(status_line[:3])
assert actual_status == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
expected_body = b'Illegal #fragment in Request-URI.'
assert actual_resp_body == expected_body
def test_no_content_length(test_client):
"""Test POST query with an empty body being successful."""
# "The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the
# inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in
# the request's message-headers."
# Send a message with neither header and no body.
c = test_client.get_connection()
c.request('POST', '/no_body')
response = c.getresponse()
actual_resp_body =
actual_status = response.status
assert actual_status == HTTP_OK
assert actual_resp_body == b'Hello world!'
def test_content_length_required(test_client):
"""Test POST query with body failing because of missing Content-Length."""
# Now send a message that has no Content-Length, but does send a body.
# Verify that CP times out the socket and responds
# with 411 Length Required.
c = test_client.get_connection()
c.request('POST', '/body_required')
response = c.getresponse()
actual_status = response.status
assert actual_status == HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED
(b'GET /', # missing proto
HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, b'Malformed Request-Line'),
(b'GET / HTTPS/1.1', # invalid proto
HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, b'Malformed Request-Line: bad protocol'),
(b'GET / HTTP/2.15', # invalid ver
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, b'Cannot fulfill request'),
def test_malformed_request_line(
test_client, request_line,
status_code, expected_body
"""Test missing or invalid HTTP version in Request-Line."""
c = test_client.get_connection()
response = _get_http_response(c, method='GET')
assert response.status == status_code
assert == expected_body
def test_malformed_http_method(test_client):
"""Test non-uppercase HTTP method."""
c = test_client.get_connection()
c.putrequest('GeT', '/malformed_method_case')
c.putheader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
response = c.getresponse()
actual_status = response.status
assert actual_status == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
actual_resp_body =
assert actual_resp_body == b'Malformed method name'
def test_malformed_header(test_client):
"""Check that broken HTTP header results in Bad Request."""
c = test_client.get_connection()
c.putrequest('GET', '/')
c.putheader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
# See
response = c.getresponse()
actual_status = response.status
assert actual_status == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
actual_resp_body =
assert actual_resp_body == b'Illegal header line.'
def test_request_line_split_issue_1220(test_client):
"""Check that HTTP request line of exactly 256 chars length is OK."""
Request_URI = (
assert len('GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n' % Request_URI) == 256
actual_resp_body = test_client.get(Request_URI)[2]
assert actual_resp_body == b'Hello world!'
def test_garbage_in(test_client):
"""Test that server sends an error for garbage received over TCP."""
# Connect without SSL regardless of server.scheme
c = test_client.get_connection()
response = c.response_class(c.sock, method='GET')
actual_status = response.status
assert actual_status == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
actual_resp_body =
assert actual_resp_body == b'Malformed Request-Line'
except socket.error as ex:
# "Connection reset by peer" is also acceptable.
if ex.errno != errno.ECONNRESET:
class CloseController:
"""Controller for testing the close callback."""
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
"""Get the req to know header sent status."""
self.req = start_response.__self__.req
resp = CloseResponse(self.close)
start_response(resp.status, resp.headers.items())
return resp
def close(self):
"""Close, writing hello."""
class CloseResponse:
"""Dummy empty response to trigger the no body status."""
def __init__(self, close):
"""Use some defaults to ensure we have a header."""
self.status = '200 OK'
self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}
self.close = close
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Ensure we don't have a body."""
raise IndexError()
def output(self):
"""Return self to hook the close method."""
return self
def testing_server_close(wsgi_server_client):
"""Attach a WSGI app to the given server and pre-configure it."""
wsgi_server = wsgi_server_client.server_instance
wsgi_server.wsgi_app = CloseController()
wsgi_server.max_request_body_size = 30000000
wsgi_server.server_client = wsgi_server_client
return wsgi_server
def test_send_header_before_closing(testing_server_close):
"""Test we are actually sending the headers before calling 'close'."""
_, _, resp_body = testing_server_close.server_client.get('/')
assert resp_body == b'hello'